MovieChat Forums > Wentworth (2013) Discussion > Joan's Defence Team ... (BIG SPOILERS)

Joan's Defence Team ... (BIG SPOILERS)

I'm not sure about everyone else, but I am utterly intrigued to see what becomes of Joan in Season 5. Sure, it was great to see her get caught - literally - red handed with a lifeless Bea lying by her feet. But she has got quite a lot on her side ...

a) First of all, what the hell was Bea doing outside the prison with a deadly weapon? She's a convicted murderer for goodness sake ... I think Vera's head is going to roll. In fact, that excellent lawyer of Joan's could easily argue that Vera was an accomplice to Bea's scheme. Bea's not there to back Vera up and let's not forget also that Joan still has on Vera the fact that she euthanised her mother, which has barely been explored ever since. Could Vera be the next inmate at Wentworth?

b) The entire prison - including the perimeter walls - is swarming with CCTV. Surely one of those many cameras that we often see would have picked up what really happened? Would Vera, Will and/or Channing be daring enough to try and dispose of the footage ... ? Possibly, but perjury is a serious crime and a good lawyer could argue that lost footage of that very moment is a very strange coincidence.

c) Assuming a jury don't believe Joan's version of events, she could easily argue self defence. She quite clearly hadn't a weapon on her upon leaving the prison, as proven by her list of belongings or when she was searched, thus it clearly came from Bea, who is guilty of killing two people. Joan was merely defending herself - sure she went too far, but it's a lesser sentence potentially.

d) Joan still has an ally in Jake ... I'm sure she could get him to help her out of this one too ... she's got a lot on him also.


"Your times over, *beep*. We're cummin to get ya".


The first 3 seasons of wentworth were an excellent, gritty and believable drama. The 4th was ridiculous and at times insulted our intelligence. I wasn't impressed with the "Bea finally beat the freak as she sacrifices herself " finale. Basically Bea is a double killer (one of her victims a prisoner and another when she was on the run). She brought the knife out not JOAN. Therefore there's not a jury on this planet who wouldn't conclude it was self-defence (if it even got to court). But who knows what nonsense will be in season 5, perhaps Vera will be a prisoner, JOAN the governor with Beas ghost helping the prisoners like that Dream of Jeannie tv show ;-)


Sorry, I really enjoyed Season 4 - I think it was dark, harrowing at times (if a tiny bit camp) - but I'm glad you agree in regards to what I've said.

Let's see, huh?

"Your times over, *beep*. We're cummin to get ya".


Yeah I enjoyed season 4 as well. The show just gets better and better.


I didn't love season three... up to ep 4 in season 4. Not the same without Frankie, but love that there's more Maxine. I'm over Doreen though. First two seasons were amazing, I just felt it became a bit OITNB is season 3. Doreen has become Piper...


I actually liked Season 4, season 4 I couldn't stop watching I watched up to 2 to 3 episodes of Season 4 a day. The other seasons I watched about 1 a day or maybe 2 I do like the fast paced drama between season 2 and 3, but I did have to try to keep up because the storyline was so fast. Season 4 I really liked how slow paced it was and I got to know more about the characters I know that I don't like Doreen this season made me not like her, I like Boomer I couldn't stand her around season 2 and some of season 3, I love Maxine I love Bea and Maxine friendship as well as Boomer and Maxine friendship. I was happy to see Bea find love I was hoping something between her and Mr. Jackson would happen I know he is a correctional officer and she is a prisoner but they could have been discreet, but then again it was cute seeing her and Allie together.

OP to answer your question I see what you mean about the CCTV cameras, to me it look like everyone has a evilness in them Vera need to get it together and be a little bit more dirty, not to the point where she is like Ferguson. When Ferguson was governor it look like she got away with so much by hiding evidence, and so I figure Vera can do the same thing if Bea and Ferguson fight show up on CCTV. I don't want Ferguson back in the governor chair she is right where she belong in prison I just want to see Vera have a backbone here and there I don't think Vera would survive in prison.


There's a big difference between self defence and stabbing someone to death. One or two strikes with the knife could be called self defence but joan stabbed bea several times literally stabbing her to death.


I completely agree! I've read opinions from folks who seem to think it's a given that Ferguson will now be a lifer in Wentworth. I'm going to be upset if the writers of the show put her in that position without an explanation as to how all of the obstacles you mentioned to a conviction are overcome. I'm in the camp that I liked Ferguson as a character much better as governor. I hope she's not an inmate in all of season 5. We'll see-can't wait!


Thanks, glad you agree.

You see, I personally didn't mind Joan being an inmate. I wasn't sure at all before the season began but really enjoyed seeing her clad in those ugly prison clothes and with her hair carelessly hanging down and watching her manipulate Boomer, Doreen and in particular Kaz and having complete control over Vera and Channing, whilst still Bea's number one nemesis.

Like you however, I really hope she doesn't just become a lifer with no acknowledgement of all of what's been mentioned above. One way or another she MUST reclaim the upper hand in Season Five - however the writer's deem necessary. That's what Wentworth's all about ;)

"Your times over, *beep*. We're cummin to get ya".


If anything, the big play against Bea is what she did in Season 2 to get out of prison, cutting her wrists.

So the 13 stabs will not be all on Joan. The CCTV footage would be interesting, most intriguing is that Australia doesn't seem to have 2nd degree murder.

Australian law has:

Murder with intent, carrying 20-life, Queensland, South Australia and the Northern Territory is mandatory life, so when Bea only got 12 years for killing Joan that states Wentworth is not in those territories.

Murdering under the influence is a max 14 years with no established minimum and manslaughter is something that is without any intent and just a bi-product with no stated minimum any but some huge maximums with Queensland and South territory being a max life sentence.

So that's confusing to me. The judge has a ton of discretion.

Destination: Rad-City


I hadn't thought of that, MaximusXXX - very good point! And Joan is far too clever to let that be forgotten ;)

The more we discuss the more excited I am for Season Five ....

"Your times over, *beep*. We're cummin to get ya".
