MovieChat Forums > Wish You Well Discussion > The "shill" reviews.

The "shill" reviews.

Right now there are 7 user reviews. Two of them are legitimate. Five of them are written by users accounts that have only ONE review, this one, and each praises the movie greatly and give it a 10/10 rating.

Well folks it is always disheartening when distributors of a movie feel this is a good way to get people to see it or buy the DVD. Those five 10/10 reviewers are just shill reviewers. Be aware and evaluate further if you should spend your time and/or money on this movie.

I watched it on DVD from my public library. I am glad I did, it has a nice story, often cheesy, and nothing that hasn't been done many times in movies over the years. Compared to lots of other movies I rate it a 6 of 10 . Ellen Burstyn is good as the old landowner who likes home and cares about people, even the family of the very bad neighbor.

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


Wow, I've had a lot of years with IMDb and I've never seen this before, but now twice in the last few days I've seen fake reviews piled up to the rafters. And they're all so blatant! It looks like there might be one legitimate 10/10 from 2015 and all the others are from January 2014.

On the other movie, there were two dozen rave reviews, all posted on the same day, with weird alphabetically aligned reviewer names. Two of the posts under different names were identical. Woogah.

There must be a new notation in the job description for employees in the marketing department.


Wow, never thought of that or noticed it before..eyes are opened now! WHY in God's green earth would someone DO something SO pathetic!?? Do they really think they can change others'perceptions' of what a given film is?? Seriously need to GET A LIFE!! Thanks for the info and the 'heads-up'!
