Social Services... Really?

Ok, I have to admit I missed the accident or whatever that caused the kid's broken arm, but, really? One accident requires a visit from social services to check out the kid's living situation? A social worker too stupid to read the medical charts (that he's not entitled to read without a court order) and see who the patient listed on them is?

For a show that I'm gathering is being aimed more at adults, that's pretty ridiculous. What a pity, I love Jerry.


That social services thing was realistic. Since he just got custody it made sense they would come by.

This is my sig...Now look up.


Yeah, I really don't think so. Social Services doesn't know the second you walk in the ER. It takes a report from a doctor or a nurse. The kid's first visit/injury and he says he broke his arm skateboarding, they aren't going to call for that. Now, if it was his 3rd or so time in there or he had bruises that didn't match his story... then, yeah.
And, still, the social worker can't just go in the back and get someone's medical charts, either. It was just all completely ridiculous, bad writing.


My sister worked for social services, so I know more about this than you do. It was fine and expected, move on.

This is my sig...Now look up.


Really?? THAT'S your reply? ROFL
You really sound like you have no idea what you're talking about. You also have no idea about my background or what I do or do not know. And with that, yes, I will move on because this is not worth my time any longer.


Yep, prime example of butthurt right there.

My second comment dismissed you for a reason, and it's that holier than thou attitude you have. He is a new guardian, there is legal paths he would have had to take; so it is not uncommon for this to happen. Which I told you before, you lorded over me and then got dismissed. Your reply? Extreme butthurt. Go cry a river and get over yourself.

FYI, your rant easily goes both ways. Off to you ignore you go.

Edit: In case you never thought about it and you clearly didn't. It is possible the sister called them. She made it clear she didn't want him as guardian and wanted him for herself. Which is proven by how she tried to undermine him in front of the guy. It is also likely the nurse let him look and he had all legal permission. This is a comedy, not CSI so not 100% of the details will be known. But I guess you are too busy riding your high horse and being butthurt to notice such things.

Anyway son, I said my piece and will now ignore you forever.

This is my sig...Now look up.


I know I said I was out but I just want to say that I never intended, in that post you reference, to be "holier than thou" and I'm sorry that it came out that way to you. However, you "dismissed" me with really no proper discussions, points, or reasons as to why you are supposedly right in your responses. You did not tell me, in your first response, anything you claim you did in your latter response. Furthermore, I did not "lord over" you by any means. In my second post I plainly stated my position, I never once "lorded," maybe you should look up the definition to that. "My sister is a social worker" is not a valid defense nor does it prove anything, nor is it a "dismissal." (My brother is a CPA, that must mean I know all the laws about taxes.) I know there's legal hoops to jump through when inheriting a child, however, that does not mean social services is going to be all over at an ER visit such as this unless someone has something to prove. And, again, certainly not getting access to medical records that they have no right getting - I have yet to hear you address that one. I still cannot see how your point can stand. Using "butthurt" doesn't make you right.

So, sure, ignore me - no skin off my back, but I'm sorry you're reading things into this that are not the case. I suggest you take a chill pill and try to properly state your points next time.

The whole point is, if they want to appeal to adults, they're going to have to step up the writing of this show.

Now I'm out, off to bed, turning off email replies so I won't be tempted to come back here.


For two people claiming to know so much about a profession, you couldn't sound more immature.


I'm ore on vbb's side of the arguement
