A Nice Surprise

I saw this film on AMZ Prime and decided to play it to have something in the background while I worked. The intro to the film is a bit jarring with all the implied "porn" action but once we get past that, I found the film to be quite engaging and interesting. The actors playing the director and the "bastard" were both really strong in their performances which made up for the lack of a "twist" and the overall predictability of the story arc.

True there is really no backstory to any of the characters, they are for the most part all presented as realistic humans with realistic ambitions. It does excellent job of not glorifying the porn industry nor condemning it. These are humans. So maybe it was on purpose we don't get to learn much about anyone, especially the "lucky bastard" (not even sure we learn his real name). Just like real life. We don't get to know everyone's back stories in one day (the time frame of the film).

Taking an awkward, lonely male who crushes over a porn star and wants to "be with" her without the cameras, without the scripting, and without being judged was certainly a recipe for disaster.

Glad I gave it a view.
