Nothing Less but AWESOME!!!

I just made a Batman Marathon, watching all the Real-Action Movies from 89 to the Trilogy, TAS, The Batman, Beware the Batman, and all Animation Movies. This one i kept for last, hadn´t seen it before. What an amazing Movie. Every Scene is a lovely hommage to the Batman lore and previous films. The Lego objects are so beautifully crafted and yet look like something you know from all the other Media. Be it comics, movies or games.

when they tried to sell toys and just made Batman and Robin for that, they failed big time. this movie got everything right, i´m just about to buy me some lego now.

the dialogues where funny, the facial animation and the movements as well, the story was totally fun and yet a traditional batman story. seeing all known villians in epic goofy fights is just plain awesome.

what really amazed me was the score and the soundeffects. both were spot on. great atmosphere. I wouldn´t mind to see more of this.


This film is fun. I've been told it's just made up of footage taken from the video games, but I've never played them,.

Will Arnett is supposed to be returning in a LEGO BATMAN spinoff to THE LEGO MOVIE. Won't be a sequel to this film, but could still be fun.


Its a really good movie, got me interested in the videogames.

Esta es mi firma



It was better than I thought. :D
Ant @ The Ant Farm ( and Ant's Quality Foraged Links (
