
This film proves that republicans voters are misled. Many dems and many more GOP politicians are owned by the Koch Cime Family. The 1% should just start their own party.



I just finished watching the documentary and I read your review of the documentary. I think you oversimplified the influence of Ayn Rand's writings on Paul Ryah. I read Atlas Shrugged in high school, as well as the Fountainhead and all Ayn Rand's other writing including her non-fiction work. I am an African American and although I understood that Ayn Rand would probably dismiss me as one of the "takers" who was not fit to share the air with the likes of her elk, her philosophy did have some positive points I found extremely useful for survival. Until they weren't.

Because essential that is Ayn Rand's philosophy, "social Darwinism" wrapped in a cloak of rugged individualism. It's economic eugenics, pure and simple. She provided a blueprint for the richest of society to guard their wealth from the grubby fingers of those who would guilt them into some responsibility for the lesser among them. Ayn Rand was an atheist. She did not believe in God, she believed in the glorification of man. Her philosophy comes straight from Satan's loins. A country that despises it's poor is headed for a great fall.

The disparity of the classes is a historical fact. It's not propaganda. The current government shut-down is proof positive that there is no real regard for the middle and lower class. There is an organized smear campaign to demonetize the Affordable Care Act because it causes business owners to fork over some cash to take care of their employees. The same political muscle used to bust unions is at work against the Affordable Care Act and the poor are the ones who will suffer because it.

The people that like to talk about the "47%" and the moochers and takers are the same ones that preach population control, advocate forced sterilizations for the poorest among us and believe they are entitled to enjoy all of the bounty of America without restrictions, without moral conscience, without the voice of others in their ear crying "unfair advantage." The game is rigged from the start and all this rhetoric about everyone having equal opportunity is foolish talk form those who are out of touch with how the rest of the world lives.

~TV is deep because life is complicated.


The people that like to talk about the "47%" and the moochers and takers are the same ones that preach population control, advocate forced sterilizations for the poorest among us

Actually, the eugenicist and population control advocate Margaret Sanger ( ), founder of Planned Parenthood, which has exterminated countless unborn black children ( ) is admired by people on the left like Hillary Clinton. ( )
Noah's Ark is a problem.

