The oddest sub-set of pop culture fandom ever...

... and that is saying something.


From the clips and promotional material I've seen it is really patronizing and doesn't serve the purpose of informing non-Bronies without a ton of lame bias.

I'm a Brony and I'm never going to "cosplay" as a non-human character that should stay being depicted a cute little pony, nor read/write a shred of fanfiction for a cartoon that works perfectly well as a canon work of animation and voice acting. It's just the show and some of the fans that are awesome.

Yeah, how do they expect to make money off this, it is so, just, ew, patronizing.

This makes me really apprehensive of John de Lancie.

(I still want him to voice the talking rat, Ripred, from my favorite novel series The Underland Chronicles)


Have you watched it yet? Do you still feel the same?


It is most definitely NOT patronizing or biast. If you've not seen it then you need to.

That was all rather thrilling. Anything more cinematographic could scarcely be imagined.


This was a self-aggrandizing, propaganda documentary that tried to normalize the disturbed cult like fanbase known as bronies and did not succeed.


a commenter on youtube with a professional wrestler's name said this, so it must be true


i really fear for the future of mankind


Hey, these men and women are doing what makes them happy and aren't hurting anyone in their actions. Why hate? Live and let live. I think it's fantastic that there's a hole for every peg out there, no matter what the shape.


Yeah but there's a line. The show isn't meant for them. The themes and lessons within the show are things they should know by their age, pretty much across the board. I mean even the animation is cheap & awful, every time someone used that as a reason they like it I thought they were full of it.

They needed more time and explanation devoted to those hipsters who like it only because its ironic that they do. I would agree that the makers skipping that made the fans they did focus on look even worse and crazier.

So while I support the idea that theres something out there for everyone, at some point there's a limit to what's appropriate. What if these grown men were this into playing witg dolls that look like realistic babies or something? I'm not equating them or anything, just pointing out that there's always a limit...


was this a horror film. because I was frightened through the entire film.

The comments I express here are based on my opinion only.


ba dum, tsing


At fist I was a little stunned by the whole thing but then I sort of thawed out because of what appeared to be the complete sincerity of these guys.

It takes all kinds.

He hates these cans!


i cringed the whole fricking movie. At least the german broad made some money selling her stuff. AND was the amsterdam guy rich as hell? his house was kick ass and that car. Why the crappy lightbrite techno?


you poor thing


what gives you the idea that they don't know the "themes and lessons" you describe by their age?


Detractors of these bronies are the ones that have something wrong with them. To use a hyperbole, you detractors are all fascists. The people profiled in this film are all underdogs, people that feel alienated from society in one form or another and have a very hard time functioning within the limiting confines of socially accepted behavior. They have found sweet refuge in the culture surrounding My Little Pony, and like a high school bully you are trying to take that desperately needed acceptance away from them; you're trying to tear them down because of some sense of superiority.

In a perfect world, every person would be completely free to express themselves at all times (given that their expression was not harmful to others). These people are not performing gender in a conventional way, and they are not afraid to show it. That guy from the south who got his windows smashed was so incredibly brave. He's being actively persecuted for his completely harmless hobby, and yet he wears it on his sleeve with pride. The only thing he's doing wrong is not playing into the expectation of how men "should" act. This line of thinking, and the valuing of staunch, antiquated definitions of masculinity need to be completely dismantled. Do you also hate gay people?

Those of you who find their interest in My Little Pony to be unacceptable are the equivalent to the bigots who smashed his window. Why does their behavior bother you so much? Why do you care if an individual likes something that you don't like? Would you prefer that all men had the same interests and acted the same way? Plain and simple you are passing judgement on something that you don't understand or which frightens you, a thought pattern equivalent to rascism, sexism, etc etc.

Now I personally have no interest in My Little Pony, but I do have an interest in oppressed people, and victims of discrimination. *beep* your arbitrary "limit," and realize that this limit exists only in your mind, and has no reference to reality. Your world is small.


So there's no limit? You would let your daughter hang out with an adult who likes to dress up as a baby? Also why cant I have my opinion that its weird? Pot, kettle, black...

"What? Do you wanna just sit around and be wrong?" - Liz Lemon


Why should there be a "limit," what is it based on, and who gets to draw it? What are the characteristics of actions that are over the "limit," and where does enjoying cartoons fit in?

People should be allowed to do whatever they want so long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.


Do you actually know what a fascist is? :/

They're coming to get you, Barbara!


