
Not often is a film so ridiculously bad that I feel compelled to take to the computer and voice my disapproval. This movie has an interesting concept, and that's about it. The dialogue is atrocious, and most of the acting is pretty terrible. I'm not bothered by the shoestring budget, but when you couple the aforementioned lacking dialogue and acting with the handful of simulated sex scenes, the movie seems less suspenseful thriller and more late night cable soft porn. It's sad because there really does seem to be an original and compelling movie trying its best to get out, but there's just no way to keep a straight face through something as unintentionally bad as Crazy Dave's conversation with the male pornstar about getting into Mexico. Then you've got yet another unforgivable folly when the pivotal first murder scene looks about as convincing as a preschool production of "To Kill a Mockingbird." While none of the other murder scenes are quite as bad as the first, they're still pretty awful. The male lead is absolutely terrible. He's fine when he's playing the awkward contest winner, but once he snaps, everything he says and does looks and sounds silly.

It's just bad. This would benefit tremendously from a script rewrite and a budget that can afford a convincing cast. I get that it's trying to portray the sleazy world of hardcore porn, but you can do that without making your movie feel like a tame version of the subject material. It's especially damning when that's clearly not the story's intent. Sacrifice the sex scenes if necessary, hell, toss out the entire "found footage" approach. I never thought I'd say this, but this movie would have been a hundred times better if it were redone as your standard PG-13 slasher. A million times better as an R-rated one.

As it is now? Complete failure. Looks like some student production on Youtube, but with nudity. I should have just stuck with the trailer.
