Fantasy FilmFest goers

Could someone share their thoughts on the movie? or comparision with the book if you have read it please?


Dunno about the book, but at the end of the movie, I found it pretty terrifying.


I haven't read the book but the movie is enjoyable, dark and sometimes hilarious. It is definitely a wasted opportunity though as the soundtrack is pretty *beep* the pacing is weak and Nicolas's performance is directed in a way that he doesn't really have any charm or charisma to endear himself to the audience. He often just comes off like someone who hates his friends, music, society and his job. It is very much a mix of Wolf of Wall Streets & American Psycho but not nearly as competent as those. I personally was rooting for Jordan Belfort and Patrick Bateman because their charisma and charm and how we see them enjoy their lifestyles even if we dont agree with them, while Steven Stelfox just comes off as a psychopath who never really finds any enjoyment in his life and continually does despicable things.


Just like the book then. He's not a charming man there either, he's actually worse. This man is not supposed to be liked at all, which I don't know if in a movie it worked as well as they hoped to audiences compared to a book.
