Just saw it last night. It was ok. Looked very cheap and dialogue/plot were simply rehashes of dozens of teen movies past. Too bad, because it did have moments, though few. Fawcett is a good actress, but the main gay guy-Tanner-was poorly written and not a charismatic actor, which kind of sank the whole boat.
I see a lot of postive comments on here-I suspect they are mostly young gay guys who see themselevs in the movie (and clearly havent ssen any other well done teen movies that leave this one in the dust!!)
May I suggest Mean Girls? That is how this typ of comedy is done.
Jawbreakers-the only other known movie by this dircetor-was the same type of failed movie-just a weaker copy of past successful teen films.
The gay stuff is almost secondary...although I did think the closeted religious guy was REALLY funny!
