MovieChat Forums > Wentworth (2013) Discussion > Can we trust being told in series 5, epi...

Can we trust being told in series 5, episode 1 that Bea has died?

If series 5 opens up and it's shown 'Wentworth' is reeling from the death of Bea Smith, as the audience, can we believe that she is actually dead? If we don't see the funeral or the dead body of Bea on a mortuary slab. Would it be churlish to suggest that until it is confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt, to suspect that Bea may still be alive? Whilst the prosecution try to build another case against Joan Ferguson. Bea is possibly being held in protective custody as their star witness. This is the only way to guarantee Bea's safety, to keep up the pretence that she is no longer alive and will make a surprise reappearance later on in series 5.


Very interesting theory. Be careful of some vicious ones who might jump you for even thinking this other than Bea Smith is dead. That said I do not and more so can not believe that Bea is dead. No matter what exists out there regarding what producers, writers and some actors say, I do not trust that she is dead.The only thing that i will trust is season 5 confirming it; the show itself. If she is in a coffin I will believe it even more. if they don't give the viewers that at least, then we have no closure whatsoever. But i think it will be taking the series too far to actually have bea in witness protection and faking her death to set Ferguson up. So i will trust that she is dead in season 5 not necessarily ep. 1 though. they want to make way for new characters so I see y they want to kill her. They just seem to go about it the wrong way that is why a lot of viewers have doubts.


I honestly believe anything is possible. Let's just say, hypothetically, that the writers were trying to fool the audience into thinking Bea was dead when she wasn't. What do people think the writers and actors would say exactly? Probably exactly what they are saying now. I'm not as saying she's not dead. I'm saying that anything is possible.


You're right. The one thing we know for certain, is that nothing is for sure.






This is exactly how i see it too. I mean, right now there is nothing to trust but the show itself which you cannot trust because it never confirmed Bea is dead. Who knows? You cannot trust she is dead neither trust that she is alive. A cliffhanger is what 4X12 is.


I can accept what the tell us in season 5. If things turn out where she really isn't dead after them confirming her death ON SCREEN, then it's just gravy.


They're toying with the audience and will continue to until S5. Meanwhile the supposedly dismissed actress Danielle Cormack is still on social media plugging the show in one way or another. The reverse spin articles are starting to come out now. What you people choose to believe is up to them. ;)

I'm a Bea-liever.


I hope they're being creatively deceptive with the finale, rather than just fragrantly deceptive. I would like to see the shock revelation that Bea is still alive being sprung on the unsuspecting audience opposed to a cheapened 10 months of conjecture and speculation. I know the production team, need to create a buzz and need a hook, for people to tune in for series 5, next year. I only wish that the opener isn't Bea in a critical condition, laying on a hospital bed. Series 4's cliffhanger should have a meaningful ramification for the future, not a knee jerk or a short term reaction. Whatever the outcome, if Bea is dead, alive or alleged that she's dead, if it is done shrewdly then nobody can be disappointed with the decision that's been made.


To your point about long term vs short reaction... they really did Joan's storyline a disservice this past season, but Bea and "Ballie" were excellent. I'd like to think they've learned some lessons and will make that cliffhanger and whatever happens next season meaningful. I may still be wrong but that's why I've mostly leaned towards "Bea Lives" since the finale. Aside from quotes and tweets the other option made no sense to me. As well for them to have written Bea and Allie's storyline so meticulously I didn't see them just trashing all of that effort, nor did I see them bringing an end to Bea when in my opinion there is plenty of potential left to explore.


I agree, Joan being an inmate is a major bugbear from this series. Bea and Allie's relationship doesn't salvage the wreckage of series 4 for me. Bea does have a lot more to offer, if she is back next year. I understand having to manufacture artificial hype, is an occupational hazard for drama programmes. 'Wentworth Prison' isn't passed the point of no return yet and they can bounce back stronger than ever, if they don't take anymore flights of fancy, with asinine storylines. They need to go back to what brought them to prominence, for the past three series.


If Bea's not dead, then she definitely won't be appearing any time soon because Danielle is definitely not filming scenes. Dan seems like she's on a very happy "break".

My crazy fantasy would them faking Bea's death (ridiculous I know), Ferguson going on trial for her murder, being found guilty & sentenced to death. (I know they don't have the death penalty & people are on death row for years, but this is a fantasy. lol) Right before Ferguson's about to be injected, the room fills up to watch & who comes walking in dressed incognito shocking Ferguson? Bea Smith. lol Then while the girls return from work duty, they realize they have a new inmate in their unit. They see a blonde woman, she turns around &'s Bea. lol

On one hand, why no exit interview from Dan & no real confirmation or goodbye from her, but it seems like Dan is completely focused on other things aside from the show right now. They could be waiting until it's officially confirmed in S5 until Dan makes some statement about her no longer being on the show. A part of me is also wondering if this was partly Dan's decision. She seems like she has so much other stuff going on. But if they were hiding her till later on, I would at least think they would need Dan for some early filming to show the aftermath. How do they go from Bea dying/dead in ep12, to absolutely nothing until she hypothetically appears again later in S5. To me that doesn't make sense or flow in terms of continuity. I so badly want to believe we're being "fooled" into thinking she's dead, but at the same time, ep12 just looked so meticulously final to Bea's character.

