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Angulo's busted Lifelong Dream

While checked on something about U-boats, stumbled over this documentary and ended up reading everything about the extraordinary family Angulo, what the WWW had to offer. Did read the whole Board here also and some infos were very helpful. Thank You!
My apologies for not mentioning names and sources; this isn't a dissertation. Most infos are given by the family itself, especially by the interviews of the 6 sons.

The Angulos live in the Lower East Side of NY/Manhattan, not in the best area. They barely get out and don't have any friends. One "particular year" they even didn't get out at all.
So, who are they...(all pictures are screenshots of the doc, except two):

Father Oscar
Originates from Peru, where he was leading hikers and met his wife Susanne.
Was feeling free in Peru and jailed in NY, cause of the drugs and crime around them.
Wanted to have a group by his own, an own community, an own race in Scandinavia.
The couple came to NY to gain enough money for Scandinavia...they didn't make it.
Wanted 3 more children but the mother wasn't able anymore.
Doesn't like to socialize, therefore he's isolated.
He isolated his whole family also... "overdid it, too worried, too concerned".
Believes in the Hare Krishna Religion, but allowed his sons to celebrate Halloween... in their own way (hopefully my neighbours don't inflame straw-crosses in their our Christmas trees will burn again).
Thought, he was better than others and thought he was enlightened and knew everything.
Still likes to think, his power influences everybody.
Loves loud music; while the Beatles in the background, his son calls him a Hippie.
Does he have six toes on his left foot?...I could be wrong.
Doesn't like to work cause of the "slave society" and believes the government is a sneaky organization, from what he has to break free.
Wanted to keep his children away from contamination with drugs and any philosophy or religion.
Wanted his children to "learn who they are and what they are" without social pressure.
Is unsatisfied with their living conditions.
Drinks too much, what embarrasses his sons.
He brought the movies in, which are windows to the outside world for them.
In 2010 after son Mukunda went out without permission he didn't get angry and his sons went out all together after it...without permission also. So, how much a jailer was/is he?

Mother Susanne
Grew up in the Middle West, in a Farm country, where she visited a public school.
She isn't convinced about the socialization in schools and agrees to stay away from other people.
Eloquent and well educated.
She was a Hippie also.
She said, she and her husband had common ground, how life should be lived.
She wants her children to get outside and enjoy nature like she did, where she grew up.
She attended the premiere at Sundance Film Festival in April with her sons (father and daughter didn't).
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and she was cute, when she was younger.
A "stunning beauty" -as somebody said here- looks different to me.

Daughter Visnu (oldest child) *1990
Lives in her own world.
Barely shown, only in an older family-record.
Handicapped, because of the Turner Syndrome, a genetic defect.
The Turner Syndrome is known since 1938, but don't know when they discovered, it's normally not heritable.
In most cases, Turner syndrome is a sporadic event, and for the parents of an individual with Turner syndrome the risk of recurrence is not increased for subsequent pregnancies.

The 6 Sons
Bhagavan (oldest),
Narayana and Govinda (twins)
Mukunda (middle)
Krisna and Jagadesh (youngest)
(photo with director Crystal Moselle...irritates me)
Taught by their father not to talk with strangers...cloudy remember this rule also.
Homeschooled by their mother.
They socialized each other well (cooking, singing, learning, watching movies together).
Write scripts based on the movies they watched and re-enact them.
"Without movies life would be pretty boring and there wouldn't be any point to go on."
They were and are aware, that movies don't show the real world, means, they didn't fall off the moon.
They're good actors, what supports the suspicion, the documentary is faked.
If the sons aren't brothers by blood -not to confuse with blood brothers- they were well chosen...look at their teeth and ears (not shown on the photo).
They play much music at home, as a band also.
They're very creative.
They feel like their father is the "landowner" and they're the "people working on the land".
They feel imprisoned...(I felt imprisoned also when I was a teeny...all these damned rules!)

The Angulos are like other families with migration backgrounds, who live in an area without fellow countrymen.
As long as they don't integrate, they continue their lives on their own.
Aside, an interracial relationship delivers problems by its own.
The peruvian father wants to be the Patriarch, but the mother doesn't look like a victim. She basically agreed to their way of life, though it didn't turn out like they wanted to...for both of them. On their way to Scandinavia they stranded in NY.

Some details support the suspicion, the whole is faked.
Amazing how they got all the props for their theater-plays based on the movies they watched.
Many here were reminded to Kynodontas (2009), what really has huge resemblances.
The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane (1976) (with 14 years old Jodie Foster) was brought to my mind cause the basic idea of raising children is similar:
Keep them away from the hostile human society and allow them to develop independently.
I don't think this documentary is a fake. Though I think it exaggerates the imprisonment of the children. Leastwise they were ABLE to get out. If this family-prison really would've been that bad, they easily could've fled. Maybe they were bounded by feelings, fear and family-dynamics; leaving a handicapped sister behind could be harsh.
But there are many young children who fled their bad family-lives although...or because.

So, the parents started with big plans for their lives (as many), creating a new tribe/race.
It didn't work out (as for many it didn't), what leaves frustration and aggression. (words added by me)
In the following arguments and fights, what frightens children...nothing extraordinary.
It's of course not ok to slap somebody, but I'm very cautious to take one's site, like the director did. Some mothers are good in victimizing themselves and blaming the fathers for everything bad what happened and happens, subsequently separating the fathers from the children.

That doesn't excuse violence but he doesn't seem to be an abusive father. Dominant, yes, but not violent. When he talks about his own alleged power, one of his sons gives him a little kick with the foot and asks him to "move" out. An abusive and violent person would never move out, with or without cameras. In another scene his son was able to shove his drunken father smoothly back the corridor, where he came from; an abusive and/or violent person would've started a fight.
And think the sons would have told us, if they got beaten by their father.
Otherwise they woudn't have talked about the slapped mother either.
There's something else they don't want to or cannot talk about.
The key is the oldest child, the only daughter.
For a time they weren't allowed to enter a "specific room" and that "particular year" they didn't get out at all.
Was Visnu really the only daughter?

Felt like a voyeur, digging so deep into another family's business. Would never allow an outsider to immerse and expose our family like that. Ok, that sounds now like people who complain about indiscreet, greedy journalists and then buy the newspaper with the bloodiest pictures of the murder-case.
Well, we have to wait and see how the Angulos will feel in some years, when they'll watch the documentary again.

Parents try to create the world for their children, as best as possible (e.g. with education).
This is what good parents do.
There are zillion discussions HOW to do it best.
Many good families exist, but cannot name a single perfect one.
Yes, there's some to criticize about the Angulo's way of life:
If he doesn't like to work, other people are allowed to work for him, yah?
Doubtful they got enough salary for the homeschooling to make their living.
And yes, they isolate their family too much.
Then again...never had been a friend of homeschooling, but since our public schools become more and more worse (not everywhere), I begin to change my mind.
Never lived between drugged neighbours and murderous crime. I don't know how I would react, when forced to live in their conditions.

And don't see any reason for officials to jump in.
Who are we to judge them?
The Angulos can be proud of their intelligent and creative children, who became who they are...although or because of their very strange education and lifestyle.

The haunting issue about this documentary is...faked or real:
We need to wonder, if our current system and lifestyle is really that good.


What movies did they watch???

Is there a list of them somewhere???

Because in the 20 min clip of the trip they take to HOLLYWOOD, they were all excited about seeing the house where Freddy lived, and were reciting something from those films???

And those kind of SLASHER FILMS were also some pretty low brow stuff, and hardly the kind of high brow stuff that one finds in a SHAKESPEARE PLAY???

So is there any indication that they've seen any other films???

And WHY would their father let them watch films full of GORY MURDERS but then not let them go outside???

Was the movie suppose to make them think that's what REAL LIFE was like outside of their front door???

There's also the other scene where one of them pretends to slice the throat of the other one who's sitting in the MAKE UP CHAIR, and then we see his throat bleeding FAKE BLOOD.

Also didn't recognize that other reference to what one of them is doing when he shakes his shoulders and pretends to so a scene from some other film???

Whether or not they were HOME SCHOOLED or not would be easy enough to find out.

Just check with the local schools to see if they've attended them or not.

And what about watching TV SHOWS???

Since we also see them watching a FILM on TV, wouldn't they also have seen some TV SHOWS as well???

NORTH KOREANS who live near the border of SOUTH KOREA also know more about what's going on than their GREAT LEADER thinks they do, because they also pick up TV SHOWS from SOUTH KOREA.

So one would also think these boys would have seen some TV SHOWS as well???

Or did the father also MONITOR the TV too???

๐Ÿ‡ ๎ˆ๐Ÿฐ


don't see any reason for officials to jump in.
Who are we to judge them?

The only reason why a SWAT TEAM would come to someone's door is because someone's reported the family to them.

So the question becomes WHO would do this and WHY. And the most likely suspect would be the FATHER himself, due to the way he's LOOSING CONTROL of the kids, and he thinks calling in the SWAT TEAM would reinforce his INFLUENCE over them.

Because he also knows it would FRIGHTEN THEM (which it does), and show them the PARANOIA the father feels is something REAL and not imagined.

But even though it works, and kids do react the way the father wants them to, at least ONE of them also still SEES THROUGH this and gets his own place.

Thus he also REJECTS his father and HIS PHILOSOPHY. But the OLDEST SON who picks up the knife is still under the SPELL of his father. And we see this by the way he expresses the SAME kind of PARANOIA to his brother about someone breaking into his place.

You can also tell by the look on his face that this brother also sees how his OLDER BROTHER is still INFLUENCED by his Father to the point where he's JUST LIKE his father.

The scene at the beach where he behaves just like his father, by refusing to go into the water with people in it, or take off his shoes, etc. also let's us know how much he's like him.

And the other scene where he refuses to go to school also illustrates how much he is LIKE his father.

But the problem is once the kids turn 18 the Home Schooling funding is CUT OFF, and they'll also be left without a proper enough education or the socialization skills that they'll need to get JOBS and KEEP THEM once they get them.

Hence the reason why the officials getting involved in this VERY SAD situation was a GOOD THING to have happened.

Because one son also explains how ONE YEAR AGO they would NEVER even have said anything at all, and would have just SAT THERE like ZOMBIES.

So getting therapy for them wasn't a BAD THING.

But the SAD THING is the way it looks like it might also have been too late for THE OLDEST SON, who doesn't seem able to BREAK AWAY from his imprisonment, so that he can move forward with his life to form his own personality.

One can also see this by his reactions to the PLAY that they're putting on at the end of the story. His startled reaction to the SCREAM face shows us how much he identifies with it.

On the one hand he HATES his life, on the other he's too AFRAID to BREAK FREE from it.

The way that the MOTHER talks to her 88 YEAR OLD MOTHER and misses her, but then isn't able to see her because of her husband is also revealing.

And the way the husband breaks free from his wife, when she walks over to where the other people were located in the apple orchard, also reveals how she should have also BROKEN FREE from this man many years ago for the benefit of her children.

But instead of doing this she chose to CLING to this FANTASY that the rest of the world is CORRUPT and that the way they raised the children was NOT.

Here's something from THE PROPHET that SUMS UP the SITUATION pretty well:

On Children

Kahlil Gibran

Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

You are the bows from which your children
as living arrows are sent forth.

What this man does is seek to create CLONES or CARBON COPIES of himself.

And he tries to CONTROL their MINDS ...

and tries to OWN THEM and their THOUGHTS ...

as if they have no right to their own thoughts.

At least that's the way I see it.

His refusal to offer his children an APOLOGY is also problematic as well, thus also making this a case of EXTREME NARCISSISM of the worse kind.

๐Ÿ‡ ๎ˆ๐Ÿฐ


Found a more recent article that let's us know what's going on and that all of the boys and even the mother are doing fine:

Bhagavan is a yoga instructor and attends the Hip-Hop Dance Conservatory.

Govinda is a camera assistant and director of photography, and

Narayana works at New York Public Interest Research Group.

Mukunda is an on-set production assistant at All Day Every Day, while

Glenn, 17, and Eddie, 16, are aspiring musicians who love 80โ€™s music and culture.

โ€œI hope that people feel empowered when they hear our storyโ€ฆ to not be afraid and not to give in to oppression, but to fight,โ€ said Narayana.

โ€œI think weโ€™re going to be more than okay. I think weโ€™re going to be great,โ€ Govinda said.

So one is also happy to hear how wrong they were about the OLDEST BOY.

Here's the part about the mother:

Susanne remains married to Oscar, but she has changed her last name back to her maiden name. She said their relationship is different now. Oscar did not respond to requests for comment from ABC Newsโ€™ โ€œ20/20.โ€

โ€œI feel like Iโ€™m reclaiming who I am and who I always was,โ€ Susanne said. โ€œItโ€™s very empowering, and I feel now like Iโ€™ve stepped back into how I really know myself.โ€

Her biggest step was reaching out to the family she hadnโ€™t contacted in 20 years. In May, ABC Newsโ€™ โ€œ20/20โ€ brought Susanne and her seven children to Three Oaks, Michigan, for a family reunion, where her sons and daughter met their grandmother and other relatives for the first time.

โ€œIt feels like a whole new world just opened up,โ€ Mukunda said.

โ€œTo see them be able to talk to their grandma and say, โ€˜Grandma! Hi grandmaโ€ฆโ€™ They never thought they were going to do that. It's a really beautiful first,โ€ Moselle said.

ABC NewsIn May, ABC News' "20/20" brought Susanne and her seven children to Three Oaks, Michigan, for a family reunion

So it's also nice to know she got to see her mother again and that the rest of her kids also got to meet her and other members of their mother's family.

Perhaps the scene where she's JOGGING and we see her looking at the JEWISH people who are dressed in the OLD FASHIONED clothing where they all LOOKED ALIKE might also be what caused her to see how her sons also resembled them (because of the way her sons also dressed and looked alike)???

So maybe seeing the JEWISH PEOPLE also reminds her of how her sons might also look ODD to other people who see them.

Because the MOTHER also has this STRANGE expression on her face while looking at the JEWISH PEOPLE who STICK OUT from the crowd due to the way they're dressed.

Looking at them is like seeing a bunch AMISH wearing clothing that looks like something worn a couple of centuries ago.

Then they also drive those buggies that are pulled by a horse.

So maybe looking at the JEWISH people also helps the mother to see the BIG MISTAKE that's been made by keeping her sons COOPED UP inside of that apartment???

And helped her to see how doing so has also lead to a PERVERSE form of CONFORMITY and kept them from developing any kind of INDIVIDUALITY???


๐Ÿ‡ ๎ˆ๐Ÿฐ


Oh yah, the Angulos are haunting...3x haunting. ๐Ÿ‘ป๐Ÿ‘ป๐Ÿ‘ป

Re-watched the whole documentary and realized, I missed Visnu in two more scenes at the end.
She's with the whole family at the pumpkin field.
Her low body height is probably caused by the Turner Syndrome; she's about 25 now.
By the way, it's father Oscar who gives her a candy here, later watches out for her, turns around and says friendly "Come on, Visnu".
While mother Susanne is concerned about their teeny sons:
"We didn't have been around them all day. So, right to be around them. See what they are doing." and leaves father and daughter to change to her sons and the other people.
Perhaps she was simply bored by her husband, her daughter and herself being isolated loners. But it wasn't him in the apple-/pumpkin-orchard who "breaks free from his wife", as you said.
It's the mother who needs to check on their sons. ๎™

Visnu is also in the end-credits.
Great artistic make-up and costume!
The end-credits are worth watching anyhow, somewhat revealing....
Mother Susanne...with Edvard Munch's Scream or the Scream (1996)?
Father Oscar with a message hands up and a forehead-Chakra (third eye).

Never ever the (Ex-) Hippie father would have called the SWAT team!
More likely the neighbours had been tired of their loud jam-sessions.
And/or the son's re-enactments sounded like real killer-commandos.
The burning straw-cross inside their apartment still fascinates me...would have meant leastwise a month no TV for us. Ok, ok...we had our campfires in the garden.

Much truth in your quote of the Lebanese-American Guru Kahlil Gibran though.
Children are neither copies of ourselves, nor our slaves and shouldn't be forced to fulfil our dreams. Yet, cannot see this force and pressure on the Angulo children.
Some of father Oscar's ideas and wishes for his life and family -supported by mother Susanne- may remind to Charles Manson...Hippie dreams! Manson's frustration and madness created a murderous wannabe-family. As well as we know, the Angulos didn't kill anybody. How they would have developed in Scandinavia is highly speculative. The Angulo-family shut themselves away in their apartment-shell and lived peacefully, except some common internal aggressions.

While re-watching the documentary realized also, the soft foot-kick one of the teeny sons gave his father and asked him to "move" out was pretty disrespectful. This kind of behaviour would've costed us some days without TV or to be grounded. Father Oscar only dropped some few more words -even didn't shout- and left. He's much more peaceful and laissez-faire than our parents had been. He may be "too worried, too concerned" but doesn't seem overly authoritative or contrary.

The family still lives in the apartment together, except for Govinda, who moved to Brooklyn.
Bhagavan is a yoga instructor and attends the Hip-Hop Dance Conservatory.
Govinda is a camera assistant and director of photography, and
Narayana works at New York Public Interest Research Group.
Mukunda is an on-set production assistant at All Day Every Day, while
Glenn (Krisna), 17, and Eddie (Jagadesh), 16, are aspiring musicians who love 80โ€™s music and culture.
Susanne remains married to Oscar, but she has changed her last name back to her maiden name. She said their relationship is different now.
Oscar did not respond to requests for comment from ABC Newsโ€™ "20/20".
In May, ABC Newsโ€™ "20/20" brought Susanne and her seven children to Three Oaks, Michigan, for a family reunion, where her sons and daughter met their grandmother and other relatives for the first time.
.... Jun 17, 2015

Thank you for the infos about their current lives!
Very interesting and shows again, the sons didn't fall off the moon and are able to make their own lives.
Funny that most of them still live with their parents.
And well to understand why father Oscar didn't want to talk with the journalists.
Regarding the family reunion (mother's family!) father Oscar is still excluded. ๎€ต
I'm curious how they'll do in some years.

However, the extraordinary Angulos aren't a picture-book family, what's no reason for officials to jump in...except neighbours cannot sleep anymore (loud noises) and/or their apartment burns. The officials DID go in with the SWAT team and in the following the whole family was interviewed; no further measurements were taken.
And yes, I like father Oscar, despite his flaws.
Yeah, his "power influences everybody"...of course!
Joke aside:
He appears more honest to me than most of the rest of his family.
And somewhat I'm sorry for him.

About Grey Gardens (1975)
(Big Edie-mother and Little Edie-daughter)
The mother-daughter-situation in Grey Gardens is quite different. They live in an old rotten villa in a good area...and I love their garden, their cats, the funny raccoons and the other creatures there. This kind of wilderness may be a horror for serious gardeners, whereas I dislike lined-up tulips.
Yes, there are parallels with mother-daughter Edie and mother-father Angulo:
Busted Livelong Dreams and extraordinary lifestyles!

It's problematically to compare a mother-daughter relationship with a husband-wife's. A comparison with Angulo's sons would blank out. Little Edie was an adult when she returned to her mother and they continued their life together. Big Edie asked for her return, but she didn't put a gun at her daughter's head. When Little Edie went back to her mother, her own life didn't do fine either. She didn't only go back to take care of her mom. And as Big Edie mentioned similar herself at one point:
Wondered who took care of whom.
So, even the both Edies I don't consider a poor victim chained to an evil controller/offender. (words again added by me).

Beyond that, eccentric Big Edie appeared more reasonable to me than her also eccentric daughter Little Edie. Lazy self-centered Little Edie betimes nerved me...that little Princess with attention issues.
She wasn't physically handicapped...mentally doubtful. Why was it necessary to pile up all the trash inside the house? A single person alone isn't able to keep a villa of 28 rooms in good condition, of course not, but to turn it into a garbage-hill is another thing. Did Little Edie wait for a Butler to serve her as in the good old times?

Partly had problems to understand what they said. Both like to talk with an annoying yowling voice (though able to speak normal). Added to their thick accent made it sometimes difficult for me to catch up with their dia- and monologues.


