Selena Gomez

I love her, but why in this movie does her face look like a chipmunk?
She has a natural round face, but I felt like she had an allergic reaction or something...
Anyone else think this?

Awesome movie anyway being someone who knew nothing at all going in; just went into it blind and had a blast.



She looks like a giant toddler.


She looks like a giant toddler.
Exactly this.


damn right lol. she looks like a cow


In case you forget she is an actress And I think she did an amazing job in that role. sometimes they need to change their look for a role Dot is an ordinary girl the Sexy Glamour look would not work for the role, she look beautiful just like the role describe beautiful, young, insecure but yet with confident.


She has lupus and seems to have gained some weight. Really simple I think.

EDIT: That being said I just went to her concert in Brooklyn and she is really thin.


The lupus makes her swell


Yeah I felt bad for chuckling that she looked fatter, but then I remembered about her Lupus. Poor gal, I wish her well


She also mentioned she was on Chemo for a while which she said also made her bloat.


I wondered this too, oh no that's sad to hear. She's such a beautiful girl, very Native American looking.


She looks amazing here check out the link


Her cheeks were super chubby.

But she is still cute as hell.


Don't really care how she looked. She was terrific in this film. BTW, I thought she looked fine.
