MovieChat Forums > Taken 3 (2015) Discussion > Kill 36 people on an interstate to prove...

Kill 36 people on an interstate to prove you didn't kill ONE.

That should have been the alternate title to this film... I DID enjoy the film, However, all the flipped cars and crushed roofs would mean SOME innocent fatalities on that interstate chase he caused. Then you have the problem where NOT ONCE, but TWICE he escapes a falling car without a scratch OR visual of him doing it. (I guess they sort of show you the one at the cliff) but that elevator shaft escape was ridiculous. I had to back up the disk and review it several times because I thought I missed something.

Also, how did he know about the hatch under the truck???

"I don't want your watch, man. I want your friendship!" - Lightfoot


I had the same feeling with one of the FNF movies. No idea which it was, no idea which I've seen. But it was a similar premise; mess up a lot of people to prove your buddies innocence.

I'm sure the far right politicians love movies like these.

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'


In another thread it's assumed that the house could have been one of his previous houses so he knew that was there.


You guys are searching sense to a movie that want to be a throwback to the 80s like Fugitive and Commando... cmon...

Enjoy it for what it is...

Alice is the worst character of all time, she need to die in the last movie. Chris/Jill are RE !!!


Nothing like the tone of commando in this movie and the fugitive was superior and coherent.

"Enjoy it for what it is"-no thanks idiot. Hard to enjoy a turd.


I kept thinking that he might prove his innocence of one murder but the list of charges coming for crimes he committed In the process will put him in jail far longer. I'm sure there are weapons charges, assaulting police officers, obstruction, countless murders, car jacking, theft, breaking and entering.


I don't know if you noticed, but they went out of the way to show that the drivers, who somehow quickly eluded the pure shock they just went through of going through the most absurd car accident of their lives, had left their vehicles that got crushed by the cargo container. Anyone defending this movie needs to be deported.


what about kill 36 people or be killed?


If you look really closely you can see that the passengers/drivers run away before their cars get crushed. not realistic of course but theoretically noone died. Also notice that the cops in the crashed cars were still around for scenes later implying they werent severely wounded.

Also he was investingating hand-print on the truck and found a hatch. The print is very clearly visible, at least on the blu-ray version.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.
