MovieChat Forums > Motive (2013) Discussion > Blind guessing/Intuition

Blind guessing/Intuition

Doesn't it seem like she jumps to the to who the killer is without any real evidence? Like with the grocery store clerk lady, in against all odds, the people shopped there and suddenly she knows who the killer is; in creeping tom she meets the kid at the party and she already has an inkling that the kid is the killer. Now I don't know if she is supposed to just have great intuition or her blind guessing is really paying off or its just lazy writing, but it really puts me off to this show, don't know how many more episodes I'm going to watch.

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Look I like the idea of this show it is a real refreshing take on the procedural cop drama. I'm just saying they take a great liberty with the lead character and her ability to just know the true murderer without any real evidence to point her in that direction. But I'm glad you like the show.

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One of the problems I think the show has is that since we as the audience already know who the killer is, the show doesn't have enough time to properly show the "police work", because your seeing all the things the murderer did to lead up to or after the killing. Leaving not enough time for the beginning third act reveal, making it, at least to me, that the detective lady to make a real unsubstantiated jump to the real killer, even if she is supposed to have superior intuition.

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The solution was "crowbar". If the killer had already made it disappear, the killer would not have reacted. Then the detective(s) would have to find a different point to apply pressure based on the accumulated evidence.

It's not like the Chicago detective, gulag-ed to The Glades, where he confronts (all) the suspects antagonistically.

It's more like Major Crimes where the team use the evidence they have to press the advantage.


When animals forage, is it for grocery, hardware or medicine?


She is also really annoying about it, reminds me of the Criminal intent guy, just seems like lazy writing, sadly one of the only things with new episodes right now


the girl got nervous every time the female detective came to the store lol
and she also seemed not to ever care about the investigation, yet asks if they're any closer to finding the killer later on, in so many episodes, these people are usually the killer and the female detective during her investigation loves to throw things out there just waiting for them to do something instinctive based on what she says to see if they will fall for the bait, she also pretends to not be paying attention while investigating, not looking at her when investigating her or having her back to her but she knows what she's doing, sometimes it's all about what she says and how they will react and if you notice, when investigating, she doesn't always investigate to see why they are guilty but what makes her think they're not guilty too which is why everyone else has the cat in the bag already and she's mostly against it


Since this thread has been revived. I understand the OP's point in reference to the clerk. What they left out was interviewing any other employees at that store. Nor did they show any other employees. Which is kind of odd. Every time they went in it was her working. So on that note it did seem lacking. However, it's only an hour so maybe they just left that out.

Creeping Tom it did somewhat annoy me that just because this clown claimed to see a van did not mean he was involved. Although he was. But again, they didn't show them interviewing many other kids. Had they shown other interviews then I could see them falling back on carrot top and finding him suspicious.

That is really the only issue I have with the show, It's what they don't show that makes it appear she is too much of an expert.

However, I love the show though and am disappointed it is ending.


in creeping tom she meets the kid at the party and she already has an inkling that the kid is the killer.

The suspect lied to them directly when they first met him at the party, she clearly had no idea he was the killer. They asked for him by name (they obviously did not know what he looked like) and he said the person they were looking for was elsewhere so they left. The lie was discovered later. When people lie to police, it sets off a red flag, so that was not a leap IMO.

I have seen some generalizations as far as deductions on this show, but overall it is a good police show in my book.

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