MovieChat Forums > The Night Shift (2014) Discussion > The one incorrect thing that got to me l...

The one incorrect thing that got to me last night....

While lung transplants do not cure CF but extends life and far betters the quality simply because patients can breathe much better, the most basic thing in life, a SINGLE transplant isn't an option because of the type of disease (unlike some illnesses or diseases). Therefore it had to be miswritten or spoken when it was said Brianna got one lung. In her case, it would have to be a double transplant.

Otherwise with the episodes they were AWESOME. TC got what he deserved when Drew punched him in that cell.


Im so glad I wasnt the only one that bothered! They do both lungs or the infection can spred from the othr lung into the new lung!



"It also bothered me that after the transplant, she was only on a nasal cannula of oxygen! That seemed unrealistic."

That part is just the way TV time is, if you ask me. I know normally patients are normally on a ventilor and tach for a while till the body heals and adjusts.

The happiest was sped up. Unrealistic but sweet to see. It sweet to Drew and Rick finally together on screen. It was adorable when she said they were going to be her dads.



TV shows can push what "agendas" they want.

You are entitled to your opinion but there are as many straight people who are for gay people having the right to adopt as there are gay people for it.

If you are so upset by this "agenda," WHY do you watch this show? It seems pretty lame to watch a show and constantly criitize it.


Cardianl42 lying she doesn't like gay people and blame them when chasing life was cancelled

Here cardinal42 post from last year

IMDb member since July 2015

God FORBID we do that. No let's cancel a show that actually MATTERS to people. A show that deals with an important subject.And lets keep shows that deal with sex changes and two lesbian lovers playing mommies to a bunch of foster kids. I know it may not be a popular opinion but it's mine and I am allowed to it. I am sick of the lesbians and gays being shoved down my throat in the media. What people do in their private lives is none of my business. But I don't have to watch it on tv. And it's not just this station either. It's practically everywhere. On every show. You can't escape it. But an important topic like Cancer? No. God forbid we show someone struggling with that which is something that MILLIONS can relate to. NO lets have shows that are morally wrong. And in many religions it IS a moral issue.

And as if a show about a sex change was not enough? Now we are getting a show about a singer who's lyrics are so revolting that they have to be bleeped out? If they have no intention of showing FAMILY shows? Then take the name FAMILY out of your name. Because it's disgusting

by cardinal42
» Sat Oct 3 2015 18:49:09 Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since July 2015
Yeah I'm neither. But whatever. I have my OPINIONS and you have yours. I never said I hated black people so calling me a racist is a bit much. And I don't like Lesbians or gays. Got news for you there sweetie, I am not the only one. It's not NORMAL to be in a relationship with someone of the same sex. Period. I don't owe you any more explanation then that. Bye now.
Re: It got canceled ?

by cardinal42 » 1 hour ago (Fri Apr 1 2016 21:19:01)
IMDb member since July 2015

Yeah it is. Anyone who says they are BORN Gay is lying. Babies don't even what that means.

Lara Croft Himiko! The First Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.


Cardianl42 lying she doesn't like gay people and blame them when chasing life was cancelled

Good catch Lara! I still remember when Nancy told another poster who happens to be gay that she wouldn't let him lay on her couch even if he was dying. Nancy is such a liar.😏



You have got to be the most angry, hateful, spiteful, person ever. I see you on several boards and all you do is call people names and tell them how stupid their opinions are.

You have you're own opinions and I just told you mind. Now YOU can DEAL with THAT.



by cardinal42 » 1 hour ago (Thu Aug 25 2016 13:20:16)
IMDb member since July 2015

And YOU have to be the bitchiest bitch I have EVER known. What boards? Oh right...NONE. Liar. No you are a BITCH and it is GOING TO stop. You hear me lady? I am DONE!Go get some help for you issues. PLEASE.

Lara Croft Himiko! The First Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.


And you are a fine example of the end result of having a mother and a father raise a child. By the way, it's so nice of you to pretty much write off those kids who have lost parents to war, accidents, sickness or dying because they had a blood clot and had no idea. Oh and way to say Sandra Bullocks adopted kids are screwed because they only have her and no father.

