3 minutes

Is how long I lasted in this movie because of the terrible acting.


no matter how many movies N Cage is in... he always plays the same rogue, slow moving character. I think he got his acting lessons from Stiffs R Us.

...with the exception of Snake Eyes... there he portrayed some one with life. Besides, I love De Palma films.

Smoke me a kipper. I'll be back for breakfast


no matter how many movies N Cage is in... he always plays the same rogue, slow moving character. I think he got his acting lessons from Stiffs R Us.

Cage is notoriously in debt, and will do any movie for a paycheck. Usually, he compensates for bad movies by cranking his "Cageness" to 11, so you still get your money's worth (the godawful remake of Wicker Man being the best example).

In this case, however, he was obviously so embarrassed to have sunk this low, that you could basically see him questioning the life choices that led him to this point when he was supposed to be acting.
