Do you like it?

I just briefly saw it on Fox BEFORE I changed the channel. 

It's a good thing!-Martha Stewart


Just another show filled with things like "Could the ?? be the result of alien yada yada yada." Sure, lots of things are mysterious and have never been solved, but this show really really reaches to make connections. Ex: saying the bubonic plague 'could' be a biological attack by aliens. Sure, it 'could' be, but more than likely it grew in in the rats that were in trade ships and spread from flea bites to humans. It is full of evidence from centuries past that is not shown or explained, several experts that are not shown or even quoted, and the production is so cheap they used Skype to conduct interviews. Basically, this is just another series full of conjecture and violation of the scientific method by starting with a conclusion and then forcing 'evidence' to fit the conclusion.
