MovieChat Forums > Wentworth (2013) Discussion > Why did Liz wind up back in prison?

Why did Liz wind up back in prison?

I mean she didn't do anything wrong, yes Bea showed up at her place but again Liz didn't do anything wrong.


Aided a -legally speaking- dangerous escaped prisoner, Bea was pretty selfish there, she totally *beep* her over.
So go on. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something.


Oh ok thanks.


She also lied about having seen Bea.


I hope in season 5 Liz has another chance to be free from prison again. Liz is one lucky person she always get deals that can get her out of prison I think Liz will make a great counselor.


Will Jackson screwed her the most in my opinion.

Straight up told Ferguson she gave him the information as oppose to saying he got a tip from the neighbour. Reason being that neighbour probably wouldn't have been any witness in trial and didn't confirm Liz's aiding Bea. Legally speaking it would likely have been let go.

The evidence at play here were Liz receiving a package, of unknown contents and Bea being seen at her halfway house which would be easy enough to find out.

Destination: Rad-City
