MovieChat Forums > The Wolfpack (2015) Discussion > If this is a fake doc...

If this is a fake doc...

It will be exposed sooner or later. The amount of press it's getting is insane.


Or maybe it's getting a lot of press because it's a fascinating story?


Being a story is totally fine but passing as a true documentary is another thing.


This movie captivated me, and I also had did they have enough money to live on (does home schooling pay enough?) for rent, food and dad's alcohol? Even though the dad did not want kids to experience "the mean streets", he sure did work the system. He did not like America, but apparently, we supported him.
Also, where did the boys get their trenchcoats and sunglasses? Looked pretty high end to me, but maybe, Ms Moselle provided these things.
Overall,I was moved by the story, and tend to believe. As to amount of press, well that is only NY and LA.The rest of the country is talking about Ted 2.


One of the enduring problems with documentaries is that we can never be sure we are getting a pure, authentic depiction of the subject because of the influence cameras and crew can have on behaviours. We also have to take it on trust that the post production, particularly editing, has been applied in a non-partisan way so we are not steered into forming the same impressions or opinions as the filmmakers. I wonder just how many documentaries are out there that fully justify our confidence based in the above criteria?
That said I found The Wolfpack beguiling, where the personalities and the dynamics within the family were as powerfully submitted as any dramatisation. But with the absence of commentary and traditional context establishment I took this as an impressionistic portrait rather than an objective casebook record of a very unusual family that provoked questions about what constitutes a family or parental responsibilities in a high octane, volatile urban environment (if we are to take at face value the concerns expressed by the parents) during a time of rapidly changing values. And if one of the immediate conclusions is that the siblings are stunted socially, they are certainly developed in terms of creativity and sensitivity, and I would certainly prefer to spend time in their company rather than the prurient rom-com 0.5 dimensioned characters served up to us with monotonous regularity.


yup, totally fake.


I agree that it's completely fake. It's about as "real" as "The Blair Witch Project" was.

And, frankly, I'm SO sick of hearing about it.

So many interesting independent films today are having trouble getting backing, distribution, etc. . So many even established filmmakers can't get films off the ground. Many good films sit without US distribution. Many good films bypass the theaters and go straight to video or On-Demand.

Yet THIS one trick pony gimmick gets all this press and attention.

I'm sick of these guys already. They even got to raid the famed Criterion closet recently. What the hell for?

Their 15 minutes, and the 15 minutes of this hipster chick "filmmaker" will be up soon enough, though.

And once the truth is out, in the future, people will look back at this thing and say, "I can't believe people thought that was true." Hell, I'm already saying that.