"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?"


I don't think it's ridiculous to fake Bea's death, even flat out lying to the audience is acceptable because it will make the huge reveal, that much more satisfying in the end.

I didn't realise it was compulsory for an actor or actress, having to give a departing interview, or acknowledge on social media that they were finished with a TV project. I thought they would only participate in those things if they really wanted to.

If Danielle is truly done with 'Wentworth Prison', I'm sure she doesn't want to travel the TV circuit talking and being asked endlessly, about the same questions and what has her time on the show been like over the years? She has had four years of it and if that is one of the reasons, why she has left the show so she can move on in her career. I can understand her reluctance to spend another ten months of her life, talking about the past.

I may be out of order for writing this but I think older actors and actress, have to make more lucid decisions when it comes to playing roles and when the right time to bailout of a character, so it doesn't typecast them forevermore. Ironically, the same thing has happened to the original 'Bea Smith', with Val Lehman being typecast since Prisoner Cell Block H.


It's not mandatory that an actor must give a departing interview, but it makes sense to thank the fans & say goodbye if it were in fact the end, especially when you were the lead in the show. It's something I would see Dan doing because she's always so gracious & appreciative of the support. No confirmation from her just seems weird.

Lying to the audience is not the problem for me. But how do they do that without at least showing Bea's "body". Is there a time jump where they just act like she's dead & then she just randomly shows up? I can't fathom how that would work. I feel like she'd at least need to film some early scenes.

If Danielle is truly done with 'Wentworth Prison', I'm sure she doesn't want to travel the TV circuit talking and being asked endlessly, about the same questions and what has her time on the show been like over the years?

It's not like that's a requirement to travel the tv circuit. She's clearly doing other things right now.

"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?"


My theories of where they might be heading, haven't panned out as of yet, I've got an idea that episode one might benefit from a parallel universe, you know, like a 'Sliding Doors' style homage. In the first episode, having what life would be like if Bea survived and another alternate reality of Bea being dead. I hope 'Wentworth Prison' can still push the boundaries of television like it has before.

I think Danielle's ambiguous absence on the subject opens up all avenues of opportunities for where they can be heading with this storyline. I think if Danielle stays tight lipped on her alleged departure, gives enough scope to make anything possible, in the future of 'Wentworth Prison'. It's smart on their part to create intrigue in the product.

I left watching series four thinking, 'what have they done?'. Now I have faith, that they will turn it around to their advantage, to make the subsequent series a success. For me series four is a transitional series. I consider it a bump in the road, if they are aiming for ten series all together, then series four was only lining their ducks in a row, for a springboard to explore new horizons.


I think Danielle's ambiguous absence on the subject opens up all avenues of opportunities for where they can be heading with this storyline. I think if Danielle stays tight lipped on her alleged departure, gives enough scope to make anything possible, in the future of 'Wentworth Prison'. It's smart on their part to create intrigue in the product.

That was my actual point about the slightest possibility of Bea not being dead. But it's more wishful thinking at this point because I'm not convinced yet.

"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?"


It's a good point, well made.


Why can't you fathom that that would work? It happens all the time. The person is gone until they appear again. There is no universal rule that people adhere to that says they have to show the person in some kind of way before bringing the person back into the fold completely.
One day they're not there, the next day they are there.


I bow down to your superior knowledge as you have all of the answers and behave as a 'Wentworth Prison' apologist for everything they do shoddily. I acquiesce, you're always right.


What?? It has nothing to do with Wentworth knowledge. It's just the way tv has worked for the past how ever many years. Have you ever watched other shows?? TV brings characters back that are supposed to have been dead all the time. There's no superior knowledge about it. You were basically saying it's impossible in your mind that they could bring her back without having shown some sort of Bea "bridge" scenes or something. I just ppinted out that it happens all the time. I mean the shock is the point. Shock transfers into good ratings, hence why it's done all the time.


As I say, I surrender because you're always right. You're obviously more privy to information about Wentworth than the rest of us. You know how TV operates. You win, what more do you want?


Ok. If that's where you want to take it. I thought we were mature individuals discussing the show. There's no need for snippy comments, nice nasty comments.


If you have only watched from series 4 onwards then you are acclimated with how things are now and not how things have been built over the last three years. If I was the only person on this forum, stating series 4 is a departure from the prior greatness of series 1 to 3, then I would be alone in noticing the stark difference in quality. Other people on this message board have echoed my sentiments, of how radical the creative shift is this year. I don't have the blinkers on this series and I see faults, you don't recognise as faults in the storytelling. I'm no more right than you are, in my criticism of Wentworth, than you are in the defence of it.


