Nick and Ed?

I haven't read the book so I have no idea. But, are they playing brothers in this? Because, I honestly can't imagine casting them in the same movie unless they're playing brothers or relatives of some sort.


They do look alike don't they? I remeber when Ed was in Game of thrones, I saw some pictures of him that said it was Nicholas in Clas of Titans, and I recently saw on twitter several people who thought it was Nicholas the new Trasporter! lol. But Alas no, they don't play brothers just co-workers.


Thank you for the info. It seems like a missed opportunity. I also thought it was Nic in the new Transporter the first time I saw the trailer. And when I saw Ed in the Deadpool trailer I thought, "Wow! Beast is an a-hole in this movie!" LOL!

"A guy who dresses up like a bat CLEARLY has issues." -- Bruce Wayne
