Fascinating acting!!!

Wow!!! Think when they did role tryouts, they purposely chose the worse candidates available?
Wow is all I can come up with!!!


The two young actors in this movie have more talent in their little fingers than you have acquired in a lifetime. I suppose you feel good about yourself hiding behind a web handle and knocking two young actors?

The rest of the cast are all superb actors, well recognized for their talents.

Richard Boddington


Calm down. The acting wasn't that good.

People are allowed to want to see believable acting when watching a movie and are also allowed to comment if they don't think the acting was that great.


I apologize Mr Boddington, I am not an evil person, never want to hurt anybody, just thought this film had some serious flaws!!! I'm not a writer, critic, or a director, so the truth is, I don't know what I am talking about !
I apologize. but rreally love Family Wildernes Survival Films, if that makes any sense!!


I agree. Mostly bad acting. Disappointing because the movie had a good premise.


Is that guy serious ?? LMFAO This "movie" is a laugh riot, no actors could've
been more hilarious to watch than this crew, so over the top trying to act serious, they fail miserably, this crew would've been better off on Laugh In.

My Top 50 Films http://www.imdb.com/list/ls033211402/