I'm sorry. This is completely unclear to me. I don't know what you're trying to say. I didn't say I've only watched series 4, I said I just started in Feb and I started with season 1. I have never commented on the luster of season 4 or lackluster of it. I have never stated anything regarding season 4 vs the other seasons and how much better they were to 4 or how much I liked 4 over them. 4 was a weak season, but I've never given my opinion on it. Which is why, I know now, you have me mixed up with someone else.


What?? It has nothing to do with Wentworth knowledge. It's just the way tv has worked for the past how ever many years. Have you ever watched other shows?? TV brings characters back that are supposed to have been dead all the time. There's no superior knowledge about it. You were basically saying it's impossible in your mind that they could bring her back without having shown some sort of Bea "bridge" scenes or something. I just ppinted out that it happens all the time. I mean the shock is the point. Shock transfers into good ratings, hence why it's done all the time.

If you truly think that this is one of "those" shows where people are just revealed to be alive after they were dead then you're confused with a soap opera. It doesn't happen all the time in drama shows like these.


Btw: How can something be shoddily done if it has yet to happen? And if it has yet to happen, then how can I be an apologist for it?


Every decision 'Wentworth' has taken, you have an answer for everything, excusing any critique of it. That's what an apologist does. I was there doing the same thing, from series one to three. Series four is different for me, I'm watching it without any biased. That's why I can see from my perspective, that series four is an inferior series when compared to the last three years.


Ok. You must have me mixed up with someone else. The only things that I have been very vocal on is whether or not Bea is dead. I have no idea what you're talking about when you say I take up for everything they do, because I don't. However, I accept a show for what is. They don't have to do things the way I think it should be done for me to enjoy a show.

I literally just started getting into Wentworth in February. That's not a lot of time to agree and side with everything they do. I'm no dummy. Lol


I think the ending was symbolic and suggests 1 of 2 things in my mind.

1. We were led to believe that Allie would die. The two seahorse clouds converging together imply Bea and Allie as separate entities merging into one. Bea dies and as the very end showed, Allie wakes up and will pick up where Bea left off ultimately defeating Kaz as top dog.

2. The fact that Allie wakes up at the very end suggests that while she appears to have beaten unbeatable odds, so will Bea and they both return to take down Kaz and her lot. Bea and Allie also testify against Ferguson where she is found guilty of attempted murder and sentenced to serve her time at Wentworth in general population where she will finally be taken down -- permanently.


I've got no interest whatsoever in seeing Kaz as top dog for another series. I hope in the passage of time between the end of the last series and the beginning of series 5, a couple of months have gone by and Kaz has been transferred from Wentworth Prison. The explanation could be, to quell Kaz's influences over her gang, 'The Red Right Hand'. I know this goes against my irritation of characters leaving offscreen but for Kaz, I'll make an exception on this occasion.


Why would Bea and Allie want to take down Kaz and her lot? I think Bea let that go at the end. I hated how Bea died. I would have loved her to slaughter The Freak and probably get transferred to another prison or something. Or just somewhere where she could not possibly be let out into general population if she has to stay at WW. Imagine how she would be feeling locked away somewhere and not being with Allie. That would have been worse than death. Season 5 would then give way for new characters or developing other characters while she is out. Bea to me was supposed to be a badass for life even though she is human. I think her killing herself gave her the easy way out. A really pussy move that I hated. But, the writers know what they are doing I guess.


What Bea did was bad ass. She sacrificed herself so Ferguson could be taken down. That's no where near a pu$$y move. Do you know many people that would put their life in danger and possibly die in order to take a criminal down?


Do you know many people that would put their life in danger and possibly die in order to take a criminal down?

Yeah. Police officers.


Okay people that don't get paid to do so? People who did it just for the sake of taking the criminal down and not because it's their job?


I don't know what more confirmation people need, she's dead.

So go on. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something.


I'm sorry, I need to see Bea's death certificate I'm afraid to have it confirmed.


Lol!! I said she is alive for the common sense of things. But i can't really say anymore she is dead. I cannot say she is alive. Season 5 will tell me all i need to know. As well, I agree that series 4 effed up. Still liked it though.


You say more confirmation, but confirmation was never given. Nothing matters until confirmation happens Onscreen. That's the way tv works.


Danielle Cormack has made it perfectly clear that her character, Bea Smith, is dead and she is not in season 5. I can't stand it, but it is a fact. We have grown to love the character and there are 5 steps to mourning a loved one that we are all actually going through. The first step is denial. Feel free to Google the other 4 steps ;-)


You mean I can put any word, or phrase into this 'Google' and it will bring up every explanation possible on earth about it? Whatever will they think of next?