When have convicted child molesters ever adopted kids??? If they did then clearly the agency and the courts failed miserably in protecting that child. Key word by the way is CONVICTED and then went on to adopt.

Oh and as a straight person I am all for any child in need getting adopted by loving parents. Be it they are gay, straight or transgender.
Hell let a penguin raise them, as long as they are loved, happy and taken care who cares!

"I am who I am, no excuses."




by cardinal42 » 1 hour ago (Thu Aug 25 2016 13:23:58)
IMDb member since July 2015

HUH? What in the...? Children need TWO parents. A mother AND a father. Comparing a woman who CHOSE to adopt children as a single mother a woman who LOST a husband are not even CLOSE to the same. Look it up. Kids with fathers have lower rates of teen pregnancy and more. I am not making that up. And if agencies don't do a background check you MORON then they can and do get kids. LOOK IT UP!
I never said convicted you DUMBASS!

And I will call you whatever name I feel like. Baby can't handle it? TOUGH!

Kids need TWO parents and NOT of the same sex. that is my OPINION and you shut your *beep* mouth!

Lara Croft Himiko! The First Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.


Children do not need two parents, I'm assuming you had two parents and you are a clear indicator that two parents don't mean anything. I know an enormous amount of people that were raised by single parents and they turned out pretty freaking fantastic. I can guarantee that Sandra Bullock would make a better mother than you ever would if you were married and had children. You would teach your children to be as angry and bigoted as you and the world can do without that. By the way, never said it was a woman who lost her husband, there are many husbands that lose their wives and raise the child alone. I actually know of one personally.

Name one adoption agency that does not do any background checks. Convicted is the only way that anyone would know they were pedophiles you dingbat. There are tons of parents that sexually abuse their biological children as well, children that are being raised by mothers and fathers together. Are you even remotely serious with some of your arguments?

You're opinion is clearly an example of correlation theory. Open your eyes, there are tons of kids out there that need loving homes and if two capable adults (be it the same sex or not) want to adopt them and pass all the checks than they sure as hell have every right to do it. Last I checked the Constitution has never mentioned anything about parents needing to be of opposite sex, and despite what you seem to think this country is not controlled by any religion, we are required to follow the law of the Constitution. If you want a country that goes by what religion says maybe you should move to the Middle East.

I'm sorry but last I checked you weren't my manager or my director so you can't tell me what to do.

"I am who I am, no excuses."


I can't stay silent here.

If you think she's the only straight person who is okay with gay people adopting you are sadly mistaken. Many straight people are not bigots, news flash.

And lumping child molesters in with gay people is even worse. First, most pedophiles are straight. Second,do you think adoption agencies don't do background checks?

Sure, you can be upset by any agenda you want. But there is no such thing as a "gay agenda."

Now, say something vile to me that will get deleted by the admins.

It ain't the Ganges, but you go with what you got." ~ Ken Talley, "The Fifth of July"



I NEVER said I was a bigot or that I hated gays. What I SAID is that gays should not be allowed to adopt. It's MY opinion and I am ALLOWED to have it. And if you think I am the ONLY one who feels the way I do? I got news for you there peaches:I'm NOT! I have gay friends you stupid bitch. So don't you DARE say I am a bigot. Shove it up your ass. You are being reported. Goodbye.

Hello BONEHEAD. I never said that child molesters who adopted kids were REGISTERED as sex offender DID I? Oh right...I did NOT. And FYI? If you think a background check is going to stop someone think again. If they are not CONVICTED you jerk off they are not going to be denied a child! God sakes use your brain if you have one.

First, I did not call you a bigot. I simply said many straight people are not bigots.

I also clearly said you are allowed to have your opinion.

You have gay friends? Sure you do.

I said nothing about child molesters who were registered or not, only that adoption agencies do background checks. Of course you missed my point that child molesters and gay people are not the same. And that pointing out that child molesters should not adopt is not analogous to gay people being allowed to adopt.