The mother tries to get her husband to join the other group of people, but he breaks away from her and walks away telling the daughter to come with him.

At least that's the way it looks to me.

The other people also weren't her boys, but were probably others who had also taken the trip as a way to get away from the city.

As for the father ...

he probably has an AVOIDANT PERSONALITY:

Avoidant Personality Disorder Symptoms

Avoidant personality disorder symptoms include a variety of behaviors, such as:
โฆ Avoiding work, social, or school activities for fear of criticism or rejection. It may feel as if you are frequently unwelcome in social situations, even when that is not the case. This is because people with avoidant personality disorder have a low threshold for criticism and often imagine themselves to be inferior to others.
โฆ Low self-esteem
โฆ Self-isolation
Avoidant personality disorder causes a fear of rejection that often makes it difficult to connect with other people. You may be hesitant to seek out friendships, unless you are certain that the other person will like you

He refuses to work, or meet new people, or let his kids go to school, which seem to fit into the description.


Hippies were mostly ANTI WAR PEACE LOVING people which is also why MASON wasn't a hippie. Because he also wanted to start a RACE WAR and hoped to blame the Tate and other murders on black people.

So Oscar has very little in common with MASON, and MASON had very little in common with HIPPIES who had an entirely different philosophy of life.

But since OSCAR and his wife lived in a commune, that gives them something in common with hippies who also lived in them as well.

Still another thing to note is how OSCAR is also an ALCOHOLIC. Note the way he almost always has a glass of BEER in his hand. Also note the way the boys talk about how drunk he is at more than one point in the story.

And yes the GREY GARDEN story is also one where the daughter leaves home and comes back again. But it's also still one of ISOLATION from the rest of the world, which also gives it something in common with the WOLF PACK.

If the neighbors called to report loud noises coming from the APT that were keeping them awake, then the regular cops show up, not a SWAT TEAM.

Regular cops would be either one cop or two at the most. But a SWAT TEAM is more like what arrives for a mass shooting situation.

So someone definitely filed a FALSE REPORT.

And they were also looking for a GUN (which is what had been reported to them).

So WHY would someone make a FALSE REPORT???

If you are caught doing this, then you can also go to jail for that.

The only one who would be crazy enough to do it would be the father. He's probably called pretending to be someone who had been in the apt as a friend of one of the sons and tells them he saw the sons had a collection of GUNS.

The HBO film version of GREY GARDENS is much better. Try to watch it if you can. That way you also won't have problems understanding what's being said.

When the movie begins the MOTHER is also still RICH and gives lots of parties that her husband objects to. The house is also still in good shape and she's definitely also a very spoiled woman.

So her life begins with her being a very sociable and friendly person, and ends with her being a recluse.

Whereas the boys begin as being in a recluse situation and ends with them being more outgoing and social.

So it's interesting to note how even IF one has access to the OUTSIDE WORLD, that also doesn't mean one won't end up rejecting it and living away from it one day (like the WOLF PACK does).

Or if one begins life without having very much contact with it, then that also doesn't mean one won't eventually end up being a part of it???

One also wonders if the boys will ever go back to wanting to live alone again. And doesn't one of them also live alone inside of his own place???

So even though he's been CUT OFF from the rest of the world for most of his life, he also CUTS himself off even more by getting his own place???

But he also still has contact with others at his place of employment???

But personally he also wants his OWN SPACE rather than to remain living with his family???

One also suspects the other boys may stay put so that their mother can continue to get the HOME SCHOOLING checks???

Didn't one of them also mention that's the reason why he wouldn't go to public school the way they wanted him to???


Anyway, even though the 2 situations begin and end differently, it was still also interesting to take a look at the way both families lived in isolation and were CUT OFF from the rest of the world.

Did you also NOTICE how they didn't seem to have any BOOKS around the house???

That also seems kind of strange when it's also the job of the MOTHER to HOME SCHOOL them.

A shelf full of movies, but NO BOOKS to read ...

๐Ÿ‡ ๎ˆ๐Ÿฐ


xxpo (Sun Dec 13 2015 15:02:09)
Post Edited: Sun Dec 13 2015 15:13:14

The mother tries to get her husband to join the other group of people, but he breaks away from her and walks away telling the daughter to come with him.
At least that's the way it looks to me.

Nope, mother Susanne breaks away...while heading to her sons she also says "Come on, Visna"...without even looking at her daughter.
And daughter Visnu stays with her father.
Watch that scene again...nearly at the end of the documentary.

As for the father ...
he probably has an AVOIDANT PERSONALITY:

Maybe he has...and often has good reasons to be "avoidant".
Since he often gets rejected.

Hippies were mostly ANTI WAR PEACE LOVING people which is also why MASON wasn't a hippie. Because he also wanted to start a RACE WAR and hoped to blame the Tate and other murders on black people.
So Oscar has very little in common with MASON, and MASON had very little in common with HIPPIES who had an entirely different philosophy of life.
But since OSCAR and his wife lived in a commune, that gives them something in common with hippies who also lived in them as well.

That murderous wanna-be family-leader was Charles MaNson and both (Manson and Oscar) adopted much of the Hippie's philosophie. I share your doubt to count them as Hippies though, for that very reason I added "Ex" to it.

Still another thing to note is how OSCAR is also an ALCOHOLIC. Note the way he almost always has a glass of BEER in his hand. Also note the way the boys talk about how drunk he is at more than one point in the story.

I noted it.
TaraDeS Sat Dec 5 2015 11:21:51
Father Oscar
Drinks too much, what embarrasses his sons.

If the neighbors called to report loud noises coming from the APT that were keeping them awake, then the regular cops show up, not a SWAT TEAM.
Regular cops would be either one cop or two at the most. But a SWAT TEAM is more like what arrives for a mass shooting situation.
So someone definitely filed a FALSE REPORT.
And they were also looking for a GUN (which is what had been reported to them).
So WHY would someone make a FALSE REPORT???

Annoyed neighbours sometimes have good ideas.
As said:
More likely the neighbours had been tired of their loud jam-sessions.
And/or the son's re-enactments sounded like real killer-commandos.
Could be enough for a "FALSE REPORT???".

The only one who would be crazy enough to do it would be the father. He's probably called pretending to be someone who had been in the apt as a friend of one of the sons and tells them he saw the sons had a collection of GUNS.

Sorry, too much a conspiracy theory for me.
The father has some flaws but isn't crazy.

Did you also NOTICE how they didn't seem to have any BOOKS around the house???
That also seems kind of strange when it's also the job of the MOTHER to HOME SCHOOL them.
A shelf full of movies, but NO BOOKS to read ...

Didn't think about it much cause nowadays many use other gadgets (Kindles/electronic books etc.).


Maybe the confusion comes from not knowing his name, and when she says VISNU, thinking this was the father's name. Will try to watch it again when one finds the time.

One also suspects the reason why he didn't go to the FAMILY REUNION in MICHAGAN was also HIS FAULT (and was not the fault of the wife). Because we also hear the conversation she has with her son about how he wants nothing to do with her family.

And yes, perhaps her family didn't like him, especially if they were always asking them for money because he refused to work.

So maybe there could also be a good reason why others don't like or respect him very much???

Maybe they also refused to give them money because of his ALCOHOLISM???

Because maybe he'd also take the money for food and spend it on BOOZE???

NOTE the way one of the sons also says he's the only one who would shop for food. And that it would also take him 3 HOURS to get it.

The reason why it would take that long is because he probably also stopped off at a BAR where he's drinking beer. And he's probably also used some of the FOOD MONEY to pay for it???

So IF he stays DRUNK most of the time, then that would also be a reason why people wouldn't like being around him. And it also seems to be a reason why his own sons don't like or respect him.

So his getting rejected could also be HIS OWN FAULT as well.

And when people get drunk they will also do crazy things ... like file a FALSE REPORT ... especially if they also think doing so will FRIGHTEN the children into seeing things THEIR WAY and help them to regain CONTROL of them again.

If one thinks like SHERLOCK HOLMES, then ALL indications definitely point to OSCAR as being the PRIME SUSPECT.

Simply because he's the one with the MOST to gain from it.

In order for the REENACTMENTS to SOUND REAL. there would also need to be the SOUND of REAL GUN SHOTS being FIRED.

Since all they had were those PROPS, it's highly unlikely anyone heard anything that would result in them sending in a SWAT TEAM.

SWAT TEAMS are only used for MAJOR situations like a BANK ROBBERY or a MASS SHOOTING, ETC.

So whatever got reported to them also wasn't something that a neighbor said.

We also didn't see any electronic devices either. And since they also said they didn't know how to use A COMPUTER or how to GOOGLE, one also doubts they knew how to use a KINDLE either.

One of them also said they spend most of their time watching MOVIES.

And writing down the WORDS to the SCRIPT also isn't going to help them or teach them about the other elements involved such as the PLOT, theme, setting, characterization, etc.

And that's probably also the reason why the film they were making also seems to lack having an understanding of these kind of things.

Because if they're not reading books or learning about the BASIC ELEMENTS of FICTION, then of course they're also not going to have an understanding of how to tell a story.

And they also won't realize how a filming a series of images the way they were doing also isn't telling one???

๐Ÿ‡ ๎ˆ๐Ÿฐ


xxpo (Sun Dec 13 2015 16:55:06)
Post Edited: Sun Dec 13 2015 16:57:47

Maybe the confusion comes from not knowing his name, and when she says VISNU, thinking this was the father's name. Will try to watch it again when one finds the time.

One also suspects the reason why he didn't go to the FAMILY REUNION in MICHAGAN was also HIS FAULT (and was not the fault of the wife). Because we also hear the conversation she has with her son about how he wants nothing to do with her family.
And yes, perhaps her family didn't like him, especially if they were always asking them for money because he refused to work.
So maybe there could also be a good reason why others don't like or respect him very much???

Maybe they also refused to give them money because of his ALCOHOLISM???
Because maybe he'd also take the money for food and spend it on BOOZE???
NOTE the way one of the sons also says he's the only one who would shop for food. And that it would also take him 3 HOURS to get it.
The reason why it would take that long is because he probably also stopped off at a BAR where he's drinking beer. And he's probably also used some of the FOOD MONEY to pay for it???
So IF he stays DRUNK most of the time, then that would also be a reason why people wouldn't like being around him. And it also seems to be a reason why his own sons don't like or respect him.
So his getting rejected could also be HIS OWN FAULT as well.

And when people get drunk they will also do crazy things ... like file a FALSE REPORT ... especially if they also think doing so will FRIGHTEN the children into seeing things THEIR WAY and help them to regain CONTROL of them again.
If one thinks like SHERLOCK HOLMES, then ALL indications definitely point to OSCAR as being the PRIME SUSPECT.
Simply because he's the one with the MOST to gain from it.

In order for the REENACTMENTS to SOUND REAL. there would also need to be the SOUND of REAL GUN SHOTS being FIRED.
Since all they had were those PROPS, it's highly unlikely anyone heard anything that would result in them sending in a SWAT TEAM.

SWAT TEAMS are only used for MAJOR situations like a BANK ROBBERY or a MASS SHOOTING, ETC.
So whatever got reported to them also wasn't something that a neighbor said.

We also didn't see any electronic devices either. And since they also said they didn't know how to use A COMPUTER or how to GOOGLE, one also doubts they knew how to use a KINDLE either.
One of them also said they spend most of their time watching MOVIES.

And writing down the WORDS to the SCRIPT also isn't going to help them or teach them about the other elements involved such as the PLOT, theme, setting, characterization, etc.
And that's probably also the reason why the film they were making also seems to lack having an understanding of these kind of things.
Because if they're not reading books or learning about the BASIC ELEMENTS of FICTION, then of course they're also not going to have an understanding of how to tell a story.
And they also won't realize how a filming a series of images the way they were doing also isn't telling one???

๐Ÿ‡ ๎ˆ๐Ÿฐ we go.
Maybe the confusion comes from not knowing his name, and when she says VISNU, thinking this was the father's name. Will try to watch it again when one finds the time.

Take your time.
Confusion can easily lead to wrong conclusions.

So maybe there could also be a good reason why others don't like or respect him very much???
Maybe they also refused to give them money because of his ALCOHOLISM???
Because maybe he'd also take the money for food and spend it on BOOZE???

Now after you said it again and again, can sea it also:
He's an hopeless drunkard who always sat in front of her family's door, whining for money for his next schnapps. ๎€›

NOTE the way one of the sons also says he's the only one who would shop for food. And that it would also take him 3 HOURS to get it.
The reason why it would take that long is because he probably also stopped off at a BAR where he's drinking beer. And he's probably also used some of the FOOD MONEY to pay for it???
So IF he stays DRUNK most of the time, then that would also be a reason why people wouldn't like being around him. And it also seems to be a reason why his own sons don't like or respect him.
So his getting rejected could also be HIS OWN FAULT as well.

Totally correct, all his FAULT.
Others buy food for a nine-head-family within a few minutes.
So, he must have had hanged around in pubs and brothels! ๎€›

If one thinks like SHERLOCK HOLMES, then ALL indications definitely point to OSCAR as being the PRIME SUSPECT.
Simply because he's the one with the MOST to gain from it.
In order for the REENACTMENTS to SOUND REAL. there would also need to be the SOUND of REAL GUN SHOTS being FIRED.
Since all they had were those PROPS, it's highly unlikely anyone heard anything that would result in them sending in a SWAT TEAM.

Very good conclusions ร  la Sberlock Holmes!
Fine vietnamese firecracker sound like bombs but the neighbours of the Angulo family are trained marines and able to differ these kind of noises.

SWAT TEAMS are only used for MAJOR situations like a BANK ROBBERY or a MASS SHOOTING, ETC.
So whatever got reported to them also wasn't something that a neighbor said.

After you said it the 3rd time, begin to understand...

We also didn't see any electronic devices either. And since they also said they didn't know how to use A COMPUTER or how to GOOGLE, one also doubts they knew how to use a KINDLE either.
One of them also said they spend most of their time watching MOVIES.

True, and they aren't able to read and write.
Oh, wait...they must have learnt it by watching movies, because:

And writing down the WORDS to the SCRIPT also isn't going to help them or teach them about the other elements involved such as the PLOT, theme, setting, characterization, etc.
And that's probably also the reason why the film they were making also seems to lack having an understanding of these kind of things.
Because if they're not reading books or learning about the BASIC ELEMENTS of FICTION, then of course they're also not going to have an understanding of how to tell a story.
And they also won't realize how a filming a series of images the way they were doing also isn't telling one???

This documentary was made by director Crystal Moselle.
But right, the sons only dressed in crazy copied costumes and didn't know what they were doing. A little script writing is easy done by everybody.

Now after we eventually agreed to each other, wish you a good start into the week!



Since we see the WIFE handing him the glass of beer to drink (as if she were also his SERVANT who ENABLES his alcohol addiction), and we see NO BOOKS, what one suspects is she used the MONEY that should have been spent on SCHOOL BOOKS for her kids buying BOOZE for the ALCOHOLIC.

And since he's also got NO JOB, but he's still got BEER inside of his home, there's probably also only ONE WAY that it got there.

And that's by his using the MONEY his wife is paid to HOME teach the kids their school lessons.

Once again giving him a reason to call in the SWAT TEAM, because doing so keeps them from leaving home, and keeps the money coming in that he can use to buy booze.

This is also the reason why the son refuses to go to public school. He's been pressured by his mother, who ENABLES his father's alcoholism. In other words, the boys are also most likely being USED as a way to fund his ALCOHOL ADDICTION.

Where do boys who are kept LOCKED inside the place get fireworks from??? Since we didn't see them with any, and they also had NO MONEY to pay for them even IF they went outside, it's also not very likely the neighbors heard fireworks.

What's more likely is the FATHER feels threatened by the boys getting help from the social services who want them to attend public school, so he figures out a way to FRIGHTEN them into NOT wanting to go to school.

That way the money for HOME SCHOOLING that funds his ALCOHOL ABUSE can still continue to keep coming in.

This man is an ADDICT. He's the same as any other JUNKY. The HABIT comes first and all of the rest be damned.

They can read and write, but only because of the efforts put forth by THEIR MOTHER.

IF they had no mother, then it's not very likely they'd be able to read or write.

And the father would probably also have let social services place them into FOSTER HOMES. Because one also can't see him teaching them how to read and write himself.

Anyhow, maybe IF they'd also had a collection of BOOKS to read, and they'd also been taught the BASIC ELEMENTS of FICTION, then they'd also be able to make better movies.

Because one also doesn't learn the BASIC ELEMENTS of storytelling from watching movies.

And in case any of them stop by here or read what we've said ...

Here's a link that discusses them:


What type of individuals are the main characters? Brave, cowardly, bored, obnoxious? If you tell me that the protagonist (main character) is brave, you should be able to tell where in the story you got that perception.

In literature, as in real life, we can evaluate character three ways: what the individual says, what the individual does, and what others say about him or her.


Two types of conflict are possible: External and Internal.
External conflict could be man against nature (people in a small lifeboat on a rough ocean) or man against man.

While internal conflict might not seem as exciting as external, remember that real life has far more internal than external conflict.

Film and fiction emphasize external conflict not simply because โ€œitโ€™s more interestingโ€ but also because itโ€™s easier to write. In a film script, you merely have to write โ€œA five minute car chase followsโ€ and youโ€™ve filled five minutes. How long would it take to write five minutes worth of dialogue?


Donโ€™t get bent out of shape about symbols. Simply put, a symbol is something which means something else. Frequently itโ€™s a tangible physical thing which symbolizes something intangible. The Seven/Eleven stores understood that a few years ago when they were selling roses with a sign saying, โ€œA Rose Means โ€˜I Love You.โ€™โ€

The basic point of a story or a poem rarely depends solely on understanding a symbol.

Itโ€™s normal for you to be skeptical about symbols. If I tell you that the tree in a certain story symbolizes the Garden of Eden, you may ask โ€œIs that really there or did you make it up?โ€ or โ€œHow do you know what the author meant?โ€

Literature teachers may indeed โ€œover-interpretโ€ at times, find symbols that really arenโ€™t there. But if you donโ€™t occasionally chase white rabbits that arenโ€™t there, youโ€™ll rarely find the ones that are there.

Especially LOVE this last part about CHASING the


And also wish you a GREAT start of the week and a WONDERFUL rest of the week as well.

๐Ÿ‡ ๎ˆ๐Ÿฐ


xxpo (Mon Dec 14 2015 04:21:17) Flag โ–ผ
Post Edited: Mon Dec 14 2015 04:23:53

Since we see the WIFE handing him the glass of beer to drink (as if she were also his SERVANT who ENABLES his alcohol addiction), and we see NO BOOKS, what one suspects is she used the MONEY that should have been spent on SCHOOL BOOKS for her kids buying BOOZE for the ALCOHOLIC.
And since he's also got NO JOB, but he's still got BEER inside of his home, there's probably also only ONE WAY that it got there.
And that's by his using the MONEY his wife is paid to HOME teach the kids their school lessons.

Once again giving him a reason to call in the SWAT TEAM, because doing so keeps them from leaving home, and keeps the money coming in that he can use to buy booze.
This is also the reason why the son refuses to go to public school. He's been pressured by his mother, who ENABLES his father's alcoholism. In other words, the boys are also most likely being USED as a way to fund his ALCOHOL ADDICTION.

Where do boys who are kept LOCKED inside the place get fireworks from??? Since we didn't see them with any, and they also had NO MONEY to pay for them even IF they went outside, it's also not very likely the neighbors heard fireworks.

What's more likely is the FATHER feels threatened by the boys getting help from the social services who want them to attend public school, so he figures out a way to FRIGHTEN them into NOT wanting to go to school.
That way the money for HOME SCHOOLING that funds his ALCOHOL ABUSE can still continue to keep coming in.
This man is an ADDICT. He's the same as any other JUNKY. The HABIT comes first and all of the rest be damned.

They can read and write, but only because of the efforts put forth by THEIR MOTHER.
IF they had no mother, then it's not very likely they'd be able to read or write.
And the father would probably also have let social services place them into FOSTER HOMES. Because one also can't see him teaching them how to read and write himself.

Anyhow, maybe IF they'd also had a collection of BOOKS to read, and they'd also been taught the BASIC ELEMENTS of FICTION, then they'd also be able to make better movies.
Because one also doesn't learn the BASIC ELEMENTS of storytelling from watching movies.

