Non-American Shows

All EU viewers and Canadians, are you as ambivalent about our American shows as much as we are over here regarding imported shows? It seems the sensibilities are different in our series. I have been fortunate through Netflix to see shows from north of the border as well as across the pond, and it just feels so strange to see the same types of formulas as here presented with a distinctly foreign vibe. It is especially stark when watching an American retooling of a British idea such as most comedies and some gritty dramas. Do you guys see the same thing. Do we come across as stereotypical or cocky? Are you offput by the references and locations? Since television has become more global and hit American series have attained cult status, does the same apply to the EU? I suppose each individual country has it's own hit show of some sort. Any input appreciated.


American TV has been exported since the beginning of TV. American TV is just like American music and film. Ubiquitous.


As someone who's grown up in Europe, let me tell you that American movies, TV shows, music and all other forms of entertainment are so common that it's just as strange for me to see the European stuff. I mostly dislike it and rarely watch it. For most people here, the American stuff feels like the normal one, and art created outside of American is generally as strange to us as it is to you. And to answer some of your questions. Yes, some Americans do come across as stereotypical or cocky in TV shows, but not all, and it's not necessarily a bad thing for certain charismatic characters. I'm certainly not off-put by most locations. America is a gorgeous country. And the references are not off-putting either. In general, you'd be surprised how weak sauce the TV shows of most EU countries are. Britain makes so good stuff, but that's pretty much all. You can find a good how here and there, but most are appalling. I grew up with American TV, so I prefer American/Canadian shows. I find at least 5 which I think are really good each year.


Personnaly I prefer European or Australian TV shows, less razzle dazzle and more depth, Scandinavian are masters in psychological thrillers. That being said, some American shows are very good too but what turns me off most of the time is to see female cops running in high heels with their faces made up like a top model on the runway...


I also prefer European shows and agree with your about the policewomen running after the villains in high heels and Kardashian make up. Most of all I dislike the noise: the yelling and screaming, the blaring 'music', the fast editing and the 'kick ass' ballsy smart mouthed women. European shows take time to tell the story, have longer one on one discussions which require you full attention, and in general are quieter and totally abosrbing. American remakes generally fall flat. I dread to think of an American version of 'Un village Francaise'!


As others have mentioned, the British at least, are very used to it being more or less a one-way street of American programs and films in Europe, but not so much the other way (although you would be surprised how many American as apple pie programs are actually based on foreign programs - such as Archie Bunker/ all in the family).

Understanding accents often shows this - most people I know in the UK have no problem understanding the huge swathe American accents from El Paso to California, New York jewish or Italian, or Harlem and so on. But most Americans I've met have real trouble understanding even the slightest variations of English accents, or Scottish, or Australian or New Zealand. Another thing that makes things people sigh, is how many of the evildoers in American films have English accents...

I suppose we just adjust ourselves when watching American stuff, and how insular and self-referential it often is (but of course there are many fantastic American programs as well, like the Sopranos or Friends - lots of them). I mean even the description of this program here on IMDb's "Global FBI".


NO!! We Germans are the evil guys, almost all of the time LOL. Well and sometimes the Russians :-)


To answer the OP's question: I'm German but live in the US; I try to watch mostly British stuff as it is, BY FAR, the best for me! But there are definitely some very good American shows as well (Arrested Development, Breaking Bad, Weeds, Curb your Enthusiasm).