Hmmm, should Josh Duggar be allowed to adopt?

But thanks for not disappointing me in your reply. I knew you wouldn't be able to resist screaming in all caps, (SAID, MY, ALLOWED, ONLY, NOT, DARE, BONEHEAD, REGISTERED, DID I, NOT, CONVICTED) or name calling ( peaches, you stupid bitch, BONEHEAD, you jerk off) or making nasty suggestions (don't you DARE, shove it up your ass, you are being reported, use your brain if you have one.)

Have a nice weekend with your gay friends.

It ain't the Ganges, but you go with what you got." ~ Ken Talley, "The Fifth of July"



Yeah you DID. Don't insult me. I know you think I am stupid. But I am not. I know what you said to me lady. Yes I do have gay friends. I don't care if you believe that or not. I don't owe you proof of diddly squat. No you did not say I was allowed an opinion. You attacked me instead. I love how you want to deny everything you said to me. Josh Duggar? Who the hell is that? My POINT you dumb F is that if they have never been CONVICTED of a crime, then YES they can adopt. I have heard stories of it believe me. It has been done. Gay people should not be allowed to adopt. That is MY opinion. Deal with it and move on. Harass me again and we are going to have a problem.

You will be deleted. Give it time. Bye! My personal life is NONE of your business psycho freak.

So you can dish it but can't take it? Figures you woosy baby.

Please quote me the sentence I wrote that called you a bigot.

I never said you were stupid.

I didn't ask for proof you have gay friends. I'm sure they love you.

I said you could be against any agenda you want, implying you are welcome to your opinion.

I'm not clear on why you bring pedophiles into the discussion of whether or not gay people should be allowed to adopt. Could you please tell me what your objection is to gay people adopting since the two issues are mutually exclusive?

Josh Duggar isn't someone you've heard of? Oh well.

Did you not notice that your first reply to me has been deleted?

I said nothing about your personal life.

It ain't the Ganges, but you go with what you got." ~ Ken Talley, "The Fifth of July"


You have gay friends? Sure you do.

Nancy said she has black friends too. Sounds plausible to me. 
I'm sure her birthday party is going to have a very diverse and fascinating guest list. I hope she lets her apartment manager know ahead of time because it sounds like the apartment complex is going to be rockin'!

Just kidding. The guest list will probably consist of Nancy, her Brian Blow-Up doll and the cat.




Seriously, you come back with that much anger after all this time and call me "bitch" and "idiot" and threaten me? Hilarious. And don't call me your friend. With friends like you, who needs enemies? Did you have nothing to do today so you looked up conversations from 20 days ago? Get a life!

And if you think I am the ONLY straight person who is okay with gay adoption?

You are okay with it? Cool. When did you change your mind?

I know there are bigots out there. This is not news. I simply do not stand by when someone spouts antiquated ideas. Most bigots do not wish to be educated or see any other point of view. That, by the way, is the definition of bigotry.

Gay couples adopt and then kids have two parents. And for your information, single people are allowed to adopt. Is it better for children to grow up in the system without parents at all?

I didn't say pedophiles are always straight. I said the majority are straight and it is a myth that all gay people molest or recruit -- try actually reading a comment before going off on someone. But hey, that would require manners and self discipline which you clearly lack. As I said twice already, comparing pedophles to gay people is uncalled for. You brought them up in direct relation to why gay people should not adopt children. Comparing the two is inappropriate and indicates you equate gay people with pediophilia. One is something consenting adults do that is legal in this country, the other is a crime. So you are comparing gay people to criminals. Plenty of people should not adopt but their seuxality is not a reason to deny them. Being a criminal is.

The gay people didn't get together and set an agenda. They simply want what everyone else wants, the respect of the rest of the population. Don't like it? Tough cookies, to use your words. And since you aren't capable of respecting anyone who differs with you, I'm not surprised.

And while you're at it tell those imaginary gay friends of yours that you are against them being able to adopt and that you think they have an agenda. I'm sure they'll really appreciate that.

