They were both selfish jerks

Couldn't care for Paul Rudd or the kid. The way he treats the business owner for biggest cow exhibit is shameful, what a complete a hole.

The kid is not sympathetic at all, so what if he's disabled there are millions much worse off.



They both should've been nicer to people. We are basically asked to excuse their rudeness because they have something bad happen in their lives, but there are plenty of people who like you say have it worse and still go through life without being jerks to everyone else.


umm it is illegal in the US to not have handicapped access. the guy should have had a ramp on the outside or a single person lift



While I agree the kid is an *beep* how is Paul Rudd a jerk for standing up to the business owner? If anything, the business owner is the jerk because he is, not only making life hard for disabled people, but also breaking the law by not having proper handicap access. Unless you know how it feels to have to struggle with getting around places because you're disabled, you will not understand how frustrating it is and what *beep* these business owners that do this are.


While I agree the kid is an *beep* how is Paul Rudd a jerk for standing up to the business owner? If anything, the business owner is the jerk because he is, not only making life hard for disabled people, but also breaking the law by not having proper handicap access. Unless you know how it feels to have to struggle with getting around places because you're disabled, you will not understand how frustrating it is and what *beep* these business owners that do this are.

100% agree with your comments about Paul Rudd's character.

I don't completely agree with your assessment that the kid was an *beep* I think he was just angry about his situation and immensely scared of dying.


Don't confuse characterization with character. In the situation, it's pretty obvious why Rudd goes off on the guy. And it should be pretty obvious why these characters act the way they do throughout the movie. Just because suffering exists worse than yours doesn't mean you can't feel bad or worthless or even guilt-stricken.

The instrument has yet to be invented that can measure my indifference to that remark.


That's humans isn't it? there are no things as saints in real life... And about the cow business they had a point, they had travel a long way to see it

We don't have a dog. That was just some really violent sex.