And in case any of them stop by here or read what we've said ...

Here's a link that discusses them:


What type of individuals are the main characters? Brave, cowardly, bored, obnoxious? If you tell me that the protagonist (main character) is brave, you should be able to tell where in the story you got that perception.

In literature, as in real life, we can evaluate character three ways: what the individual says, what the individual does, and what others say about him or her.


Two types of conflict are possible: External and Internal.
External conflict could be man against nature (people in a small lifeboat on a rough ocean) or man against man.

While internal conflict might not seem as exciting as external, remember that real life has far more internal than external conflict.
Film and fiction emphasize external conflict not simply because โ€œitโ€™s more interestingโ€ but also because itโ€™s easier to write. In a film script, you merely have to write โ€œA five minute car chase followsโ€ and youโ€™ve filled five minutes. How long would it take to write five minutes worth of dialogue?


Donโ€™t get bent out of shape about symbols. Simply put, a symbol is something which means something else. Frequently itโ€™s a tangible physical thing which symbolizes something intangible. The Seven/Eleven stores understood that a few years ago when they were selling roses with a sign saying, โ€œA Rose Means โ€˜I Love You.โ€™โ€

The basic point of a story or a poem rarely depends solely on understanding a symbol.

Itโ€™s normal for you to be skeptical about symbols. If I tell you that the tree in a certain story symbolizes the Garden of Eden, you may ask โ€œIs that really there or did you make it up?โ€ or โ€œHow do you know what the author meant?โ€

Literature teachers may indeed โ€œover-interpretโ€ at times, find symbols that really arenโ€™t there. But if you donโ€™t occasionally chase white rabbits that arenโ€™t there, youโ€™ll rarely find the ones that are there.

Especially LOVE this last part about CHASING the


And also wish you a GREAT start of the week and a WONDERFUL rest of the week as well.

๐Ÿ‡ ๎ˆ ๐Ÿฐ

Why do you come up with the same again and again?
It's clear, we watched two different documentaries.
Whereas some people only watch trailers....
And we already agreed with each other:

Father โ†’ helpless, abusive Drunkard
Mother โ†’ oppressed Saint / Martyr
Daughter โ†’ prefers the Drunkard for unknown reasons โ†’ abused!
Sons โ†’ uneducated Copy-cats

The uneducated Copy-cats collide with the homeschooling Martyr.
Doesn't matter...after the zillionth SWAT team โ†’ forgotten!

Share your love of books and recommend
The World According to Garp
by John Irving (Paperback $ 7.19 / Kindle $ 7.37)

For the Wolfpack rather The World According to Garp (1982).
Since they exclusively watch movies.

Please reply AFTER you've (re-) read the Book.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



Why do you come up with the same again and again?
It's clear, we watched two different documentaries.
Whereas some people only watch trailers....
And we already agreed with each other:


This is another different theory. The first theory was he used the FOOD MONEY to buy BOOZE.

But since they live off the government, that also means they would get a FOOD STAMP CREDIT CARD, and one can't use that card to buy ALCOHOL.

So that's the reason for this SECOND THEORY that the HOME SCHOOLING MONEY is used as a way to FEED his ADDICTION.


Father โ†’ helpless, abusive Drunkard
Mother โ†’ oppressed Saint / Martyr
Daughter โ†’ prefers the Drunkard for unknown reasons โ†’ abused!
Sons โ†’ uneducated Copy-cats


The MOTHER is definitely NO SAINT. She ENABLES the ALCOHOL ABUSE. And she also does nothing to STOP the way her children are ABUSED and being HELD HOSTAGE inside of this place.

Daughters being closer to fathers than the sons is no big mystery. Remember the SPEECH we hear RAGNAR giving after the death of his daughter???

Basically he says sons are competition and a father can't love them the same way as one can a daughter.


The uneducated Copy-cats collide with the homeschooling Martyr.
Doesn't matter...after the zillionth SWAT team โ†’ forgotten!


The sons would have the OEDIPUS COMPLEX, so this would also explain the reason why they would take the side of their mother.


Share your love of books and recommend
The World According to Garp
by John Irving (Paperback $ 7.19 / Kindle $ 7.37)


xxpo has already seen the FILM VERSION of this story.


For the Wolfpack rather The World According to Garp (1982).
Since they exclusively watch movies.

Please reply AFTER you've (re-) read the Book.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Having a DEGREE in LIT, xxpo has also already read enough books, and has also ruined their eye sight in the process of doing so.

And it's also much more fun to chat with you than it is to read still another one.






๐Ÿ‡ ๎ˆ๐Ÿฐ


xxpo (Mon Dec 14 2015 06:34:27)
Post Edited: Mon Dec 14 2015 06:52:54

Why do you come up with the same again and again?
It's clear, we watched two different documentaries.
Whereas some people only watch trailers....
And we already agreed with each other:


This is another different theory. The first theory was he used the FOOD MONEY to buy BOOZE.

But since they live off the government, that also means they would get a FOOD STAMP CREDIT CARD, and one can't use that card to buy ALCOHOL.

So that's the reason for this SECOND THEORY that the HOME SCHOOLING MONEY is used as a way to FEED his ADDICTION.


Father โ†’ helpless, abusive Drunkard
Mother โ†’ oppressed Saint / Martyr
Daughter โ†’ prefers the Drunkard for unknown reasons โ†’ abused!
Sons โ†’ uneducated Copy-cats


The MOTHER is definitely NO SAINT. She ENABLES the ALCOHOL ABUSE. And she also does nothing to STOP the way her children are ABUSED and being HELD HOSTAGE inside of this place.

Daughters being closer to fathers than the sons is no big mystery. Remember the SPEECH we hear RAGNAR giving after the death of his daughter???

Basically he says sons are competition and a father can't love them the same way as one can a daughter.


The uneducated Copy-cats collide with the homeschooling Martyr.
Doesn't matter...after the zillionth SWAT team โ†’ forgotten!


The sons would have the OEDIPUS COMPLEX, so this would also explain the reason why they would take the side of their mother.


Share your love of books and recommend
The World According to Garp
by John Irving (Paperback $ 7.19 / Kindle $ 7.37)


xxpo has already seen the FILM VERSION of this story.


For the Wolfpack rather The World According to Garp (1982).
Since they exclusively watch movies.

Please reply AFTER you've (re-) read the Book.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Having a DEGREE in LIT, xxpo has also already read enough books, and has also ruined their eye sight in the process of doing so.

And it's also much more fun to chat with you than it is to read still another one.






๐Ÿ‡ ๎ˆ๐Ÿฐ

Oh, would have bet you're a Dr. Psych.
Well, a degree in Literature is close to it. ๎„
You already watched The World According to Garp (1982) and hopefully remember it.
And I won't ask you to read a loved book again with your "ruined eye sight".
Hmm...reminds me to someone with several doctorates who's borderline legally blind.
However, all is fine and we can go into the next discussion-round, even before Christmas.
Jingle bells, jingle bells jingle all the way....
Ok, ok...will try to avoid sarcasm and irony.
My text in the following green again, as you choose...Jack in the Green!

Why do you come up with the same again and again?
It's clear, we watched two different documentaries.
Whereas some people only watch trailers....
And we already agreed with each other:
This is another different theory. The first theory was he used the FOOD MONEY to buy BOOZE.
But since they live off the government, that also means they would get a FOOD STAMP CREDIT CARD, and one can't use that card to buy ALCOHOL.
So that's the reason for this SECOND THEORY that the HOME SCHOOLING MONEY is used as a way to FEED his ADDICTION.
Theory 1: Father uses the food money to buy Schnapps.
Theory 2: Father uses the homeschooling money to buy Schnapps.

Totally different theories, yeah!
Oops, wanted to avoid irony...sorry.
They said, they don't get any social welfare and live of the homeschooling money, what's their food money.
So, what's that about the "food stamp credit card" now? A forecast for their future?
Btw. in DE it's possible to buy beer and wine with food ration coupons.
Your food can be exchanged for beer and wine anyhow...and beer is what we call liquid bread.

Father โ†’ helpless, abusive Drunkard
Mother โ†’ oppressed Saint / Martyr
Daughter โ†’ prefers the Drunkard for unknown reasons โ†’ abused!
Sons โ†’ uneducated Copy-cats
The MOTHER is definitely NO SAINT. She ENABLES the ALCOHOL ABUSE. And she also does nothing to STOP the way her children are ABUSED and being HELD HOSTAGE inside of this place.
In other words: The mother is a Codependent.
I'm happy you start to question the mother also.
A Codependent is much more controlling than the addicted.
Though don't really watch father Oscar as an addicted Drunkard.
He drinks too much, but isn't always drunken.
It's discussable, if their children are "held hostage" (as you say) or overprotected cause both, father AND mother, had been "too worried, too concerned" (as the son said about his father).

I still suspect the mother to victimize herself and separate the father, making him responsible for everything bad in their life.
She wasn't able to contact her family for 20 years?!
Come on, I don't buy that. She didn't WANT to contact them.
Though the father had the key to the frontdoor, she had opportunities enough to call her mom.

Daughters being closer to fathers than the sons is no big mystery. Remember the SPEECH we hear RAGNAR giving after the death of his daughter???
Basically he says sons are competition and a father can't love them the same way as one can a daughter.
Fathers hopefully love their sons different than their daughters, cause they ARE different.
Daughters aren't always closer to their fathers; many are closer to their mothers as well. Ragnar's touching speech doesn't really matter in this context, cause Vikings is a show, not a documentary. Ok, ok...let's see the opinion of the Vikings' writer (Michael Hirst is a father of daughters; no son):
"They say a man must love his sons more. But a man can be jealous of his sons.
And his daughter can always be the light in his life."
Ragnar's speech showed his modern point of view.
His son wasn't more important to him than his daughter.
Sons are a often "competition", yes.
But daughters aren't necessarily closer to the father.
Ragnar's son was always closer to him than his daughter.
Remember their father-son trip to the town, their visit of Floki on their way, their talks, their fight-trainings, while the daughter stayed with her mother Lagertha and talked with her.

Mother Susanne Angulo cares more of her sons than of her daughter, perhaps cause she homeschooled her sons. Daughter Visnu stays with her father Oscar.
Don't know how much this situation is caused by the daughter's handicap.

The uneducated Copy-cats collide with the homeschooling Martyr.
Doesn't matter...after the zillionth SWAT team โ†’ forgotten!
The sons would have the OEDIPUS COMPLEX, so this would also explain the reason why they would take the side of their mother.
Oedipus complex (sons) or maybe an Electra complex (daughter)...Hmmm.
I'm cautious to label them with such a psycho diagnosis...a complex implies mental issues. Though these both complexes don't describe mental defects, more normal dynamics, which are still matters of debate.
The sons appear to me like many teenies at their "fried fish age"...male bobbysoxers.
Disrespectful, very critical towards their parents (here the father), arrogant, betimes crazy (hormones)...breaking free. Sooner or later most of them will spread their wings and fly away.
For families a difficult time, as changes are difficult anyhow.
And it wouldn't be extraordinary also, if one or two stay at "Hotel Mama".


And now it's me who goes back to the super-important SWAT happening.
Will continue colourless. ๎‘
Thanks that you repeatedly explained the difference between a SWAT team and the police. It's the same here: SEK = Sonder-Einsatz-Kommando = SWAT. Yes, the SWAT / SEK only comes in serious cases, though it's pretty easy to activate them.
Reports of shootings are enough.
And the drugged criminal neighbours of the Angulos know, how to grant them a surprise visit...with kicked in frontdoor, throwing them on the ground, handcuffing and putting them against the wall. After sleepless nights with loud music and jam-sessions conducted by that arrogant family, the annoyed neighbours for sure enjoyed the live action.
You know, avoidant persons are often considered as arrogant; cause they separate from others, they criticize others with their behaviour, making them feel "You people are under our level, we don't want to mingle with you". That's somewhat unjust, cause avoidant persons avoid others out of own insecurity, but with the Angulos it's quite right. The Angulos do watch their neighbours as bad and under their level...and dangerous.

Ok, perhaps the neighbours weren't that sneaky and only concerned about perceived shootings at the Angulos.
It's easy to imagine how much more realistic the son's re-enacted their gangster movies with shootings and explosions, what spices everything up...well to see in many films...BOOM. ๎€š
Burning straw-crosses inside the apartment can become boring after a time.
Your objection will stay:
No money โ†’ No firework
Do you remember your childhood well? Barter trade!
The sons have a good currency to pay with:
Movies and/or some bottles of wine โ†’ (Vietnamese) firecrackers as much as you want to!

You may still prefer your Sherlock theory that the father called the SWAT team in.
You suspect the father -who always refused the government- to search for help of the government with a "FALSE REPORT" to get back in control of his sons.
Decisively disagree...that's not father Oscar's mindset, drunken or sober.
You're entitled to your I'm to mine.

The Trouble with Tribbles


They said, they don't get any social welfare and live of the homeschooling money, what's their food money.
So, what's that about the "food stamp credit card" now? A forecast for their future?
Btw. in DE it's possible to buy beer and wine with food ration coupons.
Your food can be exchanged for beer and wine anyhow...and beer is what we call liquid bread.

Perhaps this will help see how they do get WELFARE:

They lived on welfare, with only Oscar going out, often just for food.

You can't buy ALCOHOL with the FOOD STAMP credit card. They don't issue FOOD STAMPS anymore. You use a government issued credit card that cuts down on FRAUD.

But in the 90's CLINTON also signs a New law that says a family can only get welfare for 3 years. Then they have to either go to school or work in order to keep getting it. So how does this mother keep getting it???



After sleepless nights with loud music and jam-sessions conducted by that arrogant family, the annoyed neighbours for sure enjoyed the live action.

And from the SAME ARTICLE we also have an EYE WITNESS REPORT of a NEIGHBOR that puts to rest your claim that they kept their neighobors awake:


โ€œThe only one I used to see is the father,โ€ said Lissette Noguerole, 47, who lives on the same floor as the Angulos. โ€œIt was pretty quiet.โ€

Thus also lending more support to the theory that the FATHER makes a FALSE REPORT than to one that the neighbors had reason to report them.

And it's not CONTROL of his sons he's after (who as you also point out have reached the REBELLIOUS STAGE) as much as the GOAL is to keep them from attending PUBLIC SCHOOL.

Because that would also mean no more money coming in for their being HOME SCHOOLED. And the theory is that's where he gets the MONEY for the BEER he buys (because we also don't see any BOOKS in the home and the boys also said they had NO CLUE how to use a computer).

As for the AVOIDANT issue, it's also based upon the PARANOIA of the father which the article also describes this way:

Steadily, the boys, who each come across as strikingly genuine, self-aware, generous and perceptive, met more people and realized that their fatherโ€™s paranoid depiction of outsiders did not, for them, ring true. โ€œNobodyโ€™s perfect, and not everybody has ill-intentions toward you,โ€ Narayana said. โ€œYou canโ€™t think that way about people.โ€

balance of power also tipped in the house:

The brothers, and their mother, who has since bought a car and redecorated her bedroom, now have the upper hand

So the boys also came to realize what their father said about other people wasn't true.

But his saying so was also an EXCUSE that could be used as a way to KEEP the boys LOCKED INSIDE this place where they were also HOME SCHOOLED.

And HOME SCHOOLING them is probably also the way he's able to buy the BEER and continue his ABUSE of ALCOHOL (which probably also further feeds his PARANOIA and AVOIDANT ISSUE).

There's a character called THE TIPPLER in THE LITTLE PRINCE.

"Why are you drinking?" demanded the little prince.

"So that I may forget," replied the tippler.

"Forget what
?" inquired the little prince, who already was sorry for him.

"Forget that I am ashamed," the tippler confessed, hanging his head.

"Ashamed of what?" insisted the little prince, who wanted to help him.

"Ashamed of drinking!" The tipler brought his speech to an end, and shut himself up in an impregnable silence.

The tippler turns out to be as silly as most grown-ups and explains with convoluted logic that he drinks to forget his shame, and that he is ashamed because he drinks.

In this vicious cycle, heโ€™s never able to get anywhere:

heโ€™s always drinking, and always miserable.

The prince spends as little time with the tippler as possible.

That's OSCAR for you.

He's your typical TIPPLER who DRINKS to forget the SHAME (of the way he does NOTHING to support his children), and then is ASHAMED because he drinks.

Trapped in this VICIOUS CYCLE where he blames SOCIETY ... who also pays to FEED and SHELTER his kids ... for the way that he doesn't do so himself.


But it's also easy enough to see how it is OSCAR (not SOCIETY) who is the problem.

And this is also what his SONS and his WIFE have come to realize.

And this is also the reason why 3 of the family members have changed their names and no longer use HIS LAST NAME anymore.

Because now they are also ASHAMED to have his last name and don't wish to be associated with it anymore.

And this part also confirms that they weren't HIPPIES:

path of the Angulos began in the late โ€™80s, when Susanne Reisenbichler, a free spirit from the Midwest, met Oscar, an aspiring Peruvian musician, on a trail to Machu Picchu

Because the HIPPIE MOVEMENT DIED OUT in the LATE 60'S/EARLY 70'S with the END of the VIET NAM WAR.

So by the LATE 80'S HIPPIES had turned into YUPPIES (people who had JOBS and families and had become like their own parents after also having been critical of their lifestyles).

So this COUPLE definitely also aren't HIPPIES.


But yes you're also still entitled to your opinion about them and to think whatever you like about them.

But with a neighbor as AN EYE WITNESS, it also looks like your theory about the NOISE they made also has NO MERIT.


๐Ÿ‡ ๎ˆ๐Ÿฐ


xxpo (Tue Dec 15 2015 18:58:21) Flag โ–ผ
Post Edited: Tue Dec 15 2015 19:02:07
Post Edited: Tue Dec 15 2015 19:09:27
Post Edited: Tue Dec 15 2015 19:12:33
Post Edited: Tue Dec 15 2015 19:21:13

They said, they don't get any social welfare and live of the homeschooling money, what's their food money.
So, what's that about the "food stamp credit card" now? A forecast for their future?
Btw. in DE it's possible to buy beer and wine with food ration coupons.
Your food can be exchanged for beer and wine anyhow...and beer is what we call liquid bread.
Perhaps this will help see how they do get WELFARE:

They lived on welfare, with only Oscar going out, often just for food.

You can't buy ALCOHOL with the FOOD STAMP credit card. They don't issue FOOD STAMPS anymore. You use a government issued credit card that cuts down on FRAUD.

But in the 90's CLINTON also signs a New law that says a family can only get welfare for 3 years. Then they have to either go to school or work in order to keep getting it. So how does this mother keep getting it???



After sleepless nights with loud music and jam-sessions conducted by that arrogant family, the annoyed neighbours for sure enjoyed the live action.

And from the SAME ARTICLE we also have an EYE WITNESS REPORT of a NEIGHBOR that puts to rest your claim that they kept their neighobors awake:


โ€œThe only one I used to see is the father,โ€ said Lissette Noguerole, 47, who lives on the same floor as the Angulos. โ€œIt was pretty quiet.โ€

Thus also lending more support to the theory that the FATHER makes a FALSE REPORT than to one that the neighbors had reason to report them.

And it's not CONTROL of his sons he's after (who as you also point out have reached the REBELLIOUS STAGE) as much as the GOAL is to keep them from attending PUBLIC SCHOOL.

Because that would also mean no more money coming in for their being HOME SCHOOLED. And the theory is that's where he gets the MONEY for the BEER he buys (because we also don't see any BOOKS in the home and the boys also said they had NO CLUE how to use a computer).

As for the AVOIDANT issue, it's also based upon the PARANOIA of the father which the article also describes this way:

Steadily, the boys, who each come across as strikingly genuine, self-aware, generous and perceptive, met more people and realized that their fatherโ€™s paranoid depiction of outsiders did not, for them, ring true. โ€œNobodyโ€™s perfect, and not everybody has ill-intentions toward you,โ€ Narayana said. โ€œYou canโ€™t think that way about people.โ€

balance of power also tipped in the house:

The brothers, and their mother, who has since bought a car and redecorated her bedroom, now have the upper hand

So the boys also came to realize what their father said about other people wasn't true.

