MovieChat Forums > The Night Shift (2014) Discussion > Put Jordan back with Scott and hook up t...

Put Jordan back with Scott and hook up tc and Syd

They all have incredible chemistry. They just need to kick Annie to the curb


I still want Jordan w/TC; Scott is a jerk for "ditching his plans" w/Annie just b/c Jordan starts "batting her eyes" at him- It doesn't make sense that Scott/Jordan all of a sudden became a couple "again". TC/Jordan ARE opposites but that is what makes them so interesting, besides Scott/Jordan ARE ONE BIG yarn fest! Of course the writers had to make Annie the bad person and steal the drugs, which pisses me off b/c she was doing so well, I BLAME Scott for her relapse b/c he gave her "broken promises" and "lead her on"...

Also TC/Syd wouldn't be a bad idea b/c I love Jennifer Beals, and they DO have some great chemistry together but I have always been a TC/Jordan fan, and I think the introduction credits of the show are as well b/c they still have that "hot scene" w/Jordan/TC fooling around in the beginning credits! Still...can't help but love them together. Jordan IS pissing me off right now b/c she couldn't stand Scott dating Annie from the very start. Scott would be a wuss taking Jordan back - I mean she CHOSE TC over him.. (great choice)!

But... I could see Syd/TC falling for each other. IF THE SHOW RETURNS. They have Jennifer Beals on the show now so hell the ratings should be better now:)


I dunno. I dont know if I ever really felt TC and Jordan. I like her with Scott. I love TC but he needs to get his head on right.

You cant make an omelette without breaking a few legs-Ziva David



TC is a tool, he could just leave the show and i wouldn't care. Very annoying character.


No way. I really do not like Syd at all. She needs to leave. Hopefully that bomb killed her.



Of course I know that. Which is why I don't want her to hook up with TC as the OP suggested...that would probably turn her in to a regular.



I'm not opposed to this happening. I love Syd though.
