
I don't get the reviews, so many have said the plot twist was unexpected and that they were shocked at the ending etc. I thought it was pretty predictable from the very get go. Yawn.


It was predictable, but imo that's why it's scary. You know some *beep* is
gonna happen and watching it unfold into madness is why it's so scary.
Mark is amazing in this role.

Cause I ride like Kelly Bundy, Yo I keep that *beep* nasty~ (Spank Rock)


I just watched it on Netflix and it was predictable to me to an extent, I just didn't know when the moment was going to come but that's what made it so tense, The scenes when Aaron was filming himself in his bed I was expecting Josef in wolf gear to appear behind him for instance. It really came alive in the final 30 mins because you knew something was going to get crazy, I just didn't know when until the park scene. Still pretty shocking though, I liked the ending.


I thought the plot twist was going to be different. I thought Aaron was going to be the creep. The film sets it up that Josef is the one who is off. So when Aaron said he lost his keys I figured he was lying and was making up a reason to stay. Oh well.

Anyways it was okay, nothing amazing but well made for a small indie film.


Predictability is part of the point. Most of us are far more cynical than Aaron is. His optimism makes him unique. Part of this movie's role, I think, is showing us how cynical we are by inviting us to judge Aaron rather than Josef. We know Aaron's going to be murdered (read: we think we do, because someone like Josef committing murder makes sense to us). Aaron doesn't know that. The difference between us and Aaron can be enlightening, if you ponder it awhile.

Also, "shocking" is fair. The portrayal of the axe going into Aaron's head felt far more real than the vast majority of movie murder scenes that I've seen.
