MovieChat Forums > Taken 3 (2015) Discussion > Plot Hole...Stuart s/been prime suspect

Plot Hole...Stuart s/been prime suspect in the opening scene we see the Russians kill Stuart's accountant along with several other bodies left at his office. Then, his wife is found murdered. Shouldn't the police have automatically tied the two incidences together?


You're assuming the police found those bodies! That was never shown.


Even if the police hadn't found the bodies (and the accountant was left in a safe, so you'd presume an employee did find him), I love the way the cops concentrate all their attention on Brian and Kim, virtually giving Stuart (an obvious suspect), a hall pass. 🐭


well she was found dead on Bryan's bed..


Obviously Bryan, will and should get investigated, but the OP has a point, especially when it's fairly common statistical knowledge that in around 90 % of murders, spousal partners are involved. The accountant's body should have been found, which should have set the alarm bells ringing regarding Stuart being involved. Even after the dvd from the garage is recovered, which showed Lenny being kidnapped, still the cops focus their investigations on Bryan and Kim (why Kim for God's sake?). Stuart is just conveniently left to his own devices. His financial and life insurance backgrounds aren'tt even checked by the police.

The bagels were also an obvious clue that Bryan might have been set up and Dotzier says this at the end, but never voices his opinion during the main body of the film. He just feasts on them instead. Duh!

Yes, it's just a fairly routine action movie, but Forest Whitaker has a reputation for usually displaying some intelligence in his roles. The way this movie is written, the cops and Dotzier, their boss, IMO, end up looking like a stereotypical mob of flatfooted dunderheads. 🐭


sure he should be considered a suspect, but not even close to the extent of the ex-husband who was leaning over her dead body on his bed when they entered his apartment


sure he should be considered a suspect

But he wasn't at all, hence this thread.


Stuart was traveling/away on business when Lenore was murdered - it's pretty obvious he did that on purpose, to give himself an airtight alibi. Yes, it turns out he orchestrated her murder but at first glance (because this all happened over two days? three days?), the ex-husband leaning over her dead body in his apartment seems a lot more likely (a LOT more likely) than the husband who wasn't even in the same state at the time.