But his saying so was also an EXCUSE that could be used as a way to KEEP the boys LOCKED INSIDE this place where they were also HOME SCHOOLED.

And HOME SCHOOLING them is probably also the way he's able to buy the BEER and continue his ABUSE of ALCOHOL (which probably also further feeds his PARANOIA and AVOIDANT ISSUE).

There's a character called THE TIPPLER in THE LITTLE PRINCE.

"Why are you drinking?" demanded the little prince.

"So that I may forget," replied the tippler.

"Forget what?" inquired the little prince, who already was sorry for him.

"Forget that I am ashamed," the tippler confessed, hanging his head.

"Ashamed of what?" insisted the little prince, who wanted to help him.

"Ashamed of drinking!" The tipler brought his speech to an end, and shut himself up in an impregnable silence.

The tippler turns out to be as silly as most grown-ups and explains with convoluted logic that he drinks to forget his shame, and that he is ashamed because he drinks.

In this vicious cycle, heโ€™s never able to get anywhere:

heโ€™s always drinking, and always miserable.

The prince spends as little time with the tippler as possible.

That's OSCAR for you.

He's your typical TIPPLER who DRINKS to forget the SHAME (of the way he does NOTHING to support his children), and then is ASHAMED because he drinks.

Trapped in this VICIOUS CYCLE where he blames SOCIETY ... who also pays to FEED and SHELTER his kids ... for the way that he doesn't do so himself.


But it's also easy enough to see how it is OSCAR (not SOCIETY) who is the problem.

And this is also what his SONS and his WIFE have come to realize.

And this is also the reason why 3 of the family members have changed their names and no longer use HIS LAST NAME anymore.

Because now they are also ASHAMED to have his last name and don't wish to be associated with it anymore.

And this part also confirms that they weren't HIPPIES:

path of the Angulos began in the late โ€™80s, when Susanne Reisenbichler, a free spirit from the Midwest, met Oscar, an aspiring Peruvian musician, on a trail to Machu Picchu

Because the HIPPIE MOVEMENT DIED OUT in the LATE 60'S/EARLY 70'S with the END of the VIET NAM WAR.

So by the LATE 80'S HIPPIES had turned into YUPPIES (people who had JOBS and families and had become like their own parents after also having been critical of their lifestyles).

So this COUPLE definitely also aren't HIPPIES.


But yes you're also still entitled to your opinion about them and to think whatever you like about them.

But with a neighbor as AN EYE WITNESS, it also looks like your theory about the NOISE they made also has NO MERIT.

๐Ÿ‡ ๎ˆ๐Ÿฐ

Hopefully I reply to the last edition of your post.
Sorry, got tired of editing my quote.
Colour me colours...

Ok, back to your roots:

Father โ†’ helpless, abusive Drunkard
Mother โ†’ oppressed Saint / Martyr
Daughter โ†’ prefers the Drunkard for unknown reasons โ†’ abused!
Sons โ†’ uneducated Copycats

The world is so much easier in black and white.

Perhaps you should re-read your cited article by Miss Cara Buckly again.
With ALL the alleged truth, some may find with a clear eye-sight:

They used construction paper, cereal boxes, all manner of tape, paint and even yoga mats to create elaborate costumes and sets. They also were not remotely jaded: "They had this openness about them that you donโ€™t see every day in New York," Ms. Moselle, 34, said.
After the brothers met Ms. Moselle, she became a guide for them on how to interact with others. ("Ask them about their favorite movies," she advised.)

That was so nice of Miss Moselle to socialize the sons! ๎†
Thanks, that helped me understand why the photo irritated:
(Angulo sons with director Crystal Moselle, linked in my OP)

No, father Oscar isn't "my typical TIPPLER".
He's your Archetype of evil males oppressing innocent females.
And courageous, caring women open our eyes with good advices.
We should be grateful.

Guten Morgen!


The Trouble with Tribbles


Sorry about all of the edits. My grammar and spelling is very bad (especially when one also posts replies while watching TV at the same time and not paying proper enough attention to what one is doing).

Anyhow ...

The ROOTS or the MAIN POINTS being made in the last message is what you said about the family not getting WELFARE was WRONG.


One article about them also lists all of the Government benefits they get, which includes their FOOD being PAID for with the FOOD CREDIT CARD (EBT), their RENT paid for by living in a place paid for by the Government HOUSING PROGRAM, etc.

The other POINT was how we have a NEIGHBOR who is an EYE WITNESS who says the family was NOT NOISY.

And we also have an article that explains how the father also refused to let them inside of the room that shares the wall with the NEIGHBORS thus also making it that much more unlikely they'd hear the boys making noise.

So these other things you claim are MY ROOTS are NOT MINE. They are something YOU SAID that's a mistaken interpretation of what's been said.

NO ONE said the MOTHER is a SAINT. It was pointed out how she ENABLES the father's ALCOHOLISM. It was also pointed out how she's to blame for not leaving him and taking the kids with her instead of staying there and letting him hold them HOSTAGE.

And no one said the FATHER is helpless either. He's a PARANOID NARCISSITIC BULLY who wants everything to be HIS WAY. He wants everyone to THINK the same way as he does, and to see the rest of SOCIETY as being CORRUPT and wrong when what he does to his family is CORRUPT and wrong.

He refuses to WORK, then BLAMES the SOCIETY that is kind enough to SUPPORT him and his kids for this.

This is just an EXCUSE that he uses for NOT WORKING so that he can sit around and GET DRUNK and watch MOVIES.

This isn't a HELPLESS MAN. This is a LAZY MAN who wants to have a BIG FAMILY but doesn't want to do anything to SUPPORT THEM or FEED THEM.

According to the article the daughter is also mentally challenged in some way (perhaps AUTISTIC).

So one can hardly use her as a way to JUDGE the father.

And the SONS are also NOT the COPY CATS the father tried to turn them into.

They've CUT their hair, changed their NAMES, gotten JOBS, etc.

They say what their father said about SOCIETY is WRONG.

Yet for some reason you chose not to believe them and cling instead to this idea that the daughter's opinion is superior to that of the other 6 BOYS???

If you want to PAINT the FATHER as being some kind of a SAINT, so be it.

But most of the rest of us don't see him that way.

What we see is a SELFISH MAN who probably used the HOME SCHOOLING MONEY that should have been SPENT on BOOKS to buy BEER so he could sit around getting HIGH and watching films while the rest of the SOCIETY he BAD MOUTHS goes to WORK and PAYS TAXES that go to support people like this MAN.

And now that the SONS also have JOBS, that also means that they too support their FATHER by paying TAXES that go towards paying for the FOOD he eats, the place he lives in, and the BEER that he buys as a way to get HIGH.

The woman who made the FILM also didn't SOCIALIZE THEM. The SOCIAL SERVICES AGENCY for CHILDREN DID:

Administration for Childrenโ€™s Services was alerted and looked into the household situation... decided that the youngest three needed more socialization, so those brothers attended therapy at a nearby nonprofit for a year

And we're also told about how one of the boys (Narayana) works for at the New York Public Interest Research Group.

And this is what it says about that place:

The New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) is New York State's largest student-directed research and advocacy organization. Our principal areas of concern are environmental protection, consumer rights, higher education, government reform, voter registration, mass transit and public health. We are a nonpartisan, not-for-profit group established to effect policy reforms while training students and other New Yorkers to be advocates. Since 1973, NYPIRG has played the key role in fighting for more than 150 public interest laws and executive orders.

So ...

perhaps he's also working to pass a law that keeps other ALCOHOLICS like his father from being able to FEED their ADDICTION by using the HOME SCHOOLING money that's suppose to be used for the purchase of BOOKS or other materials that are for benefit of the children???

And if he isn't doing this, and if he reads this, then maybe that could also give him the INSPIRATION that he needs to do this so that other kids don't also get CHEATED OUT of their educations the way he did???

He's definitely a much more HEROIC character in this story than his ABUSIVE NARCISSISTIC ALCOHOLIC FATHER.

Auf wiedersehen!!!


๐Ÿ‡ ๎ˆ๐Ÿฐ


xxpo (Wed Dec 16 2015 05:05:10)
Post Edited: Wed Dec 16 2015 05:07:32
Post Edited: Wed Dec 16 2015 05:12:03
Post Edited: Wed Dec 16 2015 05:25:43
Post Edited: Wed Dec 16 2015 05:27:44

Sorry about all of the edits. My grammar and spelling is very bad (especially when one also posts replies while watching TV at the same time and not paying proper enough attention to what one is doing).

Anyhow ...

The ROOTS or the MAIN POINTS being made in the last message is what you said about the family not getting WELFARE was WRONG.


One article about them also lists all of the Government benefits they get, which includes their FOOD being PAID for with the FOOD CREDIT CARD (EBT), their RENT paid for by living in a place paid for by the Government HOUSING PROGRAM, etc.

The other POINT was how we have a NEIGHBOR who is an EYE WITNESS who says the family was NOT NOISY.

And we also have an article that explains how the father also refused to let them inside of the room that shares the wall with the NEIGHBORS thus also making it that much more unlikely they'd hear the boys making noise.

So these other things you claim are MY ROOTS are NOT MINE. They are something YOU SAID that's a mistaken interpretation of what's been said.

NO ONE said the MOTHER is a SAINT. It was pointed out how she ENABLES the father's ALCOHOLISM. It was also pointed out how she's to blame for not leaving him and taking the kids with her instead of staying there and letting him hold them HOSTAGE.

And no one said the FATHER is helpless either. He's a PARANOID NARCISSITIC BULLY who wants everything to be HIS WAY. He wants everyone to THINK the same way as he does, and to see the rest of SOCIETY as being CORRUPT and wrong when what he does to his family is CORRUPT and wrong.

He refuses to WORK, then BLAMES the SOCIETY that is kind enough to SUPPORT him and his kids for this.

This is just an EXCUSE that he uses for NOT WORKING so that he can sit around and GET DRUNK and watch MOVIES.

This isn't a HELPLESS MAN. This is a LAZY MAN who wants to have a BIG FAMILY but doesn't want to do anything to SUPPORT THEM or FEED THEM.

According to the article the daughter is also mentally challenged in some way (perhaps AUTISTIC).

So one can hardly use her as a way to JUDGE the father.

And the SONS are also NOT the COPY CATS the father tried to turn them into.

They've CUT their hair, changed their NAMES, gotten JOBS, etc.

They say what their father said about SOCIETY is WRONG.

Yet for some reason you chose not to believe them and cling instead to this idea that the daughter's opinion is superior to that of the other 6 BOYS???

If you want to PAINT the FATHER as being some kind of a SAINT, so be it.

But most of the rest of us don't see him that way.

What we see is a SELFISH MAN who probably used the HOME SCHOOLING MONEY that should have been SPENT on BOOKS to buy BEER so he could sit around getting HIGH and watching films while the rest of the SOCIETY he BAD MOUTHS goes to WORK and PAYS TAXES that go to support people like this MAN.

And now that the SONS also have JOBS, that also means that they too support their FATHER by paying TAXES that go towards paying for the FOOD he eats, the place he lives in, and the BEER that he buys as a way to get HIGH.

The woman who made the FILM also didn't SOCIALIZE THEM. The SOCIAL SERVICES AGENCY for CHILDREN DID:

Administration for Childrenโ€™s Services was alerted and looked into the household situation... decided that the youngest three needed more socialization, so those brothers attended therapy at a nearby nonprofit for a year

And we're also told about how one of the boys (Narayana) works for at the New York Public Interest Research Group.

And this is what it says about that place:

The New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) is New York State's largest student-directed research and advocacy organization. Our principal areas of concern are environmental protection, consumer rights, higher education, government reform, voter registration, mass transit and public health. We are a nonpartisan, not-for-profit group established to effect policy reforms while training students and other New Yorkers to be advocates. Since 1973, NYPIRG has played the key role in fighting for more than 150 public interest laws and executive orders.

So ...

perhaps he's also working to pass a law that keeps other ALCOHOLICS like his father from being able to FEED their ADDICTION by using the HOME SCHOOLING money that's suppose to be used for the purchase of BOOKS or other materials that are for benefit of the children???

And if he isn't doing this, and if he reads this, then maybe that could also give him the INSPIRATION that he needs to do this so that other kids don't also get CHEATED OUT of their educations the way he did???

He's definitely a much more HEROIC character in this story than his ABUSIVE NARCISSISTIC ALCOHOLIC FATHER.

Auf wiedersehen!!!


๐Ÿ‡ ๎ˆ ๐Ÿฐ

What a pity!
Expected a more elaborated post cause this time you needed longer for your reply. I met with disappointment. ๎€ต

Sorry about all of the edits. My grammar and spelling is very bad (especially when one also posts replies while watching TV at the same time and not paying proper enough attention to what one is doing).

Somewhat strange with a degree in Literature.
That evil TV really distracts though.
As said before, confusion can easily lead to wrong conclusions.
Distractions add up.

The ROOTS or the MAIN POINTS being made in the last message is what you said about the family not getting WELFARE was WRONG.

Was talking about YOUR roots and didn't say anything about welfare in my previous post. The family may get welfare NOW. At the time of the documentary they lived of the homeschooling money.

The other POINT was how we have a NEIGHBOR who is an EYE WITNESS who says the family was NOT NOISY.
And we also have an article that explains how the father also refused to let them inside of the room that shares the wall with the NEIGHBORS thus also making it that much more unlikely they'd hear the boys making noise.

The neighbour was living on the same floor, according to Miss Buckley (journalist). The Angulos had/have more than one neighbour and the floors are long.
And suddenly the father cared about something?!
Did neighbours complain about the loud noises?
How abusive of the father to refuse to let them inside these rooms!
Abusive, cause this measurement wasn't necessary, since they were "pretty quiet".
Well, he was often away to get food for the 9-head-family.
Oh wait, you said he hanged around in pubs during that 3 hours shopping.

So these other things you claim are MY ROOTS are NOT MINE. They are something YOU SAID that's a mistaken interpretation of what's been said.
NO ONE said the MOTHER is a SAINT. It was pointed out how she ENABLES the father's ALCOHOLISM. It was also pointed out how she's to blame for not leaving him and taking the kids with her instead of staying there and letting him hold them HOSTAGE.
And no one said the FATHER is helpless either. He's a PARANOID NARCISSITIC BULLY who wants everything to be HIS WAY. He wants everyone to THINK the same way as he does, and to see the rest of SOCIETY as being CORRUPT and wrong when what he does to his family is CORRUPT and wrong. He refuses to WORK, then BLAMES the SOCIETY that is kind enough to SUPPORT him and his kids for this. This is just an EXCUSE that he uses for NOT WORKING so that he can sit around and GET DRUNK and watch MOVIES. This isn't a HELPLESS MAN. This is a LAZY MAN who wants to have a BIG FAMILY but doesn't want to do anything to SUPPORT THEM or FEED THEM.

Everybody has his/her own family-agenda, what influences the point of view. Your one-sided rants and assertions towards father Oscar showed me a lot about your background, your roots.
I was happy, when you eventually started to question the mother also...only to fall back into your father-rants promptly with your next post. You skipped my statement about her Codependency. Although you prefer to chat and read articles, dare to recommend this book:

Codependent No More:
How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself

On the first sight, mother Susanne is on a good way.
On the second sight, she isn't...old patterns show up.
(offender-victim / victim-offender)

According to the article the daughter is also mentally challenged in some way (perhaps AUTISTIC).

How does Miss Buckley (journalist) know about a mental handicap?
Is she a Dr. Psych, aside being such an objective journalist?
The Turner Syndrome seldom causes mental handicaps.
Most people with TS have normal intelligence. Many, however, have troubles with spatial visualization such as that needed for mathematics. Vision and hearing problems occur more often.
The daughter is currently about 25 years old, no bobbysoxer anymore.
She may lose a mathematics contest, but she may look through many other things...e.g. her own family dynamics.
But wasn't sure and clearly said it:
Mother Susanne Angulo cares more of her sons than of her daughter, perhaps cause she homeschooled her sons. Daughter Visnu stays with her father Oscar.
Don't know how much this situation is caused by the daughter's handicap.

So one can hardly use her as a way to JUDGE the father.

Didn't use the daughter to judge the father. Only said, daughter Visnu is closer to father Oscar and mother Susanne cares more of her sons.
You claimed that daughters are always closer to the father and I objected.
Daughters are often closer to the mother as well.
Read again without TV.

And the SONS are also NOT the COPY CATS the father tried to turn them into.
They've CUT their hair, changed their NAMES, gotten JOBS, etc.
They say what their father said about SOCIETY is WRONG.

Amazing that the sons are able to, isn't it?!

Yet for some reason you chose not to believe them and cling instead to this idea that the daughter's opinion is superior to that of the other 6 BOYS???
If you want to PAINT the FATHER as being some kind of a SAINT, so be it.

Neither believed nor claimed nor painted that.
It's you, who colours us colours the whole time...and display a one-eyed view.
I recognized the father's flaws
Read again my posts, especially my OP.
If possible your TV is switched off.

But most of the rest of us don't see him that way.
What we see is a SELFISH MAN who probably used the HOME SCHOOLING MONEY that should have been SPENT on BOOKS to buy BEER so he could sit around getting HIGH and watching films while the rest of the SOCIETY he BAD MOUTHS goes to WORK and PAYS TAXES that go to support people like this MAN.

Who is "We"?
Miss Buckley (journalist), Miss Moselle (doc-director) and you?
Or this Troll who posted within less than an hour 5x on this Board, bumping older threads with short messages and even released an OP.

Mon Dec 14 2015 19:02:20 Re: I watched 20/20
Mon Dec 14 2015 19:24:00 Re: Girls, please.
Mon Dec 14 2015 19:25:25 Re: Why didn't they leave?
Mon Dec 14 2015 19:27:09 Re: Father needs to be prosecuted
Mon Dec 14 2015 19:36:03 OP SPOILER ALERT: The father....
Mon Dec 14 2015 19:37:09 OP Edited

That person likes to edit also and the OP-headline reminds to somebody else.
Colour me colours...
Definitely coincidental!
Moment, feet feel cold...need to get me some socks. ๎„

The woman who made the FILM also didn't SOCIALIZE THEM. The SOCIAL SERVICES AGENCY for CHILDREN DID:

According to your article by Miss Buckley, the doc-director Miss Goody Moselle "became a guide for them on how to interact with others. ('Ask them about their favorite movies,' she advised.)"
Sounds for me like a "guide" in socialization...not a good one though.
Somewhat boring question, even for a small-talk.

xxpo's quote of article by Miss Buckley:
Administration for Childrenโ€™s Services was alerted and looked into the household situation... decided that the youngest three needed more socialization, so those brothers attended therapy at a nearby nonprofit for a year.

Your initial coloured quote in your previous post conveniently skipped an interesting part. Here's the complete quote, coloured for you to make it easier to see:
According to the family, the cityโ€™s Administration for Childrenโ€™s Services was alerted and looked into the household situation. After surmising that nothing was seriously awry, the family said, the agency decided that the youngest three needed more socialization, so those brothers attended therapy at a nearby nonprofit for a year.

And it continues:
(Citing privacy regulations, neither the city agency nor the nonprofit would confirm involvement; also the Department of Education would not say whether there were records of them having been home-schooled.)

Leastwise Miss Buckley (journalist) tried to do her job...she tried to.

And we're also told about how one of the boys (Narayana) works for at the New York Public Interest Research Group.
He's definitely a much more HEROIC character in this story than his ABUSIVE NARCISSISTIC ALCOHOLIC FATHER.

I don't watch anybody of this family as a hero.
Interesting, yes,
Hero, no.

Your one-sided rants and assertions towards father Oscar showed me a lot about your background, your roots. As said, everybody is influenced by the own family-story.
Our family was different than the Angulos, but some dynamics were similar. Our father worked his azz off aside his political activities and many honorary offices. Means, he was barely at home. That's how our mother started victimizing herself "He doesn't care of us!" (bs). When we reached our interesting bobbysoxer-age we began to look through...and true, we weren't always fair to our mom.
Now we're adults and settled our peace with our parents and all of us have our own homes anyhow.
Every now and then our mother likes to fall back into old patterns, what doesn't last long. ๎…

For sure you know that french saying:
"3 filles et la mรจre sont 4 diables pour le pรจre."
If the mother exaggerates her victimizing, it can turn into
"3 filles et le frรจre sont 4 diables pour la mรจre."



