Gratuitous nudity

I'm no prude, but I found the movie to contain too many shots of nudity which were gratuitous. I was pleased, though, that they at least included one tiny (no pun intended) shot of male nudity. Usually it's ONLY the woman. (If the nudity is no crucial in some movies, you ever wonder why it's only crucial for the female character?)

One nude scene? Okay. Several full frontal nude shots? Gratuitous.

Also, about the scene where she is laying completely nude on the bed by herself with the cat sitting next to her. I know of no woman who does that, including myself. Who does that? Esp with a cat nearby? A very dangerous proposition indeed! Gratuitous.


It didn't really bother me that much. Not really done in an exploitative way. The nudity and the sex scenes were done in a very matter-of-fact, unglamorous way. The part with her lying nude with her cat did seem kind of unnecessary, but it wasn't a big deal for me.


In that shot, she still had herself to give, but she knew that her future did not include a success that way. I found it moving.


I found the two scenes with full frontal shots to fit in well. The first, showed Gloria when she was aroused and ready to be intimate with Rodulpho. The second, with the cat, was when was emotionally and spiritually bare, after having again be disappointed with herself and men. If you see it as artistic and non perverted, there is nothing gratuitous about it.


I didn't expect others to agree with me. People loooooove nude women in movies. It's so "integral to the plot" and "deep."

If the love scene with full frontal, and long, nude shots was so necessary, it would've included full frontal, and long, shots of HIM, too. As usual, it was just a naked shot of the woman that was "integral to the plot." Very ho-hum ordinary as an excuse to use a naked shot of a woman.


If a movie has male nudity that isn't as "quick or you'll miss it" like in here, it's considered porn. I don't know if it should be that way, but it is. I'm sure that if it wasn't, there would be more male nudity in movies like this. I don't think it's integral to the plot but if it fits the scene in any way, fine by me. And that includes this movie, because Paulina is very hot for her age.


Name a movie with a loooooong full frontal nude shot of a man, where he's just lying there still, while the camera shows close-up his genitals in a very long shot. Where it's symbolic of his being emotionally and spiritually bare.

It's so obvious that it's just a naked shot of a woman. That's the purpose of that shot. Doesn't get me upset. I was just disappointed that it was so sexist and ordinary.


Sex and Lucia. Although one could easily argue the emotionality part. Why would any male be portrayed that way, artistically?

As far as other films with frontal male nudity... How about Borat? Bruno? Sideways? The Crying Game? The Dictator? The original Hangover? The Pillow Book? Y Tu Mama Tambien? Kinsey?


No offense to the lead actress here, but I don't think very many people are watching a film like 'Gloria' for titillating nudity.


Her genitals aren't visible. Her pubic hair is.


Shame, Judd Apatow movies, etc. Stop hating men - you have the rest of your life to live with them.


'Fraid you are a prude, bpollen. In a warm climate, it is clothing that is gratuitous.


In my perception, in the most cases there's not enough nudity, in Gloria the nude scenes make this film perfect... Better read the perspective of an intelligent person in


In the scene where she lies still on the bed next to the cat, she is brutally hung over. She has bathed and then has no energy to do anything else but fall on the bed. People who have been brutally hung over, of all genders, do this.


In the scene where she lies still on the bed next to the cat, she is brutally hung over. She has bathed and then has no energy to do anything else but fall on the bed. People of all genders who have been brutally hung over do this.


I'm not sure how the OP showers, but most people do it without clothes on. Gloria had just gotten out of the shower, therefore, she was naked.

I wouldn't even call it 'nudity' in the same way the OP is calling it. She was naked, nudity implies titillation.



Saw title...burst into song ("Gratuitous Nudity" from Naked Boys Singing, specifically.)

"If you don't have anything nice to say...come sit by me!"
