Disappointing. ***SPOILERS***

So, the story goes that this documentary is about a guy, who's lived in more places than you or I, and he wants to settle down in the mountains. He decides to build a tiny house with "the help of" his girlfriend.


Except it's not interesting. Early on we see the girlfriend saying she doesn't know if she could live with him in that tiny house. Then later she's recounts her decision to move to New York, while he's still in the middle of building the house. Yeah, some help she turned out to be.


by the end of the movie she's still there. She never left. Maybe she realized that living for free with Chris was better than working 70 hours a week to afford a closet in NYC for $2500 a month.

The doc. was more about this guy's struggles to build the house, and his life story, and how he's 30 and... I don't know, some other boring crap. I think more time could have been spent on showing exactly WHAT IT'S LIKE to down size your life and live in a tiny house long term. More tumbleweed home dwellers should have been featured. How big of a fridge can a tiny house possibly accommodate? Laundry. Rent or buy a piece of land to build the house on. Raising kids? Getting others to build it for you. Pets. Weather conditions. Questions like that could have been delved in to. Instead we just get this boring guy and his dull girlfriend who's still hanging around.

"I'd beg for some forgiveness
but begging's not my business"


Well, to be fair, the documentary wasn't really about his girlfriend or their relationship. As she mentioned early on, she didn't know if she wanted to live in the house but was happy to be there and to help. Relationships aren't as a cut and dry as you make them out to be. Also, if your biggest concern is "How big of a fridge" could fit into that house, then clearly you missed the point of the whole story.

Anyone here mentions Hotel California dies before the first line clears his lips.


She appears to live in Brooklyn, New York now.

I kept thinking to myself, "This is a documentary of a girl breaking up with her boyfriend..."


Except it doesn't have to be. Lots of couples are able to make that work out quite happily. I think they're just one of them.

"Hey! If...if we had some rope, we could make a log bridge...if...if we had...some...logs."