Somewhat strange with a degree in Literature.
That evil TV really distracts though.
As said before, confusion can easily lead to wrong conclusions.
Distractions add up.


My professors were very generous due to the content they got, but the papers they graded were also still full of lots comments and RED correction MARKS. The Ideas themselves (or what was said in the papers) were always much more interesting for xxpo than the details of the MECHANICS of writing. The GOOD GRADES one got on them also seem to indicate the professors also felt the same way??? AND Maybe they also LIKED MARKING UP the papers with the RED PEN??? Must have also been boring for them to read a PERFECT PAPER that didn't need any RED marks or comments on it???



The ROOTS or the MAIN POINTS being made in the last message is what you said about the family not getting WELFARE was WRONG.

Was talking about YOUR roots and didn't say anything about welfare in my previous post. The family may get welfare NOW. At the time of the documentary they lived of the homeschooling money.


Sorry, but each of the articles about this FAMILY say they've been getting WELFARE BENEFITS all along during the time they've lived there. This is also GOVERNEMENT HOUSING that they live in.

The other POINT was how we have a NEIGHBOR who is an EYE WITNESS who says the family was NOT NOISY.
And we also have an article that explains how the father also refused to let them inside of the room that shares the wall with the NEIGHBORS thus also making it that much more unlikely they'd hear the boys making noise.

The neighbour was living on the same floor, according to Miss Buckley (journalist). The Angulos had/have more than one neighbour and the floors are long.

We've probably covered this issue enough to know neither one of us is going to change our opinions???


Everybody has his/her own family-agenda, what influences the point of view. Your one-sided rants and assertions towards father Oscar showed me a lot about your background, your roots.


Yes, maybe so.




I was happy, when you eventually started to question the mother also...only to fall back into your father-rants promptly with your next post. You skipped my statement about her Codependency. Although you prefer to chat and read articles, dare to recommend this book:

Codependent No More:
How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself

Oh sorry about that. CODEPENDENCY originally began with people who lived with ALCOHOLICS being referred to this way. So yes you're also right to say she falls into this kind of a category.


On the first sight, mother Susanne is on a good way.
On the second sight, she isn't...old patterns show up.
(offender-victim / victim-offender)


She also ECHOES or PARROTS what the husband says when she talks about not needing a new coat or whatever it was she's saying as a way to justify being HELD HOSTAGE by him inside of this place for all those years. She sounds like some kind of a BRAIN WASHED MOONIE (or a member of a CULT)when she talks that way.

After she makes the phone call to her mother, she also ABRUPTLY CHANGES the subject, when her son tries to point out to her how it's the father who's the problem (when she begins to rant about how he doesn't like old people coming into their lives). So one can also tell its become a HABIT with her to defend him the way she's doing in that scene when she stops herself from complaining about how he wants nothing to do with her parents.

According to the article the daughter is also mentally challenged in some way (perhaps AUTISTIC).

How does Miss Buckley (journalist) know about a mental handicap?

Did BUCKLEY write the NY TIMES article??? At the bottom of it the name says:

C.J. Hughes contributed reporting.

EDITING to say I've FOUND THIS link:

WHICH also says she wrote a STORY about some woman who LIVED in a TREE???

Sounds interesting!!!

Wonder how we can find a copy of that story???


Their firstborn was Visnu, a developmentally challenged girl, followed by the six boys.

Is she a Dr. Psych, aside being such an objective journalist?


How do we know this is a SHE??? Since the NY TIMES is a well known and established newspaper, one assumes the person who wrote the article has had the help of other professional STAFF members and EDITORS who may also be experts in certain fields like PSYCH???

Or they could also have contacted someone in the field and asked them to view the video??? Or they could also have spoken with the mother herself and asked her about her daughter. Journalists and their bosses don't usually say something without first FACT CHECKING the info that they print to make sure it's accurate. Otherwise they could also be sued for saying something that was NOT SO.


The Turner Syndrome seldom causes mental handicaps.
Most people with TS have normal intelligence. Many, however, have troubles with spatial visualization such as that needed for mathematics. Vision and hearing problems occur more often.
The daughter is currently about 25 years old, no bobbysoxer anymore.
She may lose a mathematics contest, but she may look through many other things...e.g. her own family dynamics.

The implication being made in the NY TIMES doesn't seem to refer to the TURNER SYNDROME. DEVELOPMENTALLY challenged usually refers to some form of MENTAL RETARDATION or AUTISM.


Didn't use the daughter to judge the father. Only said, daughter Visnu is closer to father Oscar and mother Susanne cares more of her sons.
You claimed that daughters are always closer to the father and I objected.
Daughters are often closer to the mother as well.
Read again without TV.


There are exceptions to every rule. The previous mention of the OEDIPUS COMPLEX was merely to remind us of how IN GENERAL mothers tend to be closer to sons, and daughters to fathers. And when one doesn't comment on what's been said, that's usally also because one has no disagreement with what's been said.

And the SONS are also NOT the COPY CATS the father tried to turn them into.
They've CUT their hair, changed their NAMES, gotten JOBS, etc.
They say what their father said about SOCIETY is WRONG.

Amazing that the sons are able to, isn't it?!


Without the ONE SON breaking the rule and leaving the apt, and then getting locked in a MENTAL WARD for a week, the AGENCY stepping in to help SOCIALIZE them may also NEVER have happened, and the boys might still react LIKE ZOMBIES when one tried to interact with them.

So once again, it's the SON who DEFIES the FATHER who is our HERO. Because what he does also gets them the help they need and SAVES THEM from still further ABUSE. And he also said he expected to be BEATEN by the father for disobeying him when he returned home again.

Yet for some reason you chose not to believe them and cling instead to this idea that the daughter's opinion is superior to that of the other 6 BOYS???
If you want to PAINT the FATHER as being some kind of a SAINT, so be it.

Neither believed nor claimed nor painted that.
It's you, who colours us colours the whole time...and display a one-eyed view.
I recognized the father's flaws
Read again my posts, especially my OP.
If possible your TV is switched off.


OK. So then what's the point of saying the daughter seems fond of the father???

But most of the rest of us don't see him that way.
What we see is a SELFISH MAN who probably used the HOME SCHOOLING MONEY that should have been SPENT on BOOKS to buy BEER so he could sit around getting HIGH and watching films while the rest of the SOCIETY he BAD MOUTHS goes to WORK and PAYS TAXES that go to support people like this MAN.

Who is "We"?


OTHER POSTERS who have also posted messages here to this forum. You did say you had read the messages that have been posted here???

Miss Buckley (journalist), Miss Moselle (doc-director) and you?


Who is THIS BUCKLEY??? After reading SEVERAL ARTICLES about the family one can't recall the names of everyone who's written them.

As already stated, WE is a REFERENCE to other posters here at this message board who MOSTLY also share the same view of the father WANTING to have all of these kids but not wanting to do anything to SUPPORT THEM.


And even before the other poster left more recently posted messages here, there were plenty of other posters before them who also basically say the same things about the father.

And whoever this person may be please also let one assure you that it is NOT XXPO.


A SOCK account would take TIME, and xxpo already spends too much time here as it is being xxpo. Talking to oneself also seems silly and like a waste of time. There's just too many other things to do that are much more interesting than posting messages to oneself.



The woman who made the FILM also didn't SOCIALIZE THEM. The SOCIAL SERVICES AGENCY for CHILDREN DID:

According to your article by Miss Buckley, the doc-director Miss Goody Moselle "became a guide for them on how to interact with others. ('Ask them about their favorite movies,' she advised.)"
Sounds for me like a "guide" in socialization...not a good one though.
Somewhat boring question, even for a small-talk.


Sorry, I'm still confused about who this BUCKLEY person is that you keep mentioning.

Didn't this MOSELLE person also chose them because she had to do a FILM PROJECT in order to graduate???

So the boys also became her film project for that reason??? And their SOCIALIZATION also wasn't a part of her job duty???

Because as a FILM STUDENT she's also NOT TRAINED to do that???


Asking someone what their favorite film is could also be part of any normal conversation that one has whenever one first meets someone. And yes it also fits into the SMALL TALK category and not into the SOCIALIZATION category.

xxpo's quote of article by Miss Buckley:
Administration for Childrenโ€™s Services was alerted and looked into the household situation... decided that the youngest three needed more socialization, so those brothers attended therapy at a nearby nonprofit for a year.

Again, if SOMEONE named BUCKLEY wrote this article then WHY is there another name listed down at the BOTTOM of it???

And we're also told about how one of the boys (Narayana) works for at the New York Public Interest Research Group.
He's definitely a much more HEROIC character in this story than his ABUSIVE NARCISSISTIC ALCOHOLIC FATHER.

I don't watch anybody of this family as a hero.
Interesting, yes,
Hero, no.


You don't see it as being HEROIC the way the boys were able to BREAK FREE from their LONG HELD CAPTIVITY???


Your one-sided rants and assertions towards father Oscar showed me a lot about your background, your roots. As said, everybody is influenced by the own family-story.



Tara is very perceptive!!!

xxpo has a friend she calls the TIPPLER (another AVOIDANT type). He also drinks 12 BEERS a day. But he's also very generous with his money and donates some of it to the food for stray kitties fund.



Our family was different than the Angulos, but some dynamics were similar. Our father worked his azz off aside his political activities and many honorary offices. Means, he was barely at home. That's how our mother started victimizing herself "He doesn't care of us!" (bs). When we reached our interesting bobbysoxer-age we began to look through...and true, we weren't always fair to our mom.
Now we're adults and settled our peace with our parents and all of us have our own homes anyhow.
Every now and then our mother likes to fall back into old patterns, what doesn't last long.


Yes it's amusing how quickly we fall right back into old habits again whenever we meet or speak to family members or to old friends that we haven't seen or spoken to for a while. It's as if TIME STOOD STILL and hadn't changed whenever we have another encounter with them. The mother speaking to her mother again on the phone had that kind of a feel to it (as if NO TIME at all had passed by since the last time they spoke to each other)???


For sure you know that french saying:
"3 filles et la mรจre sont 4 diables pour le pรจre."
If the mother exaggerates her victimizing, it can turn into
"3 filles et le frรจre sont 4 diables pour la mรจre."


Did the mother do that though???

The MAIN COMPLAINT with the DOCUMENTARY seems to be the way the SPECIFIC DETAILS of the ABUSE get GLOSSED OVER by the way the family refuses to discuss them.

Thus also leaving one with no other choice but to TRY to READ BETWEEN the LINES and figure out what they're NOT SAYING (or to try to pretend as if one is SHERLOCK HOLMES who has come to solve the MISSING PIECES of a MYSTERY story).


๐Ÿ‡ ๎ˆ๐Ÿฐ


xxpo (Wed Dec 16 2015 14:14:29) Flag โ–ผ
Post Edited: Wed Dec 16 2015 14:40:27

My professors were very generous due to the content they got, but the papers they graded were also still full of lots comments and RED correction MARKS. The Ideas themselves (or what was said in the papers) were always much more interesting for xxpo than the details of the MECHANICS of writing. The GOOD GRADES one got on them also seem to indicate the professors also felt the same way??? AND Maybe they also LIKED MARKING UP the papers with the RED PEN??? Must have also been boring for them to read a PERFECT PAPER that didn't need any RED marks or comments on it???

Or they were simply tired of random thoughts, incomplete quotes and crawling through unsorted writings in which it became unclear what's fact and what's fiction (assumptions). ๎„

We've probably covered this issue enough to know neither one of us is going to change our opinions???

We probably did ??????????????

CODEPENDENCY originally began with people who lived with ALCOHOLICS being referred to this way. So yes you're also right to say she falls into this kind of a category.

Leastwise you've read the first 2 paragraphs of the Wikipedia-Article, till you gladly found your alcoholic codeword.
There's much more about Codependency; e.g.
Codependents like to CONTROLL others.

She also ECHOES or PARROTS what the husband says when she talks about not needing a new coat or whatever it was she's saying as a way to justify being HELD HOSTAGE by him inside of this place for all those years.

And now mother Susanne, this poor victim, echoes and parrots what others whisper into her ear. She looks for affection...and continues controlling her sons.

After she makes the phone call to her mother, she also ABRUPTLY CHANGES the subject, when her son tries to point out to her how it's the father who's the problem (when she begins to rant about how he doesn't like old people coming into their lives). So one can also tell its become a HABIT with her to defend him the way she's doing in that scene when she stops herself from complaining about how he wants nothing to do with her parents.

Nope, she continues complaining about father Oscar AFTER what you describe.
Son asks "How's he taking it?" and she mumbles something and looks down.
Son: "What's the problem?" and she continues ranting about his father, her husband.
There's no defence.
Watch it again...about h 1 min 11 in the documentary.

And you still buy it:
Yeah, she wasn't able to call her mom for 20 years. ๎€›

Did BUCKLEY write the NY TIMES article??? At the bottom of it the name says:
C.J. Hughes contributed reporting.

You refer the whole time to the article "By Cara Buckley".
The info is on the top, directly under the headline:


And now you don't know anymore who she is?
But you were able to see at the bottom
"C.J. Hughes contributed reporting".

EDITING to say I've FOUND THIS link:

WHICH also says she wrote a STORY about some woman who LIVED in a TREE???
Sounds interesting!!!
Wonder how we can find a copy of that story???


A hell of a finding!!!!!!!!
You only clicked on her name "Cara Buckley" on top of the article.
Wonder if you can use a search engine also?????????...lulz.

How do we know this is a SHE???

Go on pretending.

Since the NY TIMES is a well known and established newspaper, one assumes the person who wrote the article has had the help of other professional STAFF members and EDITORS who may also be experts in certain fields like PSYCH???

You mean the person Miss Buckley (journalist). ๎€น
Well, everything is possible and everthing can be assumed.
She had the help of C.J. Hughes, as you found on the bottom of your favourite article. And this person is obviously an expert for Real Estate.
Wed, Jan 20, 2016, 7:30 pm you can watch C.J. Hughes moderating a discussion.

The implication being made in the NY TIMES doesn't seem to refer to the TURNER SYNDROME. DEVELOPMENTALLY challenged usually refers to some form of MENTAL RETARDATION or AUTISM.

The implication may seem so.
What still doesn't make Miss Buckley (journalist) a Dr. Psych.

There are exceptions to every rule. The previous mention of the OEDIPUS COMPLEX was merely to remind us of how IN GENERAL mothers tend to be closer to sons, and daughters to fathers. And when one doesn't comment on what's been said, that's usally also because one has no disagreement with what's been said.

If "one" (you) doesn't comment, your TV may have been more exciting.
And now you claim again that daughters are usually closer to the fathers.
And I still object.
The Oedipus- and Electra- Complex isn't a rule.
Daughters are often closer to the mothers as well.

Without the ONE SON breaking the rule and leaving the apt, and then getting locked in a MENTAL WARD for a week, the AGENCY stepping in to help SOCIALIZE them may also NEVER have happened, and the boys might still react LIKE ZOMBIES when one tried to interact with them.

Leastwise they didn't react to director Miss Moselle like Zombies.
According to your article by Miss Buckley, it was director Miss Moselle who said:
"They had this openness about them that you donโ€™t see every day in New York,"
Perhaps Miss Moselle's "power influences everybody"? ๎ฆ

So once again, it's the SON who DEFIES the FATHER who is our HERO. Because what he does also gets them the help they need and SAVES THEM from still further ABUSE. And he also said he expected to be BEATEN by the father for disobeying him when he returned home again.

The son did NOT say, he expected to be beaten.
Tell us where YOU heard that!

One of the sons left the apartment alone in 2010 at the age of 15, when the father was out shopping. After he visited a bank, a grocery and a pharmacy wearing a horror-mask, he got arrested. When he happily returned home they ate their favourite food together, Lasagne.
His mom rewarded him for breaking the rules, getting arrested and returning with police.
She's so nice, isn't she? ๎„
Hmmm...wasn't it in 2010 when director Miss Moselle started with her documentary? THAT'S what the son said:
(about min 30 of the documentary)
"I was scared to come home. I didn't like Daddy was frightened of what I just did because no one had ever done that. That was the day I count like 'Toralf, the soldier necklace' and I threw it him up the way. Since that day, I said, I refuse to talk to you. I refuse to take your orders. We're not longer father and son anymore." (son smiles with tears in his eyes)

A typical disrespectful teeny, who spreads his wings.
Happens every day, zillion times across the world.
It's an effort to spread the wings, but not a heroic deed.

"Who is 'We'?
Miss Buckley (journalist), Miss Moselle (doc-director) and you?"

Who is THIS BUCKLEY??? After reading SEVERAL ARTICLES about the family one can't recall the names of everyone who's written them.

Go on pretending.

As already stated, WE is a REFERENCE to other posters here at this message board who MOSTLY also share the same view of the father WANTING to have all of these kids but not wanting to do anything to SUPPORT THEM.
And even before the other poster left more recently posted messages here, there were plenty of other posters before them who also basically say the same things about the father.

I criticized the father also:
He lets other people work for him (OP).
He drinks too much, what embarrasses his sons. (OP)
But that doesn't make him a devil incarnate as you like to watch him.

And whoever this person may be please also let one assure you that it is NOT XXPO.

Believe you at once, cause you're honest! ๎†

A SOCK account would take TIME, and xxpo already spends too much time here as it is being xxpo. Talking to oneself also seems silly and like a waste of time. There's just too many other things to do that are much more interesting than posting messages to oneself.

That socky didn't reply to you...yet.

Sorry, I'm still confused about who this BUCKLEY person is that you keep mentioning.

Go on pretending.

Again, if SOMEONE named BUCKLEY wrote this article then WHY is there another name listed down at the BOTTOM of it???

Because that expert for Real Estate "contributed" to the article by Miss Buckley??????????
"C.J. Hughes contributed reporting."

You don't see it as being HEROIC the way the boys were able to BREAK FREE from their LONG HELD CAPTIVITY???

Correct, I don't see heroism.
The boys (nearly adults) didn't need to escape like Papillon from Devil's Island. And Papillon didn't get a Lasagne when they caught him. ๎€”

xxpo has a friend she calls the TIPPLER (another AVOIDANT type). He also drinks 12 BEERS a day. But he's also very generous with his money and donates some of it to the food for stray kitties fund.

Oh, you told me your neighbour with the cats is a woman.
Probably you've more than one neighbour, as the Angulos have more than one.
Did you grow up with your tippler-neighbour or how is he connected to your family?

"3 filles et la mรจre sont 4 diables pour le pรจre."
If the mother exaggerates her victimizing, it can turn into
"3 filles et le frรจre sont 4 diables pour la mรจre."



Did the mother do that though???

Mother Susanne didn't exaggerate, she's very good in victimizing herself.
In your opinion she's a poor victim, only to blame for her weakness and supporting the father to drink.
After re-watched the whole documentary and several scenes again:
Yes, in my opinion mother Susanne victimizes herself and continues controlling her sons.

The MAIN COMPLAINT with the DOCUMENTARY seems to be the way the SPECIFIC DETAILS of the ABUSE get GLOSSED OVER by the way the family refuses to discuss them.
Thus also leaving one with no other choice but to TRY to READ BETWEEN the LINES and figure out what they're NOT SAYING (or to try to pretend as if one is SHERLOCK HOLMES who has come to solve the MISSING PIECES of a MYSTERY story).

No problem to read between the lines, as long as you do read the lines also and don't change facts.

As said in my OP, the key to the mystery stays Visnu for me.
Was Visnu really the only daughter?


The Trouble with Tribbles


Or they were simply tired of random thoughts, incomplete quotes and crawling through unsorted writings in which it became unclear what's fact and what's fiction (assumptions).


Ha! Ha! Maybe so ... but xxpo would also make several drafts before typing up and turning in the final paper. And one also doesn't feel the need to do that here at this forum ... and mostly just brainstorms ... and then posts those thoughts ... instead of behaving as if one is turning in a term paper.


Ok ... so then xxpo (and not WE) thinks this DEAD HORSE has probably also already been BEATEN to DEATH enough??? Because it's also not very likely either one of us will change our minds???

