MovieChat Forums > Goodbye to All That (2014) Discussion > The ending took me by surprise

The ending took me by surprise

In that it just ended. Some nice storylines unfolding then black screen, roll credits. It left me wanting more - I personally could have done with another 20 minutes or so to see what happened with the Lara character. But I guess that was Angus MacLachlan's intent, leave the audience a bit curious, no hollywood neat bow around the story.

Interesting movie nonetheless.




Yeah, I would've liked more. Because as it is, the climax of the movie is him yelling at his ex. But it's not like he gets to air out everything or she gets to. Their story doesn't feel done or fully explained, even though it is a victory for him. Also, the whole point was his daughter didn't want to come over, and that's magically solved with him finishing the castle garden? And I guess becoming celibate?? There was so much more story left with the daughter, and the actress was great, but her story didn't have much resolution. Lara and him probably never got together. I mean sure she's gone for a week, but then she's off doing a building project for a year.

And to top off the non-resolution, we're shown throughout the movie how accident prone and bad luck he has, and idk, it didn't really lead anywhere. I was really interested by the movie but I think an extra 10 minutes would've been enough to cap it off.


I think maybe that you missed the point. At the ending Otto realized that his relationship with his daughter was more important than any of the adult women In his life, which is why he chose to stay and make the wall (that was his last name after all!) rather than chase after Lara.


Spot on