Yes I do.

What about my use do you think is inappropriate? As I said, I was using hyperbole.


Hyperbole or no, I just don't see what the Brony culture has to do with an authoritarian form of economic structure and radical nationalism. It seems to be an interesting and not particularly relevant term for the situation at hand. Other than that, I find this particular fanbase to be a bit socially awkward, but different strokes for different folks. Some people find my horror movie enthusiasm off-putting. I'm glad there's an outlet for people who feel like they don't fit in.

They're coming to get you, Barbara!


It doesn't have anything to do with it. She said the people who are critical of Brony culture are fascists. Duh. You need to learn to read for comprehension.

sargasm1 wrote: Hyperbole or no, I just don't see what the Brony culture has to do with an authoritarian form of economic structure and radical nationalism.


I disagree. Check out American Juggalo.


I agree that this is a really odd subculture. This movie was beyond biased and only showed bronies as misunderstood outcasts looking for a place to feel accepted, but it ignores the real reason people dislike them and the rest of the subculture, which is the sexualizing of these childlike ponies. The fact that some of these bronies make stuffed animals with holes for their penises, the creepy sexual fanfiction, and the weirdos who delude themselves into thinking they are in relationships with the ponies and blog about it.


How is the sexualization of it any different than ANY other fandom? People sexualize everything, and more intensely the fictional properties they love, whether or not these properties have human characters or not.mThere's a reason Rule 34 exists. I was sent a fascinating slashfic about a girl who was sexually attracted to a planet. It was surprisingly well written and probably the most original piece of erotica I've ever read (and I even took a crack at one of those dinosaur books).

Just because the intended demographic skewed doesn't mean that it's not a worthwhile show.
My father thinks that Star Trek conventions are for worthless people, and he said everyone else did when he was younger. Same thing here.


I really absolutely hate how people criticize grown men and/or adults for enjoying this show. It may have been created mainly for girls, and yeah sure, most of the lessons are stuff we already know, and all that. But we fans are still allowed to enjoy it, and certainly have our reasons. Like I enjoy the characters, such as Pinkie Pie and how she's able to laugh at everything and manages to be super happy and super excited about just about everything. I know her personality is often a bit over-the-top, which makes her rather a love-or-hate character, but I personally love her. And Rainbow Dash, I like how she's always excited for adventure and trying to be the best, and often gets herself into trouble, as a result. And Applejack, her texan personality and accent is fun too. I also enjoy the plots, because while they're simple, they're usually at least adventurous and fun. I also think it has a good sense of humor a lot of the time. To be perfectly honest, I really don't see this as being much different than adults enjoying kids' disney movies, which I know a lot do, for the same kinds of reasons. It doesn't have to have a large amount of depth and/or meaning in order to be fun.

And I know there are some really bad bronies out there. Ones that really make the fandom look terrible, with all the sexual, perverted stuff that they do. I agree completely that the kind of stuff they do is just plain freaky, and they really make the fandom look bad. As do the ones that treat it like a religion, and try to force it onto others. But they shouldn't be a reflection of all the fans. There are plenty of normal fans out there like myself that enjoy it for what it is. I admit, I support some pairings in the show, and have considered things like cosplay and/or fanfiction, but that's not really extremism necessarily. Lol

On that note, D-IversonAD, I have to disagree with you. I personally enjoy reading fanfiction for series that I love, this one included. I think it works well both as its own canon AS WELL AS in some fanfictions that I've read. Not so much the perverted sexual ones (which are referred to as cloppers) but the more normal ones.

So yeah. I love this series, and I think anyone else should be able to as well, without being criticized for it, as long as they're not one of those perverted fans. And that's my two cents on this.


How is the sexualization of it any different than ANY other fandom? People sexualize everything, and more intensely the fictional properties they love, whether or not these properties have human characters or not. There's a reason Rule 34 exists.



I think it's disgusting as a society it is perfectly fine and considered 'normal' for a female to be a tomboy and like all things male but if it's the reverse, everyone gets in a tizzy over it. I think it's great that these guys have embraced the show and something that is seen as overtly feminine and enjoy it and have come away with a lot of good. Most of the guys on this show were younger than me but I could easily see them as being friends of mine.
I have no idea about what you describe as 'bad bronies' as far as sexual stuff but I saw none of that in this movie to know what to say about that.

That was all rather thrilling. Anything more cinematographic could scarcely be imagined.
