Some questions

Or perhaps more like rhetorical questions.

Why portrait humans from before (in Africa) and during the ice age and not even mention other human relatives (or evolution) living on Earth at that time (Neanderthals etc)?

Why focus on some of (more or less) irrelevant persons in the history of the Roman Empire? And not Augustus, Constantine, Hadrian, Sulla, Marius etc.

Why focus and depict Jesus as a historical person to such a great extent? With very little historical evidence to support such a claim. To possibly instead show religion as gradual development throughout time, influences as preceding and superseding, in chronological order.

Why focus so much Vikings? They absolutely had their impact on the world. But not to the extent the show seems to suggest. Also, they quote Ahmad Ibn Fadlan, but the quotation is wrong. In the show they quote "they are big men, with white skin, tall as palm trees". This is the real quote as translated by scholars:

"I have seen the Rus as they came on their merchant journeys and encamped by the Itil. I have never seen more perfect physical specimens, tall as date palms, blond and ruddy."

Also the horrific ritual is incorrect as described by Ibn Fadlan. If anyone wants to read the correct version (

Why does the show seem to suggest there were a connection between Vikings and Crusaders? It seems the show intentionally presents the crusades as some sort of offspring superseded by the vikings. That is just hilariously incorrect.

Why does the show focus so much on war and conflict? Even though war is a central aspect in the history of humanity, the show always seems to present conflict as the cause or/and effect for all those other topics.

Why invite the guy from Discovery Future Weapons to comment on ancient warfare and not some scholar?

And when it comes to ancient civilizations (Sparta, really?), why not focus or even mention, Haprappan, Etruscan, Athens (democracy, philosophy etc), Phoenicians, Mycenaean, Minoans or the Hittites? Why isn't India and Japan even mentioned?

Then there is the factual errors and overall chronological layout.

The 6th episode "Survivors" covers the black death, China before and during the plague (Mongols), Incas and ends with Columbus and the Spaniards colonizing the Americas. But then the 7th episode again reverse back to the Vikings, then the Aztecs, then ottomans conquering Constantinople (1453 AD). What is going on? :)

Also they mention that Constantine was the founder of the city, but really Byzantium -> Constantinople -> Istanbul.
