Selena Gomez killed it

Amazing performance by all the actors but Selena Gomez killed it..

I really loved this Movie .


Saw it yesterday on Netflix and I have to say I agree with you From the Future. All were excellent, though I thought Trevor's Mum's accent was rather strange, but she is a British actress, not a US one as I thought. I thought that the end scenes with Dot and Trevor were lovely and made me tear up a bit. Great film!


IMO job well done, but I wouldn't say she killed it.


Killed it in a good or bad way? Haha well, I always find it contrived when an actress that started out in innocent things like Disney and in real life seems the opposite acts like she does. But she did good. I thought the cussing was random and was just for the sake of making her look cool


Trevors mum is American in real life and I really hated her accent.


Are you American yourself? I'm English and I thought her accent was excellent.


I don't understand the accent thing either, thought her accent was fine.


This surprised me, since she is well known for her role in the BBC miniseries version of Pride and Prejudice, from the 1990s. (It's the one with Colin Firth.) So I googled and found that she is most likely of dual citizenship. He mom was British, and Jennifer spent significant chunks of time in Britain while growing up. Her dad was American though.
