MovieChat Forums > Wentworth (2013) Discussion > Can't Joan claim self defence?

Can't Joan claim self defence?

Escaped prisoner comes at you with a screwdriver and self presevation kicks in.

Plus any cops investigating will question how Bea got out into the car park in the first place and easily come to the conclusion that she had help from prison staff.

The Freak is highly clever and will spin the situation in her favour and paint out a scenario to the cops where Vera and Jackson set her up to be ambushed by Bea.

Its treason then! (Palpatine - Star Wars ROTS)


no you cant plead selfdefense when you've stabbed someone over and over and over and over and over and over again


Anyone can claim self defense. It's up to the defense to prove it. Ferguson actually has a lot on her side.

"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?"


In reality she would have a strong claim to self-defence (a double killer attacked her with a knife). But knowing how ridiculous Season 4 was who knows what the writers will dream up.


Agreed 100%


Ridiculous would be if she got away with it. What kind of stupid judge would claim stabbing someone over and over and over and over is self defense? In this case how it happened is irrelevant, but how she did it and it's murder and a pretty brutal one. She can accuse Vera of whatever she wants but she won't get away with it, that's why Bea took 13 stabs to the abdomen and said "I win" what she wins is Ferguson won't walk as a free woman, there is no way. Brutal but very clever on Bea's side, she did a good framing job of her own murder, no one, absolutelly no one will believe Ferguson Bea did this ti herself, she'd make herself look crazy if she even says that.

So go on. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something.


No, not with 13 stabs. She can't even claim manslaughter. The best she can aim for is second degree murder. Her accusations against Vera will become meaningless due to the brutality of the murder. You stab a person once or two to defend yourself, not 13 times that is flat out murder. Plus she doesn't even have signs of struggle, she is completely unharmed, looks even more like murder And if this show has taught us something is that security cameras are useless and never catch anything important that'd prove Bea bought the murder weapon.
So go on. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something.


I honestly can't even predict what the writers are going to do with Joan in S5, but they wouldn't kill Bea off and have her finals words to the Freak be ''I win'' and then Joan just gets away with it all, again. I just can't see them doing that.


Exactly, they didn't brutally kill their protagonist for nothing. I think even manslaughter will be denied to her, 13 stabs is too much, she crossed the self defense line and probably crossed the manslaughter line too. I learned recently that Australia does not have degrees (first degree or second degree murder) it's either manslaughter or murder so she'll probably be charged with murder.

So go on. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something.


yes. all joan needs to do is tell the truth. easy defense

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Not for that many stabs, and after the first few it stopped being just Bea and Joan started 'helping', so it became not self defense anyway.

Har ring molassis abounding
Common lap kitch sardin a poor floundin


Well, while I can safely say in Canada there would be zero chance of successfully arguing self defence, I expect Australia to be more like Canada in terms of self defence than the US.

The freak might be clever, but either there is going to be video, which will show that while Bea started it, Ferguson relished in finishing it. If no video, there is no way that many close range stab wounds would be considered self defence. And while previously, she's been able to plan her killings to keep herself removed and not have any forensics linking her, she's literally caught redhanded, with blood all over her, and the weapon in her hand, and her fingerprints will be on it. And she has no defensive wounds to assist her in an argument of self defence.

This is something that Ferguson didn't plan, and it's much much harder to try to spin things when you're caught off guard, vs when you have been meticulously planning things right from the start.

The woman already has a terrible psychiatric history- if you try to paint a scenario that respected prison guards were after her and plotted with an inmate, it starts to sound paranoid and delusional (which is why doing so has worked so well for Ferguson). And because of her psychiatric history, I don't think any defence lawyer would actually want to put her on the stand.


Knowing quite a bit about Canadian law this would not be murder. Australia I can't say and yes they don't have degrees.

Thing here is Bea has a huge stain on her track record for Joan to exploit which is her wrist cutting to get to Brayden Holt. That is a juicy defense.

The 13 stabs are more Beau than Joan. I counted 7 for her and 6 for Joan. That's IF the cameras are rolling. I honestly think at worst you'd have manslaughter with a lot of leverage against Vera so maybe a 3 year plea bargain.

No cameras and Joan gets nothing.

Look, you have Beau's history, her being in the open with a weapon (her cell.......if you need confirmation of it being her weapon) and Joan being released alone outside.

It's downright stupid if Joan gets life. Beau got 12 for Jax. Common now.