It ain't the Ganges, but you go with what you got." ~ Ken Talley, "The Fifth of July"


by cardinal42 » 1 hour ago (Thu Aug 25 2016 13:27:21)
IMDb member since July 2015

And if you think I am the ONLY straight person who is okay with gay adoption? You are SORELY mistaken my friend. SORELY.I am NOT a bigot. I have many gay friends. But children need TWO parents. A MOTHER AND a FATHER! PLain and simple. Don't like it? TOUGH COOKIES!

Pedophiles are NOT always straight. No they don't always do background checks. And if you think they are do? YOU ARE AN IDIOT! If they do international adoption they don't do background checks!

There IS such a thing as a gay agenda and you my friend are an IDIOT if you think there is not.

Keep pushing me lady and you will regret. And that is NOT a threat bitch.

Lara Croft Himiko! The First Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.


Good thing you preserved this, because the original is already gone, lol. And in less than 3 hours!

I see hate speech and making threats against other posters (even if they are empty) is still grounds for deletion.

The amusing thing is that she never learns. Seems like her other post today was to repeat one that was previously deleted.

Good times!

It ain't the Ganges, but you go with what you got." ~ Ken Talley, "The Fifth of July"


by cardinal42 » 4 hours ago (Fri Aug 5 2016 09:33:14)
IMDb member since July 2015

Wow. I do not constantly criticize it. Go Look on the Facebook page for this show. Plenty of people besides me think the show needs to improve a TON. And I can be upset by any "Agenda" that I want! Don't you dare tell me what I should or should not like. Who in the heck do you think you are? Kids need a MOTHER and a FATHER. Not two fathers or two mothers. And that is my OPINION. So suck it. I don't really give a crap. What straight people are for it/ Besides you? Just because they CAN adopt, does not mean they should. Child molesters have adopted to. Doesn't mean they should.

Bigot and hateful is what cardinal42 is

Lara Croft Himiko! The First Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.


Wow. I do not constantly criticize it. Go Look on the Facebook page for this show. Plenty of people besides me think the show needs to improve a TON. And I can be upset by any "Agenda" that I want! Don't you dare tell me what I should or should not like. Who in the heck do you think you are? Kids need a MOTHER and a FATHER. Not two fathers or two mothers. And that is my OPINION. So suck it. I don't really give a crap. What straight people are for it/ Besides you? Just because they CAN adopt, does not mean they should. Child molesters have adopted to. Doesn't mean they should.

Did you seriously compare gay people to child molestors? Wooooowwww...



Despite the one hundred million times you have promised it, you are NEVER, EVER, EVER going to be done "ilovekidsatmidnight". Please don't continually make promises which you have no intention of keeping - it's just cruel.



Yeah I did. What are you going to do about it b?! Huh? I dare you. Come on. Bring it!

I don't need to do anything about it. You're taking care of that all on your own. it's only a matter of time until your post is deleted. Again.



Gingerbreadgrl81 said:

Did you seriously compare gay people to child molestors? Wooooowwww...

And you replied:

Yeah I did. What are you going to do about it b?! Huh? I dare you. Come on. Bring it!

Is that an admission you compared gay people to child molesters?

I think that's what that is.

Do your gay friends know you think they are child molesters?

It ain't the Ganges, but you go with what you got." ~ Ken Talley, "The Fifth of July"


Cardinal42 aka merrymaids11 doesn't have any gay friends and cardinal42 is bigot she actually blame the Gays and Lesbians for chasing life being cancelled

Lara Croft Himiko! The First Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.



Oh, I am fully aware.

It ain't the Ganges, but you go with what you got." ~ Ken Talley, "The Fifth of July"





There was so much detail in where the transplant organs were going, really too much. You might get a city or a gender but no truly identifying details.

The son of one of my friends was a complete donor, ie., skin, organs, corneas, bone marrow, when he didn't survive a motorcycle accident. We think of it as his life going on and making other people's lives better. We don't know who the recipients were, just that, and their lives and the lives of the friends and families got better because of this.

p.s., probably the lungs of the teenager wouldn't have fit into the chest of the little girl, either.
