Who got bitten?

Griffin (I thought) bit the 3 ladies of the 'Welcoming Comittee' for reasons never explained, but at the end there was 4th werewolf besides Griffin; the one that jumped out of the grave, who was that? Why was it in the grave? Surely not after a month-old dead dog!
But then, how did the guy know that would happen weeks in advance?!


you're forgetting the husband of the first bite victim. he was an old dude with an eyepatch. we later see a werewolf with one eye holding the body of his dead wife.


I felt the same. On first viewing, I noticed the werewolf numbers did not add up. The last poster is right though. It was the eye patched husband. This was poorly handled on the film maker's part, as it was difficult to discern one werewolf from the others. Especially since his "biting" was not shown, nor any transformation scenes, which would have helped.

I also agree with your comment about why Griffin chose the three ladies. I will chalk that up to Griffin's religious justifications for his actions being reflected in the ladies willingness to pray with him and being part of his parish.


He says something like "I would never do this if I didn't need help" meaning he knew he couldn't take out Ambrose alone.
