MovieChat Forums > The Duel (2016) Discussion > ** Spoilers ** I almost feel...

** Spoilers ** I almost feel...

... like, WTF did I just watch? Some semi-spoilers here.

Interesting cast, but some of the plot elements seemed unnecessary and left me feeling meh at the end. I can get over most of them, but the thing with David's wife, Marisol, and what Harrelson did to her. Was that really necessary? I mean, there were already 2 reasons for David to have a beef with Woody's character without having him do whatever he did to Marisol. Perhaps I feel that way because it never showed David interact with her again. For all we know he went back for her and they lived happily ever after. It wasn't that the movie didn't explicitly state what happened to David or Marisol in the end that left me feeling this way; I don't need everything spelled out for me. I'll have to think on this one some more. But is it worth more thought? Hmmm

There was almost a good movie here that just lost it somewhere. That's my opinion anyway. Still don't know how I feel about it.


I am still trying to understand what Harrelson did to Marisol... this completely ruined the movie for me.. as it shifted the genre to a non realistic domain. It's a real shame as the movie was actually looking really good and had some great ingredients.


why? that's easy, because Abraham wanted her for himself, he thought he would come out alive in the end.
what? maybe he used some psychotropic, trance inducing, hallucinogenic, narcotic substances like mescalito or snake venom. he could have put it in the cup while touching her hands. and he gave her the antidote when he was with the Bible by her bed side.
I hoped that she was faking it all along and that in the end she would come and rescue David...


I thought he made her sick just so he could cure her so she was easier to manipulate

Apparently Marisol was given away to David by her father and David just took her as a gift without asking her if she was actually ok with it. Abraham used that to put her up against David. David mentioned to Abraham near the end that they both did bad things, I feel that he was also referring to the way he handled that situation with Marisol and that he regret it in the end.

It's a shame though that this is just speculation since nothing has been confirmed in the end and we don't know what happened afterwards.

David probably feels guilty towards Marisol so he probably wouldn't hunt her down for the traitor she is... although that would make for a great sequel : The Hunt for Marisol xD

I hope in the end he hunted her down and killed her(after applying the right ammount of torture ofcourse), because even after she found out what Abraham was doing(I figure she knew at the last scene we saw here in), she still joined his gang, which in essence, makes her just as messed up as the rest of them

do you like what you see?


I got everything given in the movie and I made all the possibilities up in my mind as well. What was missing for me is a scene showing Marisol having doubt about sticking it thru w/ David in finishing his Marshal's duties there and thus looking for an out in their relationship... or something like that. I understand that Abraham must have slipped her some drug to make her sick, something he could cure so that when he did cure her ailment, she would be wrapped around his little finger. Again, since so much of this is left to speculation on our part, I think it was a drag in the overall story. It was as if it bordered on supernatural, and that could be cool, but out of place in the general feel of this movie. Leaving the Marisol/Abraham bit out of the story changes it very little. David already had enough motivation for hating Abraham, between his fathers death and just being a Marshal tasked with finding the source of the bodies.

In the end, the film doesn't really deserve this much speculation really. It had some cool scenes, a good enough atmosphere. Marisol seemed to matter so little to the overall story and it's outcome.


I agree that too much has been left to speculation for the viewer.