Also spend much time discussing CODEPENDENCY at the LEFTOVERS board prior to your mention of it here. And before that have also discussed this issue at other boards. So one is also aware of how there's much more info regarding this matter.

The mother reminds one of a BORDERLINE PERSONALITY. One also often finds a BPD hooked up with a NPD (like Oscar).

But we also don't see enough of her to know this.

Watched the ending again in the PUMPKIN PATCH and the opinion remains the same. If one watches this other scene again, one suspects one will come away with the same impression again.

There was an EXPERIMENT they did at a college lecture which had about 200 students in it. What happens is a ROBBER comes into the room and attacks the professor. Then they question the students who were EYE WITNESSES to it and NONE of them were in agreement about what they'd seen. Some claim the thief wore a RED SHIRT, others say he wore a BLUE SHIRT, etc. So our not seeing something the SAME WAY is also perfectly normal and understandable.

Went back to check the article again which is why it also says:

EDITED to say ...

But had no idea who she was before the EDITED to say part was added on.

Tried using the SEARCH area at the MIAMI PAPER but had NO LUCK.

Buckley might not be a PSYCH major, but she still has the ability to contact an EXPERT in that field.


If "one" (you) doesn't comment, your TV may have been more exciting.


Or one could also be tired of the topic from having recently discussed the matter with others at other boards.

Without the ONE SON breaking the rule and leaving the apt, and then getting locked in a MENTAL WARD for a week, the AGENCY stepping in to help SOCIALIZE them may also NEVER have happened, and the boys might still react LIKE ZOMBIES when one tried to interact with them.


Leastwise they didn't react to director Miss Moselle like Zombies.
According to your article by Miss Buckley, it was director Miss Moselle who said:
"They had this openness about them that you donโ€™t see every day in New York,"
Perhaps Miss Moselle's "power influences everybody"?


They were probably more OPEN to her due to the way she told them she's getting her PHD in FILM??? In other words, this woman also knew a lot more about the subject than they did, which also means she could help them learn more about the subject.

When xxpo met someone who now has their PHD in PARTICLE PHYSICS, for example, that person also answered many questions and helped xxpo to learn more about ASTRO PHYSICS.

Another question for your mom:

What planet in another different SOLAR SYSTEM also has rings like SATURN???


So once again, it's the SON who DEFIES the FATHER who is our HERO. Because what he does also gets them the help they need and SAVES THEM from still further ABUSE. And he also said he expected to be BEATEN by the father for disobeying him when he returned home again.


The son did NOT say, he expected to be beaten.
Tell us where YOU heard that!


One would need to watch it again and/or READ all the other articles again. Don't have the TIME to do that now.


One of the sons left the apartment alone in 2010 at the age of 15, when the father was out shopping. After he visited a bank, a grocery and a pharmacy wearing a horror-mask, he got arrested. When he happily returned home they ate their favourite food together, Lasagne.
His mom rewarded him for breaking the rules, getting arrested and returning with police.
She's so nice, isn't she?

Imo, the MOTHER should have encouraged the sons to leave sooner. In fact she should also have LEFT the father instead of allow him to ABUSE the sons for 15 YEARS by keeping them LOCKED UP inside of this place.


Hmmm...wasn't it in 2010 when director Miss Moselle started with her documentary? THAT'S what the son said:
(about min 30 of the documentary)
"I was scared to come home. I didn't like Daddy was frightened of what I just did because no one had ever done that. That was the day I count like 'Toralf, the soldier necklace' and I threw it him up the way. Since that day, I said, I refuse to talk to you. I refuse to take your orders. We're not longer father and son anymore." (son smiles with tears in his eyes)

A typical disrespectful teeny, who spreads his wings.
Happens every day, zillion times across the world.
It's an effort to spread the wings, but not a heroic deed.


Do you recall the 3 teenage girls who were kidnapped and HELD HOSTAGE for several years???

One day one of them was able to BREAK OUT and call for help. This is the same situation and the reason why one sees what the son did as being an act of HEROISM.


I criticized the father also:
He lets other people work for him (OP).
He drinks too much, what embarrasses his sons. (OP)
But that doesn't make him a devil incarnate as you like to watch him.

It also Doesn't make him a NICE PERSON to be around either.


Maybe this sock is also disagreeing with itself as a way to bump up it's topics???



You don't see it as being HEROIC the way the boys were able to BREAK FREE from their LONG HELD CAPTIVITY???


Correct, I don't see heroism.
The boys (nearly adults) didn't need to escape like Papillon from Devil's Island. And Papillon didn't get a Lasagne when they caught him.


The boys seem more like those 3 KIDNAPPED GIRLS who were also HELD HOSTAGE inside of that other house.


xxpo has a friend she calls the TIPPLER (another AVOIDANT type). He also drinks 12 BEERS a day. But he's also very generous with his money and donates some of it to the food for stray kitties fund.


Oh, you told me your neighbour with the cats is a woman.
Probably you've more than one neighbour, as the Angulos have more than one.
Did you grow up with your tippler-neighbour or how is he connected to your family?


The TIPPLER doesn't live in this neighborhood. HE (not a she) lives 3 MILES from here.

Met the TIPPLER through a girlfriend who dated him in college. His father also taught at the same UNIVERSITY we went to. So NO. We didn't grow up together.


"3 filles et la mรจre sont 4 diables pour le pรจre."
If the mother exaggerates her victimizing, it can turn into
"3 filles et le frรจre sont 4 diables pour la mรจre."


Did the mother do that though???


Mother Susanne didn't exaggerate, she's very good in victimizing herself.
In your opinion she's a poor victim, only to blame for her weakness and supporting the father to drink.
After re-watched the whole documentary and several scenes again:
Yes, in my opinion mother Susanne victimizes herself and continues controlling her sons.


The MAIN COMPLAINT with the DOCUMENTARY seems to be the way the SPECIFIC DETAILS of the ABUSE get GLOSSED OVER by the way the family refuses to discuss them.
Thus also leaving one with no other choice but to TRY to READ BETWEEN the LINES and figure out what they're NOT SAYING (or to try to pretend as if one is SHERLOCK HOLMES who has come to solve the MISSING PIECES of a MYSTERY story).


No problem to read between the lines, as long as you do read the lines also and don't change facts.

As said in my OP, the key to the mystery stays Visnu for me.
Was Visnu really the only daughter?


Why do you think there's another daughter???

Other questions to ask is WHY is the mother in PERU??? HOW does she get there??? It would COST lots of money for the air fare. Where did she get it??? Did she ever have a JOB??? If so, what kind of WORK did she use to do???

Same with Oscar. WHY is he wandering around in the MOUNTAINS where he meets her. Did they BOTH have disagreements with their families???

Maybe both of them sat around eating up the food and did nothing to help pay for it???

So perhaps that's also how they ended up wandering around in the mountains???

Then there's also still the ISSUE of how the MOTHER should only get welfare for 3 YEARS before she is FORCED to get a JOB.

So HOW is she able to escape from this RULE???

Maybe because she also gets help because she also has a DISORDER like her daughter that keeps her from working??? If she's a BORDERLINE personality, that could also explain the reason why she keeps getting help from the government.

Here's another link that describes what life is like for kids of BPD/NPD parents:[email protected]

What are the emotional experiences of children of these marriages?

We can imagine that such children grew up in volatile home with an overly involved mother and a distant or disengaged father. Such children often experience their boundaries violated in various ways around their normal needs for privacy and autonomy of thought and action.

The emotional instability and/or unavailability of the adults around them can cause these children to feel a lot of confusion, anger and withdrawal, and to even start acting out themselves. Personality disordered parents often inappropriately use their children for emotional support, which can cause them to have to grow up faster than normal, taking some form of a co-parental role in their family system.

Many children in such households are very anxious to leave home early. Substance abuse is often a feature of these sorts of personality disorders. So imagine what many of us understand about children of alcoholics and then multiply it. The children of these kinds of parents often wind up in therapy, because their own parents never did. This is another good reason for couples with these sorts of challenges to seek professional help in stabilizing their relationships.

For more in depth reading about this particular subject I recommend:

The Borderline Narcissistic Couple, by Joan Lachkar. And in general, I highly regard various works by Otto Kernberg on personality disorders.

Thank you for sharing your insights, Dr. Kipnis.[email protected]

So IRONICALLY what we have is this NARCISSISTIC Father who refuses to let his children be exposed to what he claims is drug use in the elevator ...

who then EXPOSES them to his own SUBSTANCE ABUSE inside of this PRISON area ...

a place where they also have NO WAY to escape from it ...

the way they could have done if they were located inside of the elevator.


๐Ÿ‡ ๎ˆ๐Ÿฐ


Would've replied earlier, but got the message:

Section Closed
We're sorry, this section of IMDb is temporarily unavailable due to important maintenance work.

Well, it hurt you more cause you needed to wait editing-editing your post.

xxpo (Fri Dec 18 2015 12:09:43)
Post Edited: Fri Dec 18 2015 13:40:56
Post Edited: Fri Dec 18 2015 18:10:09

Your change of the headline into
BORDERLINE and NPD personalities
enjoyed enormously!
NPD = Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands
Extreme right-wingers...these NPD personalities. ๎€ฆ

And one also doesn't feel the need to do that here at this forum ... and mostly just brainstorms ... and then posts those thoughts ... instead of behaving as if one is turning in a term paper.

Didn't and don't expect a "term paper".
Didn't write a dissertation here myself, as said in my OP.
But to puke random thoughts to somebodies feet is something else. ๎€”

Also spend much time discussing CODEPENDENCY at the LEFTOVERS board prior to your mention of it here. And before that have also discussed this issue at other boards. So one is also aware of how there's much more info regarding this matter.

Good to know.
Have read some of your posts at the Leftovers, but obviously missed that ones. Still, you don't like to use your knowledge on Mrs. Angulo, who's now Miss Reisenbichler again. ๎™

The mother reminds one of a BORDERLINE PERSONALITY. One also often finds a BPD hooked up with a NPD (like Oscar).

Got you...father Oscar is an extreme right-winger...Hahaha.

Watched the ending again in the PUMPKIN PATCH and the opinion remains the same. If one watches this other scene again, one suspects one will come away with the same impression again.

Perhaps "one" has a ruined eye sight? ๎‚‹
Or perhaps "one" didn't watch the complete scene, cause "one" was distracted by TV again?
Now "one" tries to "come away" with a suspicion and an impression.
You're not getting away that easily!
You claimed, the son "said he expected to be BEATEN by the father for disobeying him when he returned home" from his lone horror-masked trip, escorted by police. Subsequently rewarded by his mom with a Lasagne, what you appreciated and even expected more in that way.
I listened to that scene again and quoted the son's exact words.
Now it's your turn:
Where did the son say he expected to be beaten?!

There was an EXPERIMENT they did at a college lecture which had about 200 students in it. What happens is a ROBBER comes into the room and attacks the professor. Then they question the students who were EYE WITNESSES to it and NONE of them were in agreement about what they'd seen. Some claim the thief wore a RED SHIRT, others say he wore a BLUE SHIRT, etc. So our not seeing something the SAME WAY is also perfectly normal and understandable.

Have listened to enough contradictory eye-whitnesses.
Understand well what you mean, and yes, it's understandable.
Expected a little more of you and we don't talk about red and blue shirts.
Aside, there's this documentary we can re-watch and re-listen as often as necessary.

Went back to check the article again which is why it also says:

EDITED to say ...
But had no idea who she was before the EDITED to say part was added on.
Tried using the SEARCH area at the MIAMI PAPER but had NO LUCK.

We talked about your NY-Times article by Miss Buckley the whole time.
You posted the link to Miss Buckley's article several times.
I deliberately added (journalist) to Miss Buckley's name.
And you were able to click on her what?!

Buckley might not be a PSYCH major, but she still has the ability to contact an EXPERT in that field.

Yeah, Miss Buckley might have the ability, but she didn't.
Otherwise she would have mentioned it, as she mentioned the Real Estate expert C.J. Hughes.
And Miss Buckley would've informed about a daughter's psych-check, as she informed us about her research-results at the City Agency, the dubious Nonprofit and the Department of Education.
Research Results โ†’ none. ๎€ซ
As said, leastwise Miss Buckley (journalist) tried to do her job...she tried to.

They were probably more OPEN to her due to the way she told them she's getting her PHD in FILM??? In other words, this woman also knew a lot more about the subject than they did, which also means she could help them learn more about the subject.

And how was director Miss Moselle able to tell and help them, when the sons didn't talk with anybody?
Before Miss Goody Moselle "became a guide for them on how to interact with others", of course.

When xxpo met someone who now has their PHD in PARTICLE PHYSICS, for example, that person also answered many questions and helped xxpo to learn more about ASTRO PHYSICS.

Did that "someone" (scientist) "become a guide" for you "how to interact with others" either?
Would explain a lot! ๎€ˆ
Scientists aren't really famous for their social skills.
With directors have my doubts meanwhile also.....

Another question for your mom:
What planet in another different SOLAR SYSTEM also has rings like SATURN???

Will ask her when she's back from her Bavaria trip.
You didn't want my answer, did you?

Imo, the MOTHER should have encouraged the sons to leave sooner. In fact she should also have LEFT the father instead of allow him to ABUSE the sons for 15 YEARS by keeping them LOCKED UP inside of this place.

The mother wasn't able to encourage the sons, cause she didn't want them to leave either.
You still see a serious abuse by the father, I don't.
He isn't a perfect father, definitely not.
As she isn't a perfect mother.
A good mother would've talked with her husband and discussed some changes in their children's education. Instead, mother Susanne victimizes herself, separates him from their children and even stabbed in his back (Lasagne-reward for breaking rules). Maybe Miss Goody Moselle helped them eating the Lasagne. ๎€”

Do you recall the 3 teenage girls who were kidnapped and HELD HOSTAGE for several years???

Yes, I remember that ugly case...didn't remember it was in Ohio.
And learnt some weeks ago, one of my most favourite sites is down:
Crime Library is dead. ๎‚ƒ
No need for more links, thanks...know many other sites.
But Crime Library was better!

One day one of them was able to BREAK OUT and call for help. This is the same situation and the reason why one sees what the son did as being an act of HEROISM.

Now you try with tortured teenage-girls to bring an alleged hero-son back through the rear door.
Again, the son(s) didn't need to escape like Papillon from Devil's Island.
The son didn't call for help...he got arrested.
He was lucky nobody shot him and I'm happy nobody did, cause I like this crazy teeny-man.
Oh, currently a young twen-man.
Imagine, a horror-masked man in a bank...Yaiiiiii!
And Papillon didn't get a Lasagne after he got caught.

Maybe this sock is also disagreeing with itself as a way to bump up it's topics???

Don't know what this sock thinks.
You may know better. ๎‚Š
Bad joke aside:
Don't know if the target is you or me.
We both teased some people here. ๎€‚

Met the TIPPLER through a girlfriend who dated him in college. His father also taught at the same UNIVERSITY we went to. So NO. We didn't grow up together.

Ok, your tippler didn't have anything to do with your family.
Your tippler doesn't explain your hate against father Oscar.

Why do you think there's another daughter???

I asked: Was Visnu really the only daughter?
Means, past tense...WAS.
You may understand my question better if your ancestors would be rightfully blamed for the Holocaust and Euthanasia. Luckily none of my family was personally involved, but since I'm a German, discussed it extensively.
No, I don't feel guilty, but I'm deeply ashamed.
A very, very dark chapter of german history.
Well...mercy killing is still discussable for me. *harrumph*

Other questions to ask is WHY is the mother in PERU??? HOW does she get there??? It would COST lots of money for the air fare. Where did she get it??? Did she ever have a JOB??? If so, what kind of WORK did she use to do???

You mean, why WAS the mother in Peru.
Though you rejected that term, cause the originals are grandpas and grandmoms nowadays:
Parents Angulo were Hippies!
Leastwise they were attracted to the Hippies' philosophy.
Perhaps she hitchhiked to Peru...or was a drug courier.
Ok, ok...perhaps it's me now who watched too much gangster movies.
Later she got children and homeschooled them.

Same with Oscar. WHY is he wandering around in the MOUNTAINS where he meets her. Did they BOTH have disagreements with their families???

Mother Susanne had for sure family disagreements.
Of course, it was and still is only father Oscar who's the problem with her family, yeah.
With father Oscar I'm not so sure.
Is his family still alive?
He earned money with guiding tourists.
Don't have a clue, what both did in NY to get money for Scandinavia.
But tourist guide and (homeschooling) mother are honourable jobs.

Then there's also still the ISSUE of how the MOTHER should only get welfare for 3 YEARS before she is FORCED to get a JOB.
So HOW is she able to escape from this RULE???

Solution for father and mother โ†’ work camp!
Yah, maybe sometimes I'm too much german.
But didn't say concentration camp. ๎€ฉ
You may like the advantage โ†’ their children are free! ๐Ÿ—ฝ
And lose their chance to struggle free themselves.
Or worse, get guidance by Miss Moselle (director) and Miss Buckley (journalist).

Maybe because she also gets help because she also has a DISORDER like her daughter that keeps her from working??? If she's a BORDERLINE personality, that could also explain the reason why she keeps getting help from the government.

Here's another link that describes what life is like for kids of BPD/NPD parents:[email protected]

Yah, yah, try the next rear door.
This time for daughter Visnu's alleged mental disorder.
Forget it.
Go ahead with your BPD and NPD.
Still like your NPD. ๎„

Thank you for sharing your insights, Dr. Kipnis.[email protected]

Yes, thank you, Dr. Kipnis.
And thank you, xxpo for 2x the same link!
Doesn't convince even the 2nd time.
Awaiting the 3rd trial and next rear door.
With the NPD and a therapy-soup. ๎ฆ

So IRONICALLY what we have is this NARCISSISTIC Father who refuses to let his children be exposed to what he claims is drug use in the elevator ...
who then EXPOSES them to his own SUBSTANCE ABUSE inside of this PRISON area ...
a place where they also have NO WAY to escape from it ...
the way they could have done if they were located inside of the elevator.

Ah yah, we're back to the always evil males (father) who always oppresses innocent females (mother) and children.
You know, in the elevator they cannot inflame straw-crosses.
Would suffocate them!

The Trouble with Tribbles

Do you have the feeling also, posting works faster now?
Or is it only my system?
Well, I referred to Preview.
You may better estimate Edit...Lalala.



Forgot one:

People with the traits NPD/BPD tend to rely heavily upon the mechanisms of projection, displacement and projective identification to deal with their own internal problems. This isn't the place for a detailed discussion of what those mechanisms are or how they work, but suffice it to say that they deal with their internal problems by projecting them on you.

Sara was a stay at home Mom. Her husband Steve constantly complained that she was lazy because she stayed at home and watched TV while he worked hard all day. He said it was her fault they didn't have a better life style. So she got a part time job. He continued to accuse her of being lazy so she got a full time job. One step at a time she worked harder and harder until she was a full time Mom and housekeeper and was working 50 hours per week outside the home and bringing home more income than Steve.

At that point he said that because of her obsession with money and her neglect of the house and kids that it was her fault they didn't have a better life style.

She came in for treatment for depression and anxiety.

One of the most common complaints from people coming in who, it turns out, are or have been in significant relationships with people with the traits of NPD/BPD is that they have lost touch with who they are, they have lost their identity. In their efforts to appease their partner, to get along with them or keep the peace, they have sacrificed one part of their identity after another until very little of who they are is left

Note the way SUZANNE says how happy she is to feel like she's herself again.

Getting lost in a relationship with someone, anyone, is a tragedy. When it's in a relationship with someone who very likely has little, if anything, to offer in return, it's a greater tragedy.

Who you are is sacred. Your thoughts and feelings and ideas and interests are that which is you and no one has the right to infringe on it. But they will if we let them.

What one suspects his Oscar tries to CONTROL the thoughts of his WIFE the same way as he tried to control the thoughts of his sons.

This is why we hear her mention his dislike of the way that she's spoken with her mother. Oscar bad mouths her family because he sees them as being a threat to him the same way as he sees everyone else as being a threat to the boys.

Anyone is seen as being a threat to him because it also means the influence of others leads to a lack of CONTROL and the INFLUENCE that he has on them.

