Timing a bit off

She said she bought vintage clothes because her father gave her mother's clothes away, and by wearing vintage she might someday wear something owned by her mother. Except...the clothes she was wearing appeared to be late 50's/early 60's and most likely, her mother would have been in her teens/early 20's in the 70's. So she should have been wearing high-waisted bell bottoms and bow-tied blouses.



Maybe she meant her Grandma.

Would you excuse me? I cut my foot before and my shoe is filling up with blood.


So she should have been wearing high-waisted bell bottoms and bow-tied blouses.

Like the outfit she wore to the game. You are exactly right. The clothes anachronism was weird. I'm 3 yrs younger than the actress, so our moms would be close in age. My mom's style was total 70s. The movie's style was more Jackie O and came off cartoonish.

Richard Rickman is a respected therapist. Rick Rickman will sell you a used Grand Cherokee.


I wonder if the wardrobe department didn't read the script and only got that she dressed in old clothes?

That or they intentionally did it because clothes from the 70s weren't as stylish.

Would you excuse me? I cut my foot before and my shoe is filling up with blood.


Who knows. If I was the director, and I saw those hats, I'd have a sit down with the wardrobe folks and make sure we were on the same page. I literally thought it was a period piece when I saw the first promo. I think so many people mix 70s style now into their clothes that it's not as noticeable, so they went a couple decades back.

Richard Rickman is a respected therapist. Rick Rickman will sell you a used Grand Cherokee.


Maybe the mum clothes thing is what started and spurred on her love affair with vintage clothing... Now she could just love vintage clothing.

I loved the clothes in the movie. Not so much all of the hats though.

'I never apologize, Lisa. I'm sorry, but that's just the way I am. ' Homer Simpson


Did it say the mother's age? I'm two years younger than the actress and my mom grew up in the 50s and 60s, so those would've been her styles.

At any rate, the reasoning behind it was weird. They could've done a better job of explaining that little quirk. It was distracting.


Agreed. I'm not sure on Emily's age or her mom's, but my mom was 36 when she had me. I'm 31 now so my mom was 20 in 1966. I didn't find it odd that her clothing was from the 60's.


my mom was 36 when she had me. I'm 31 now so my mom was 20 in 1966.

That means that when you were born it was 1981 and, most likely, your mom would have been wearing 80's clothes, not the clothes she wore when she was in her 20's. In the movie, the daughter said the dad gave away the mom's clothes after the mom died, which probably means the clothes that were being worn by her at the time. So if the daughter is around your age or even slightly older, the mother's clothes would still not date to the 60's.


The mom could have been 40...


the mom couldn't afford modern clothes.


Yes, he gave her clothes away. Maybe they were her old clothes. Maybe she had kept all her older clothes from when she was younger. I still have a lot of the clothes I wore when I was 20. I don't think they ever said when her mom wore those clothes.

I'm stretching here a bit, but it's the only explanation I have...



Plus, why did a couple of her friends/ co-workers also wear weird, unbecoming vintage clothes and hats? I thought the wardrobe choices detracted. Noone dresses like that, except hipsters, who do it in a different, more cool way.

I also would like to complain about the pink suit and pillbox hat she wore in one scene which was uncomfortably similar to Jackie Kennedy's suit at the time of the assassination, so I thought it was in poor taste.


Plus, why did a couple of her friends/ co-workers also wear weird, unbecoming vintage clothes and hats? I thought the wardrobe choices detracted. Noone dresses like that, except hipsters, who do it in a different, more cool way.

I also would like to complain about the pink suit and pillbox hat she wore in one scene which was uncomfortably similar to Jackie Kennedy's suit at the time of the assassination, so I thought it was in poor taste.


I don't know how many other people beyond Emily that you saw wearing vintage clothing, but her friend Jaclyn wore vintage clothes because she owned/operated a vintage clothing store. So it made sense that her friend would wear vintage clothes since she sells vintage clothes. That could be another reason why Emily wore a lot of vintage clothes, too, because she has easy access to vintage clothes through her best friend. After all, Jaclyn did give Emily a vintage wedding dress.


Do we know what year the movie is supposed to take place? The scene on the roof made me question this because neither of them seemed to own a cell phone to call for help. Even the basketball game- none of those high schoolers had cell phones.


I'm pretty sure it's set around the time of filming. Emily talks to her BF via skype or FaceTime on her laptop.


He did have a cell phone and talked on it a lot. But he mentioned he didn't have it with him when they were on the roof.
