MovieChat Forums > Wentworth (2013) Discussion > Fletcher Season 3 ***(SPOILERS)***

Fletcher Season 3 ***(SPOILERS)***

I just don't get it.

So first off, we find out Fletcher wasn't killed but brain damaged. Then he progresses to the point he makes a decent enough recovery to remember to warn Will.

NOW, here are my issues:

1. Nothing is made of Fletcher's voicemails to Channing or Will. The last voicemail is made literally seconds before being hit.

2. We are to believe Ferguson either aimed to have Fletcher hurt to send a message or brain damaged (because that's apparently possible to plan without killing) but not killed, unless he wasn't meant to survive but did and then it was too late? This is riddled with holes. So many unexplained questions for a show that answers a lot of them.

3. Fletcher is portrayed to have a permanent disability yet makes a miracle recovery. This is lazy writing and I say that with reasonable experience in writing (so I'm not just passing judgment from nowhere).

4. Quietly phased out after this season. Now, that might have been due to the actor but better explanation than "he's on a farm now" should be expected.

This is from a once strong supporting character.

Destination: Rad-City
