MovieChat Forums > Wentworth (2013) Discussion > Running through Bea's ill-conceived plan...

Running through Bea's ill-conceived plan again.

I question Bea's wisdom, she's going to "protect her girls" by putting Joan Ferguson back inside Wentworth (where Joan is feasibly going to pose more of a danger to them) ensuring she won't be around to oversee Joan's threat to "her girls" anymore? I don't understand that rationale. That is leaving aside, whom she chose to hand the reigns of power to. Kaz is unstable and malleable. She has already been manipulated by Joan's mind games once before. What evidence did Bea base her opinion on, proving Kaz wouldn't get sucked into Joan's psychopathy again?

Bea killed Jacs Holt who was bigger and stronger than her, like Joan. She masterminded and successfully carried out her plot to murder Braydon Holt. Bea helped to identify Nils Jesper and put a stop to him continuing to be Joan's hired gun. There are countless other examples of Bea's cunning and heroism to name, so why after all of that, did she come up with such an atrocious scheme? For a character that had such mental agility and foresight, this plan would have been better suited to Boomer rather than Bea. I know Allie gets cited as the reason why everything we knew about Bea went out of the window, she acted impulsively because of her close relationship with Allie. Previously to this though, Bea mutilated herself to escape prison and hunt down Braydon for killing Debbie. If Bea can be levelheaded enough, to conjure up an ingenious plan to murder the man that killed her daughter, someone she was bonded to by blood. Then surely it was well within Bea's remit, to harness the same tactics to bring down Joan Ferguson? A plan that had her alive at the end of it, enjoying the fruits of her labour.

It's difficult to see who are the real victors of Bea's masterplan. Bea's girls, that will be sharing a prison with Joan? Bea herself? No, because she's dead and can't make Joan suffer personally. Vera, Will, Bridget? I'll guess they were relieved she was leaving and wouldn't have to see Joan, everyday they came to work. Nice going because Joan's going to be a permanent fixture inside the walls of Wentworth Prison now. So no overall winners as far as I can see.

Also the way things were at the end of series 4, Bea had contacts she could have trusted on the outside, all with a similar hate and fear towards Joan. Franky, Bridget, Vera and Will might have stood a chance at taking out Joan, if they had cooperated with one another. Bea could have particularly depended on Franky's help.

Regarding Bea's departure, I never considered this explanation before, until talking to someone else. Maybe Danielle Cormack's reason for leaving the show, wasn't because she behaved like a diva but it was due to the creative direction, the programme makers were taking Wentworth in, which Danielle disagreed with.


Thing is Joan wont be able to run the joint because they all hate her.
Its going to be all of them against her. She had power on the outside mainly through cunning.


I figured Bea was happy to die as she at that time thought Allie was going to die and had nothing to keep going for.


This is what I thought too, she is a lifer and her daughter and husband are dead, and she believed Allie was dead, what really did she have to live for? I guess in this final act, she gets to be with her daughter, and that's all she's ever wanted.


I think Bea and Vera believed that Joan would try to get her job back as Governor, and could do much more damage in this position of power.


Joan caused far more mayhem as a prisoner, than she ever did as 'The Governor'. Surely it would have been wiser to have her out in the open where everyone could see her? Joan was under a massive amount of scrutiny when she was in charge, compared to being one of many inmates.