So in addition to offering information about these disorders and the people with those traits, intervention includes helping the non-PD partner re-connect with who they are, what they think and feel, and what their rights are, so that they can make meaningful, informed choices in their lives.

And, imo, this also seems to SUM UP the situation with SUZANNE pretty well.

She's taking back CONTROL of her life again. And by making contact with her family again she's also re-connecting again with who she use to be, how she use to think and feel, etc.

We seldom go through changes like this voluntarily. We tend to go through a struggle like this only when we have to, only when it can't be avoided. The battle to discover who we are, to become who we are, to defend our own identity, is a painful, difficult experience and not one to be taken lightly. But once we've done it we are less likely to avoid it in the future. Going through this experience in a relationship with a person with the traits of NPD/BPD is only one of many arenas in which we can go through it, but if that is where your battle is, that is where it is.

You may or may not decide to stay with this person. That choice is yours and yours alone. Sometimes it involves assessing the risk of violence or other consequences, so it isn't an easy decision. But you need to make it from the position of being a whole person, with your self-respect and identity intact.

So with the MOTHER being the one IN CONTROL, how likely is it the FATHER will still be interested in having a relationship with her???

If she reaches the point where she is able to LOVE and not SHOVE the one who loves her away, will he still find her interesting enough for him???

Or if the mother no longer wishes to play that kind of a <b>COME HERE/GO AWAY
part with him anymore, will he then want to seek out another DRAMA QUEEN to play the same kind of ROLE again with him ??? </b>


There's also this situation which was previously mentioned:


Narcissism in parents is the primary cause of psychopathology in our society.

The narcissistic parent wants a child who's exactly like him or her~ a carbon copy or clone so to speak.

If this kid has different values and personality features than the parent, he's regarded with disappointment and disdain or disapproval, and criticized or punished. It's challenging for any parent to bond with a child who's unlike him/herself, but the narcissistic mother or father treats it like a sin, and their 'prodigy' grows up never feeling good enough or lovable, just for being himself.

So what one sees is a man who BRAGS about how his POWER is his ability to INFLUENCE PEOPLE, who has LOST CONTROL of those he use to INFLUENCE.

And when the wife wants to go see what the boys are doing, he refuses to show any interest in them or in what they're doing, because to him they have SINNED against him by refusing to be CLONES or CARBON COPIES of him.

This is also why he BREAKS OFF contact with the wife and calls out for the daughter to come with him.

It's also his way to establish how he still has POWER and CONTROL over her.

But only because she probably also lacks the mental capacity to rebel against him. If that wasn't the case, then we'd probably also have heard her expressing herself in the film.

But even though she's the OLDEST CHILD, NOT ONE WORD is ever SPOKEN by her. Thus also leaving one with the impression that she may be AUTISTIC or mentally challenged in some other way.

Using the CANDY as a way to BRIBE a 20 something year old also indicates this girl doesn't have the mentality of another ADULT who is the same age.

๐Ÿ‡ ๎ˆ๐Ÿฐ


xxpo (Sat Dec 19 2015 06:09:18) Flag โ–ผ Reply to xxpo
Post Edited: Sat Dec 19 2015 06:10:32
Post Edited: Sat Dec 19 2015 07:00:15
Re: The BORDERLINE and NPD personalities (continued)

xxpo (Sat Dec 19 2015 07:02:27) Flag โ–ผ Reply to xxpo
Post Edited: Sat Dec 19 2015 07:06:58
Re: The BORDERLINE and NPD personalities (PART 2 continued)

YEP. It got TRUNCATED even though one also TRIMMED it down.

Oh well. Here it is again:
Repeats about 50% of the first post again.

xxpo (Sat Dec 19 2015 08:28:47) Flag โ–ผ Reply to xxpo


Forgot one:

Are you sure, you only forgot one?
Will sort now your 3 posts to assure I won't forget one or repeatedly answer to the same statement.
And should change with you to the inline-view...saves to jump up and down.
No big deal.
You're welcome! ๎€”

Is this what it looks like to you???
As if random thoughts have been PUKED at your feet???

Spiced up with coloured, copied and pasted long parts of articles scattered in 3 posts, it feels like it.

Much thought also went into these thoughts. Sorry to hear you don't like or appreciate them.

I do appreciates your thoughts.
The reason I still reply to you.
Often don't share your conclusions though.

The COEY issue also seems to be the TIP of the ICEBERG.

Prof. Michael COEY, Professor of Physics?!?

Because both the mother and father seem to have other issues that go back to infancy and childhood.

That's with most issues like that, except e.g. violence trauma (accident, war).

Here's some more info regarding the NPD/BPD relationship:

Thanks, underlayed your link with a link-function and did read it.
Will quote only the parts of the article, which refer to your statements.

Both of these disordered personalities have incurred wounds to their developing โ€˜selfโ€™ in infancy or childhood.
any person involved with a Borderline โ€“ whether Narcissist or not, is subjected to proximal exposure. This means they adopt similar psychotic symptomology

And we see this happening at THE BEACH where the SON behaves just like his FATHER does by refusing to go into the OCEAN or take off his shoes, etc. because he's INCORPORATED the DISORDERED personality traits of his father.

Shyness isn't a disorder.
Not everybody likes to expose himself or is a fan of nudism.
A variety of betrayals during childhood have deeply fractured a Borderline's core, and psychic trauma from this period can't help but seriously impact all adult relationship endeavors. Add to this, the imprint from a narcissistic parent is retained, and may be subconsciously sought after in her adult attachments~ for who we grow up loving, is who we typically marry.

Even people who are neither Borderline nor Narciss nor damaged like to marry someone who resemble their mother/father.

Both Borderlines and Narcissists associate Love with painful longing. This is the crux of all those come here/go away (push/pull) cycles with this couple, and a whole lotta country western songs! Love equals pain, and vice-versa.

Yep, dislike this equasion love = pain also.
Didn't know how much Borderliner and Narcisses produce and buy Western songs!

It's virtually impossible for the Narcissist to accept that his BPD lover has no real capacity for love,

Of course the shrinks can define "love" much better, but I doubt a Borderliner cannot love.

In this way, the Narcissist's fear of engulfment/too much closeness, becomes a non-issue. If he were truly emotionally available, he could not tolerate these erratic, come here/go away patterns--and would seek a female who is more consistently responsive to him

Now that's true. A normal person would seek another female in that case.
Sooner or later too crazy behaviour of the loved one eats the biggest love up.

So here you have an explanation of the kind of COME HERE GO AWAY DANCE that the NPD/BPD couple do with each other. But if the mother is improving, then a day will also come when this DANCE they're doing will end.

Don't see any "come here - go away Dance" with father Oscar and mother Susanne. They live together for several years and raised their children together. If they did it good or bad and who's responsible for what, stays a matter of discussion.

Watched the scene again with NO TV as a distraction. What one hears is the MOTHER who tires several times to get the AVOIDANT to come join her to see what the sons are doing. He refuses. And after the hand holding breaks off he tells the daughter to come with him as he walks in the other direction.

Nope! Nope! Nope!!!!!!
After statement of the son:
h 1 min 22 sec 13
mother Susanne and father Oscar walk away, hand in hand
daughter Visnu behind them
h 1 min 22 sec 13
father Oscar says something, short
cause of the music not to understand
(with a CSI gadget maybe understandable)
h 1 min 22 sec 19
father Oscar turns around:
"Come on, Visnu".
h 1 min 22 sec 25
mother Susanne:
"See what they're doing, that's cause, see what they're doing."
h 1 min 22 sec 28
father Oscar (short):
not to understand
h 1 min 22 sec 29
mother Susanne:
"Yes, so what. We didn't have been around them all day. So, right to be around them. See what they are doing."
(Oscar + Susanne still hand in hand)
h 1 min 22 sec 42
mother Susanne changes direction
father Oscar short, not to understand
handhold breaks
h 1 min 22 sec 45
mother Susanne:
"Yah, I want, come on, I want to see what they are doing."
Swings waterbottle and goes direction sons.
h 1 min 22 sec 47
mother Susanne:
(still close to father and daughter)
(sons in a distance with other people)
"Come Krisna, er"
After the handhold breaks father Oscar doesn't say anything anymore!
But thanks that you made me watch and listen to that scene the zillionst time!
With headphones heard, mother Susanne even confuses her daughter's name and calls her "Krisna". Halfhearted she asks Visnu to follow her, cause in her mind mother Susanne is already with her sons. No wonder, daughter Visnu rather stayed with father Oscar.
Try headphones also!
It's mother Susanne who tells her daughter to come with her.
That's a fact, not a point of view.

Perhaps it's in one of the interviews one of the sons says he was afraid of being beaten??? Or maybe it's in that other 20 min clip where they go to HOLLYWOOD.

And now it's enough!
Already told you in my previous post, it's your turn!
You claimed, the son "said he expected to be BEATEN by the father for disobeying him when he returned home" from his lone horror-masked trip, escorted by police. Subsequently rewarded by his mom with a Lasagne, what you appreciated and even expected more in that way.
I listened to that scene again and quoted the son's exact words.
NOW it's your turn:
Where did the son say he expected to be beaten?!

Will NOT accept "perhaps" "maybe" "seems" or "assumed" in this case anymore!!!!!!
Suspicion of "beaten" children is too serious.
YOU SEEM to be good in starting rumours what can destroy lives and families.

Stored the rest of your 3 jumping posts.
May continue my reply after you found where you heard the son "said he expected to be BEATEN".

Gute Nacht!


COEY is short for CODEPENDENT. The PHD has nothing to do with it.

SHYNESS isn't the issue. And NO ONE at the beach was NUDE. He refuses to go into the water because there are OTHER PEOPLE there who are in it.

Then he insists upon not taking off his shoes because he says he wants to be different.

In other words, he's behaving LIKE HIS FATHER.

We see evidence of this again when he helps his brother move into his place.

He picks up the KNIFE and says it would be helpful to use it if someone BREAKS INTO his place.

This is due to the INFLUENCE of the PARANOID FATHER.

Like the article says, the child EMULATES the NARCISSISTIC PARENT.

imprint from a narcissistic parent is retained

The sad reality is, he has typically observed these traits in a narcissistic parent while growing up, and has emulated them.

Others who have written reviews here at imdb also noticed this and have commented about it.

So the reason a BPD can't LOVE is because they've never been LOVED properly enough to know how to do it.

Like it says they have NO ROLE MODEL they can MIRROR.

Since they received the COME HERE/GO AWAY or MIXED MESSAGES while growing up, that's left them confused about what LOVE is all about.

So anytime they encounter a REAL LOVE situation it also frightens them and they SHOVE that person away.

That's the DANCE.

The BPD fears INTIMACY and so does the NPD.

That's why the relationship works. Both of them are frightened of the same thing.

Watched 30 min of the documentary then it stopped working and said the browser being used doesn't support it.

So can't watch any more of it for that reason.

Also can't recall EVERY ARTICLE one's read or where to find them again.

And it also TAKES TIME to watch an 80 MIN DOCUMENTARY again plus the other 20 MIN one where they go to HOLLYWOOD or the other videos at the 20/20 site, etc.

Maybe it wasn't even the son that spent time in the hospital but one of the other brothers who said it.

And he may also have said it for a different reason that wasn't related to the other brother making the first trip outside.

So if you want someone to find it, it would TAKE TIME, and even then one may still not be able to locate all of the articles again that one has read.

But if and whenever one does find or locate it, you will definitely also be the first one who is told where to go to find it.

But NPD and BPD usually also involved a person having OTHER DISORDERS as well which is also called being COMORBID.

So that's also what the ICEBERG reference is about. It means we've only touched the SURFACE of the kind of DISORDERS that are probably involved with this couple.

Here's a listing of other DISORDERS that they may also have:


Borderline Personality Disorder houses a panoply of other diagnosable issues that disrupt and demolish relationships. Borderlines are often misdiagnosed with Bipolar Disorder because their temperament and moods may fluctuate wildly.

Some individuals should be dual-diagnosed, as mood and personality disorders frequently coexist.

In my opinion, BPD is the broad umbrella under which other issues usually sit; Attachment Disorder,
Narcissistic Personality Disorder,
Antisocial Personality Disorder,
Histrionic Personality Disorder,
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder,
Dependent Personality Disorder,
Avoidant Personality Disorder,
Eating Disorders, etc.

Even Anxiety and Panic Disorders can be part of the Borderline's symptomology.

The hallmarks of BPD include; desperate attempts to gain attention, intense/irrational abandonment fears, lack of empathy, lying, extreme jealousy, poor impulse control, extramarital affairs, drug/alcohol abuse, hypersexuality, 'crazy-making' interactions, low self-esteem, rebound relationships, passive-aggression, cognitive distortion, suicidal ideation, self-harming behaviors, splitting (love you/hate you), etc.

Many of the Borderlines I've seen had dual or mixed diagnoses, which made assisting them, especially challenging. Any cyclical neurological issues such as Bipolar Disorders and ADD/ADHD exacerbated their mood instability, and frequently contributed to setbacks and regressions.

Acute declines generally responded to temporary, slight adjustments to their meds, but unfortunately still prompted intense/irrational abandonment fears, self-harming behaviors, relationship conflicts and suicidal thoughts that erupted until brain chemistry rebalanced.

Some therapists are acquainted with personality disorder concerns, but many are not. Surprisingly, this topic is barely addressed during undergraduate or graduate course work--yet narcissistic and borderline traits weigh heavily on societies all over the globe, and play a prominent role in relational conflicts.

So this is why the ICEBERG was mentioned. Because lots of other problems can also lie UNDER the SURFACE AREA of the NPD/BPD situation, just like MOST of the MASS of an ICEBERG can also lie HIDDEN UNDER the surface of the water.

If we could find some video taken at that family reunion and see how she interacts with her mother, that could also be helpful in finding out more about the possibility of whether or not her mother also fits into any of these categories.

Like you said, there's definitely something that is not right between them, and her not contacting her mother for so long also has more to do with OSCAR refusing to let her do so.

Because like you said, IF she really wanted to speak to her mother then he can't really STOP her from doing so anymore than he could STOP his son from leaving the place where they lived.

But Unfortunately we never meet the mother, or even HEAR the other end of the conversation, which also makes watching the documentary frustrating, because of the way it SKIMS the SURFACE and leaves out so many other details one would like to know as a way to help us better understand this family.

๐Ÿ‡ ๎ˆ๐Ÿฐ


xxpo (Sat Dec 19 2015 14:47:02) Flag โ–ผ
Post Edited: With every mental leap

COEY is short for CODEPENDENT.

Such an abbreviation doesn't exist.

HPPD exists.
Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder

Typical symptoms of the disorder include: halos or auras surrounding objects, trails following objects in motion, difficulty distinguishing between colors, apparent shifts in the hue of a given item, the illusion of movement in a static setting, air assuming a grainy or textured quality (visual snow or static, by popular description, not to be confused with normal "blue field entoptic phenomenon"), distortions in the dimensions of a perceived object, and a heightened awareness of floaters. The visual alterations experienced by those with HPPD are not homogeneous and there appear to be individual differences in both the number and intensity of symptoms.

You claimed, the son "said he expected to be BEATEN by the father for disobeying him when he returned home" from his lone horror-masked trip, escorted by police. Subsequently rewarded by his mom with a Lasagne, what you appreciated and even expected more in that way.
I listened to that scene again and quoted the son's exact words.
NOW it's your turn:
Where did the son say he expected to be beaten?!

Will NOT accept "perhaps" "maybe" "seems" or "assumed" in this case anymore!!!!!!
Suspicion of "beaten" children is too serious.
YOU SEEM to be good in starting rumours what can destroy lives and families.

The Trouble with Tribbles


Thought you were going to sleep???

How does a molehill become a mountain? Physically speaking, a molehill becomes a mountain when an animal takes dirt from somewhere and piles it on somewhere else. Psychologically speaking, if we think metaphorically, making a mountain out of a molehill essentially is a massive displacement of psychological dirt from one place to another.

We unconsciously dig up dirty issues from one significant area of our lives and pile them on to something far more innocuous. I think this happens because it seems easier to pile a little bit of dirt somewhere else than deal with the psychological mountain itself, intimidating as that often is.

We all have psychological dirt, mess, or trouble in our lives that feels so enormous that we cannot deal with it directly. So, bit by bit, we bury it in the unconscious. Call it suppression, repression, or denial, you get the idea. A psychological shovel is involved.

I like to say that the unconscious is essentially a burial ground for unwanted parts of ourselvesโ€”experiences, feelings, thoughts, and impulsesโ€”in other words, the dirt of our lives. We bury those parts of ourselves and hope to be done with them. But it doesnโ€™t work. Those unwanted issues have a life of their own. They donโ€™t just die.

So when we are tunneling our way through life, they inadvertently and inevitably get disturbed. As our saying of the day tells us, when they canโ€™t be dealt with directly, they get displaced somewhere else. We dump them onto minor issues that (unconsciously) remind us of the deeper trouble.

As a result, these minor issues are felt to be bigger than they really are. They have both the emotional intensity that actually belongs to them and the added intensity of those powerful, unwanted issues that we have buried beneath the surface. Thatโ€™s how a molehill becomes a mountain.

The value of psychoanalysis is that it offers a map to help us navigate the mindโ€™s unconscious tunnels. It can provide an understanding of why we have overreacted, helping us find our way back to the real source of the trouble. The insensitivity of a co-worker or another driver might be linked to an early childhood of neglect or abuse. The criticism of a boss or teacher might be linked to a harsh inner judge who demands absolute perfection. The waning applause might connect with a lack of support in oneโ€™s current circumstances or most intimate family relationships.

If we study the mountainous molehills carefully, sometimes we can find where the dirt really comes from. Such insight can put things into better perspective. It can help tell the difference between real molehills and real mountains. With such perspective, life becomes a lot easier to deal with. And, ultimately, thatโ€™s what psychoanalysis is all about.

Copyright 2013 Jennifer Kunst, Ph.D.

Over here we have NICKNAMES for things, where we place an *IE* or Y at the end of something the same way as the RUSSIANS would also say SHASA as a nickname for one of their names.

So CO *EY* becomes a nickname the same way as JOHNNIE or JOHNNY is one for the name JOHN or BILLY is one for the name WILLIAM, etc.

And yes one recalls one of the sons saying he was afraid he'd be beaten by the father for going outside, but that isn't the same thing as saying HE WAS BEATEN by him.

So you've also taken a situation that's a small little MOLE or ANT HILL, exaggerated it immensely, and tried to make a MOUTAIN out it.


There's a BIG DIFFERENCE between someone expressing their FEAR that something would happen and the thing itself actually happening.

So your claims of there being suspicions and RUMORS starting are also WITHOUT MERIT.

Try to take a CHILL PILL and calm down. Maybe then you can also see things from a more RATIONAL point of view???

And he also says how surprised he was that the father didn't make a big deal out of what was done.

And the MOTHER isn't the only one who MAKES the LASAGNE. The rest of the boys also make help make it too. So it's an occasion for them like the way one would bake a BIRTHDAY CAKE, only this occasion is to WELCOME him back home again after he's been AWAY from them for a WEEK (which is also the FIRST TIME in their lives that the boys have ever been separated from each other).

So naturally they also want to hear all about where he's been and what's happened to him while he's been gone. Hence the reason for the baking and the little FEAST that they all help to make for him.

It's also a little bit like a group of teenage girls having a SLUMBER PARTY where they will GOSSIP about things.

Yet you've turned the situation into one where you say he's being REWARDED for BAD BEHAVIOR when he's also NOT really done anything wrong.

Because IF he'd been allowed to go outside like most other NORMAL BOYS are allowed to do, then he'd also not have needed to wear the mask to HIDE his face from his father. And then no one would have called the police because he'd also not have looked ODD to them for doing the same thing everyone else does on a daily basis.

So thank you for the quote of what he said, and one is also sorry that one can't recall WHERE they read or heard this other remark, because one has also read too many articles, and seen too many clips about this family now to remember where to go to locate this clip or quote that you want.

And congratulations to you for having the topic with the most replies made back to it here.

๐Ÿ‡ ๎ˆ๐Ÿฐ


xxpo (Sat Dec 19 2015 17:15:04) Flag โ–ผ
Post Edited: With every mental leap

To suspect somebody to beat his children isn't a "mole hill".
You claimed repeatedly wrong facts.
Caught with your wrong claims, you pretend not to remember.
Now you pretend memory holes again and try to distract with flight of ideas.
Thanks for copying and pasting the next coloured article.

xxpo (Wed Dec 16 2015 14:14:29) Flag โ–ผ
Post Edited: Wed Dec 16 2015 14:40:27

And he also said he expected to be BEATEN by the father for disobeying him when he returned home again.

You claimed, the son expected to be beaten by his father when he returned home from his lone horror-masked trip, escorted by police. Subsequently rewarded by his mom with a Lasagne, what you appreciated and even expected more in that way.

I listened to that scene again and quoted the son's exact words.
The son did NOT say he expected to be BEATEN.
THAT'S what the son said:
(about min 30 of the documentary)
"I was scared to come home. I didn't like Daddy was frightened of what I just did because no one had ever done that. That was the day I count like 'Toralf, the soldier necklace' and I threw it him up the way. Since that day, I said, I refuse to talk to you. I refuse to take your orders. We're not longer father and son anymore." (son smiles with tears in his eyes)

Still waiting:
Where did the son say he expected to be beaten?!
Will NOT accept "perhaps" "maybe" "seems" or "assumed" in this case anymore!!!!!!
Suspicion of "beaten" children is too serious.

The Trouble with Tribbles


Thanks for copying and pasting the next coloured article.

You're welcome.

Thanks again for introducing me to the WOLFPACK film.

Hope your HOLIDAYS are HAPPY ones!!!


๐Ÿ‡ ๎ˆ๐Ÿฐ


Would've replied earlier, but got the message ...

Yeah been getting these messages for 2 days now. Read the review section while waiting because that area was still open.

Is this what it looks like to you???

As if random thoughts have been PUKED at your feet???

Much thought also went into these thoughts. Sorry to hear you don't like or appreciate them.

The COEY issue also seems to be the TIP of the ICEBERG. Because both the mother and father seem to have other issues that go back to infancy and childhood.

Here's some more info regarding the NPD/BPD relationship:

Of two personality types that are perpetually drawn together โ€“ the Borderline and Narcissist regularly find common attraction. Shari Schreiber, M.A. shares with us in a fascinating article about Borderline and Narcissist relationships that demystifying this attraction is no simple matter.
take a look at the attraction between the Borderline female and the male Narcissists. Obviously these roles can be, and are often, reversed. By the same token, same-sex relationships contain the same universal attraction and often more regularly. But we have to ask, why the attraction?
Both of these disordered personalities have incurred wounds to their developing โ€˜selfโ€™ in infancy or childhood.
The attraction phenomena is generally thrilling at first but becomes dis-enchantingly pain producing. The big problem is that these patterns remain intact, despite any promise to do things differently.

If parents are unaware of the fact that they are involved in a Borderline/Narcissistic love relationship, children inevitably get caught up in the crossfire of highly explosive episodes, and so, the cycle continues. Awareness then is obviously a key factor for dealing with this issue.

what matters is resolving respective childhood traumas.[b/]

the Narcissist has long-standing wrong assumptions triggered by feelings of childhood shame of not being โ€˜wantedโ€™, or not being โ€˜perfectโ€™. They live with feelings of insecurity and or self-loathing,
any person involved with a Borderline โ€“ whether Narcissist or not, is subjected to proximal exposure. This means they adopt similar psychotic symptomology

And we see this happening at THE BEACH where the SON behaves just like his FATHER does by refusing to go into the OCEAN or take off his shoes, etc. because he's INCORPORATED the DISORDERED personality traits of his father.

A variety of betrayals during childhood have deeply fractured a Borderline's core, and psychic trauma from this period can't help but seriously impact all adult relationship endeavors. Add to this, the imprint from a narcissistic parent is retained, and may be subconsciously sought after in her adult attachments~ for who we grow up loving, is who we typically marry.

Narcissists have built-in grandiosity
His ongoing need to be in the one-up position and exert control, forms the basis of many conflicts and struggles with this couple. The sad reality is, he has typically observed these traits in a narcissistic parent while growing up, and has emulated them.

A Narcissist lover will more readily trigger his borderline partner's defensive acting-out behaviors, as his engulfment fears and self-involvement catalyze her abandonment concerns. This is a two-sided coin however, as while she's yearning for his attention and affection, she experiences painful sensations that were once confused/entwined with
loving an unresponsive parent,

and those dramatic feelings are reinvigorated--and equated with love.
Both Borderlines and Narcissists associate Love with painful longing. This is the crux of all those
come here/go away (push/pull) cycles

with this couple, and a whole lotta country western songs! Love equals pain, and vice-versa.
When their intense craving for love is met, painful sensations they've come to interpret as loving feelings, evaporate. At this point, the Borderline feels bored or annoyed, and pushes away. With healthy/whole partners who need continuity of loving feelings, the Borderline feels
emotional claustrophobia,

which compels her to disrupt episodes of authentic intimacy between them. The Narcissist responds to his need for distance and autonomy, by selecting unavailable BPD lovers who won't trigger his
engulfment fears.

When closeness and engulfment fears become heightened, both NPD and BPD partners can experience anxiety, which prompts their need to draw back. The distance between them eases some tension, but a narcissistic perfectionist makes it his fault, and experiences shame. This catalyzes his frantic efforts to win her over again. It isn't that he's needing her--he's needing reprieve from his toxic sense of unlovability and unworthiness~ which are shame-infused
emotional remnants he's carried since boyhood.

I'm often asked if Borderlines are capable of loving, and this appears to be a very central concern during the course of these relationships--and afterward, when the discarded partner needs to cling to the ideation that they were in fact, truly loved. Borderlines felt pain in relation to longing and striving for their parent's affection throughout childhood--and learned to interpret those difficult/dramatic feelings as "Love."
Chasing partners who are emotionally or physically unavailable--

or married/attached, keeps their yearning alive, and inhibits them from embracing somebody who's actually able to provide love on a consistent basis.
Narcissists are similarly attracted to someone who's slightly out of reach, for this eases engulfment concerns

(more about this, a bit further down). The search for a partner who's able to magically surmount this issue could continue for a lifetime, as the "right one" never materializes.
It's virtually
impossible for the Narcissist to accept that his BPD lover has no real capacity for love,

as during the 'good times,' he's felt jubilant, calm and at peace. To begin questioning these feelings, triggers significantly painful inner conflict--for this challenges long-held definitions of love, and what it's supposed to feel like!
Attachment difficulties in childhood strongly influence this struggle, as he had no suitable frame of reference in infancy or boyhood for consistent, nourishing attention, mirroring and affection.

Any crumbs of nurturance he got from his parents, may have solidified his immediate sense of value to them--but these episodes were miniscule/brief compared to their neglect or abuse. This early patterning has set the stage for his
obsessional attraction

to a borderline disordered individual, as he can't painfully yearn for someone who's consistently present and available! This
childhood imprint has also impaired his self-worth, and fostered people-pleasing and codependency issues.

It's critical to understand that if a Borderline partner becomes healthier through core-focused assistance, there will be considerably less chaos and conflict in this coupling, which can drudge up feelings of deadness or discontent in the narcissistic partner. He too, thrives on stimulation (whether pleasurable or painful) which triggers feelings of aliveness he can't produce for himself. At this point, he may feel the need to look outside their relationship for more excitement, or behave in ways that create disharmony between them. What this means is, the
Borderline is damned if she doesn't get well, and damned if she does~ for she may no longer be able to hold her lover's attention.

Early wounds to one's narcissism, breeds narcissistic adults. If a child had to shut down his needs and difficult feelings in order to survive the rigors of his painful childhood experiences, he may have acquired a sense of invincibility, and assumed he could handle virtually anything that came up. This was his defense or armor which shielded him from feelings of vulnerability/fragility. Since he judges these sensations as "weak" and unacceptable, they can lay dormant for many years, until he joins with a Borderline who reawakens excruciating pain he learned to put aside or adapt to as a little kid.
The core shame that's invoked within him when these feelings resurface, is monumental. He remembers how powerful, in-control and popular he was before he started up with the Borderline and his world (and ego) began to collapse. He cannot reconcile his current ("dispicable") frailty with the entrenched Superman persona he erected in boyhood--and it causes him a deep sense of embarrassment, frustration and despair. Self-worth repair within core trauma work can help him, but it's like 'boot camp' for the soul. Few will make the effort to heal and grow past the grandiose false-self, which was constructed in childhood, in order to survive back then.
A chameleon's coloring will change according to its surrounding environment; this reptile's protective camouflage helps it capture its prey, and hide from natural predators. Borderline personalities are chameleon-like--they'll quickly discern what's important to you, and become that, in the early phase of your relationship. Most of us have been seeking this sort of romantic congruency our entire life. To even get close to finding it, can seem like a miracle! The trouble is, as soon as this guy or gal senses that they've captured you, their normal colors return--and you're dealing with a very different sort of creature.
The molting process of reptiles involves shedding their skin to accommodate growth--it's like outgrowing a Tee-shirt you wore as a child. Sadly, personal growth is threatening to Borderlines, and underneath their perfectly adoring veneer is the dark side they've hidden from you, just long enough to get you hooked. Once you're really theirs, this part emerges--and you spend the rest of your time in this dance trying to figure it all out, and reconnect with that person you fell for initially.
I'd watched this happen with a middle-aged BPD colleague, who married her lover only six months after meeting him.

A Narcissist may need to be needed, but he can't allow himself to need anyone. Sexual dependency on someone brings up deep fears about loss of love and control, and here's where his distancing maneuvers can kick in. This is not consciously held by the Narcissist--it's just an archaic defense mechanism, that helps him maintain his emotional equilibrium.
A healthy, whole woman might be disappointed to miss out on a phone call from her lover the morning after an especially close, loving evening--but the borderline-disordered female interprets the most subtle signs of neglect, as loss of love and affection. Her abandonment fears are instantly triggered. In self-defense, she shuts down, rages or takes herself away. The Borderline's been poised for this to happen anyhow, due to significant losses during childhood~ so she'll imagine abandoning behaviors, even when/where none exist.

the Borderline. She'll keep pushing the envelope until she gets a rise out of her partner. She literally thrives on drama and chaos, but rebels like a three year old, when he takes a stand-

narcissistically injured male continually seeks females who can perfectly mirror his attributes and qualities--and whom in some manner, need him

He then gets to assuage his abandonment concerns--but the flip-side of being needed, is being engulfed. The
Borderline can initially smother/suffocate her prey with attention that causes him to retreat or distance, because while it's flattering and eases his abandonment fears, it triggers vaguely familiar sensations of engulfment he had to endure as a boy with a controlling mother.

His constant challenge then, is staying close without being swallowed-up by the Borderline's needy, clingy, demanding nature. This challenge is lessened of course, by the Borderline's continuous pattern of seduction and retreat.
In this way, the Narcissist's fear of engulfment/too much closeness, becomes a non-issue. If he were truly emotionally available, he could not tolerate these erratic,
come here/go away patterns

--and would seek a female who is more consistently responsive to him

And here's the connection to the MOTHER and finding a wife who is like her:

If this male's mother had BPD Waif features, he grew up having to meet her needs for attention, mirroring, flattery, emotional soothing, etc. She could have made him her confidant in adult matters--especially concerning issues with his dad. A little boy is overburdened by these complaints, and doesn't relish this role--but at the same time, all this special attention from Mother imbues him with a sense of value/importance--which forms the core of his self-worth. Her awareness of his needs is painfully limited, so he welcomes this 'surrogate husband' job, which (at least) provides vicarious satisfaction.
This sets him up for codependent relationships in his adult world

So here you have an explanation of the kind of COME HERE GO AWAY DANCE that the NPD/BPD couple do with each other. But if the mother is improving, then a day will also come when this DANCE they're doing will end.

Will reply to the rest later to prevent this post from getting truncated.

Back again ...

Testing to see if this gets TRUNCATED or not:

Watched the scene again with NO TV as a distraction. What one hears is the MOTHER who tires several times to get the AVOIDANT to come join her to see what the sons are doing. He refuses. And after the hand holding breaks off he tells the daughter to come with him as he walks in the other direction.

Perhaps it's in one of the interviews one of the sons says he was afraid of being beaten??? Or maybe it's in that other 20 min clip where they go to HOLLYWOOD. The scene where we see the mother sleeping with her 6 kids also has a CREEPY VIBE to it as one of them explains how they would never question the father. Listen to it. His CONTROL over them is VERY FREAKY.

Anyhow, no matter how many times we watch the documentary, our own perceptions (which are different) will probably also still remain the same because we also don't use the SAME BRAIN when we view it. And our brains have also been IMPRINTED with all kinds of stuff throughout the course of our lifetimes.

The NY Times article was also posted here by someone else on another topic.

One article also explains how info the government has on the family is CONFIDENTIAL. So if the family refused to release it to the journalist, then she also has no access to it.

It was the 3 YOUNGEST SONS who get threapy. So apparently the older ones didn't need it.

The PHD had also participated in debates at the UN. So yes he also became a GUIDE and helped one to see how to interact more effectively with others when one debates a topic with them.

Will ask her when she's back from her Bavaria trip.
You didn't want my answer, did you?

Sure. If you have an answer then by all means please also feel free to respond!!!

The mother wasn't able to encourage the sons, cause she didn't want them to leave either.
You still see a serious abuse by the father, I don't.
He isn't a perfect father, definitely not.
As she isn't a perfect mother.
A good mother would've talked with her husband and discussed some changes in their children's education. Instead, mother Susanne victimizes herself, separates him from their children and even stabbed in his back (Lasagne-reward for breaking rules). Maybe Miss Goody Moselle helped them eating the Lasagne.

Hopefully this other article will also offer some insight into the kind of BPD/NPD DANCE the parents do with each other???

The LASAGNE was also cooked by EVERYONE and NOT just by the MOTHER. And it was also a WELCOME HOME celebration to let the brother/son know how much they'd MISSED HIM during the week he stayed in the MENTAL WARD of the hospital.

At least that's the way it seems to me.

The BOYS also seem to have been TORTURED by being FORCED to remain LOCKED UP in this place where they were witnesses to the ABUSE their parents inflicted upon each other.

Dismiss this if you like, but the BPD/NPD description still fits.

And yes hanging out in a BANK while wearing a MASK was also NOT a very good idea.

One would also expect him to know this from having WATCHED so many movies??? But maybe he also wasn't even aware of being inside of a BANK???

Ok, your tippler didn't have anything to do with your family.
Your tippler doesn't explain your hate against father Oscar.

The TIPPLER is my family. He's more like a BROTHER to me now than my own brother, because my blood relatives all live back east and the TIPPLER lives here. Therefore one also has more CONTACT and INTERACTION with him than one does with relatives. And one has also had more INTERACTION with him than one had with relatives.

Did you also know the sign of a successful family is one that BREAKS APART???

Since my mother died when the youngest sister was only 9 yrs old, we've also been SPLIT APART for several decades now. And they've all also got kids and families of their own now (thus also not making xxpo a part of their family anymore).

In other words, one has also lived away from them for longer than one ever lived with them and has formed other FAMILY BONDS with others who are NOT BLOOD RELATIVES .

The TIPPLER also has 2 NEPHEWS who were both HOME SCHOOLED. So that also gives xxpo insight into what that situation involves.


Thought maybe you were suggesting one of the brothers might be TRANSGENDER. Because at the BEACH it also looks like he has much larger HIPS than the other boys. And it also doesn't look like his weight is the reason for this. Because his bone structure is completely different. And he may also be the one who SHAVES his eyebrows???

Having grown up near the MASON DIXSON line which divides the NORTH from the SOUTH you would be amazed at how much one understands being blamed for something you had nothing to do with. Because certain people (1ST cousins) were also into doing CIVIL WAR re enactments and were fond of other expressions. So xxpo also sent them something from one of her LIT textbooks (a quote from FAULKNER'S novel called ABSALOM, ABSALOM). And one cousin also had a HISSY FIT about it (because it makes fun of the way people from the south were obessed with the BULLETS in the dinning room table, and with events that had happened several decades and now a century and a half ago).

In other words, the cousin didn't like the implication being made to GET OVER IT.

Well, what one meant was WHY is the mother in PERU when she MEETS her husband.

And since the HIPPIE MOVEMENT ENDS in the LATE 60'S/EARLY 70'S, that also means when she meets her husband it is 20 YEARS later after the HIPPIE MOVEMENT had DIED OUT.

WOODSTOCK takes place in 1969. They meet in 1989??? They are an ENTIRE GENERATION OLDER than the HIPPIES making it highly unlikely they'd be like them when they NO LONG EXISTED and had not for 20 YEARS.

[quote]Mother Susanne had for sure family disagreements.
Of course, it was and still is only father Oscar who's the problem with her family, yeah.
With father Oscar I'm not so sure.
Is his family still alive?
He earned money with guiding tourists.
Don't h


YEP. It got TRUNCATED even though one also TRIMMED it down.

Oh well. Here it is again:

Watched the scene again with NO TV as a distraction. What one hears is the MOTHER who tires several times to get the AVOIDANT to come join her to see what the sons are doing. He refuses. And after the hand holding breaks off he tells the daughter to come with him as he walks in the other direction.

Perhaps it's in one of the interviews one of the sons says he was afraid of being beaten??? Or maybe it's in that other 20 min clip where they go to HOLLYWOOD. The scene where we see the mother sleeping with her 6 kids also has a CREEPY VIBE to it as one of them explains how they would never question the father. Listen to it. His CONTROL over them is VERY FREAKY.

Anyhow, no matter how many times we watch the documentary, our own perceptions (which are different) will probably also still remain the same because we also don't use the SAME BRAIN when we view it. And our brains have also been IMPRINTED with all kinds of stuff throughout the course of our lifetimes.

The NY Times article was also posted here by someone else on another topic.

One article also explains how info the government has on the family is CONFIDENTIAL. So if the family refused to release it to the journalist, then she also has no access to it.

It was the 3 YOUNGEST SONS who get threapy. So apparently the older ones didn't need it.

The PHD had also participated in debates at the UN. So yes he also became a GUIDE and helped one to see how to interact more effectively with others when one debates a topic with them.

Will ask her when she's back from her Bavaria trip.
You didn't want my answer, did you?

Sure. If you have an answer then by all means please also feel free to respond!!!

The mother wasn't able to encourage the sons, cause she didn't want them to leave either.
You still see a serious abuse by the father, I don't.
He isn't a perfect father, definitely not.
As she isn't a perfect mother.
A good mother would've talked with her husband and discussed some changes in their children's education. Instead, mother Susanne victimizes herself, separates him from their children and even stabbed in his back (Lasagne-reward for breaking rules). Maybe Miss Goody Moselle helped them eating the Lasagne.

Hopefully this other article will also offer some insight into the kind of BPD/NPD DANCE the parents do with each other???

The LASAGNE was also cooked by EVERYONE and NOT just by the MOTHER. And it was also a WELCOME HOME celebration to let the brother/son know how much they'd MISSED HIM during the week he stayed in the MENTAL WARD of the hospital.

At least that's the way it seems to me.

The BOYS also seem to have been TORTURED by being FORCED to remain LOCKED UP in this place where they were witnesses to the ABUSE their parents inflicted upon each other.

Dismiss this if you like, but the BPD/NPD description still fits.

And yes hanging out in a BANK while wearing a MASK was also NOT a very good idea.

One would also expect him to know this from having WATCHED so many movies??? But maybe he also wasn't even aware of being inside of a BANK???

Ok, your tippler didn't have anything to do with your family.
Your tippler doesn't explain your hate against father Oscar.

The TIPPLER is my family. He's more like a BROTHER to me now than my own brother, because my blood relatives all live back east and the TIPPLER lives here. Therefore one also has more CONTACT and INTERACTION with him than one does with relatives. And one has also had more INTERACTION with him than one had with relatives.

Did you also know the sign of a successful family is one that BREAKS APART???

Since my mother died when the youngest sister was only 9 yrs old, we've also been SPLIT APART for several decades now. And they've all also got kids and families of their own now (thus also not making xxpo a part of their family anymore).

In other words, one has also lived away from them for longer than one ever lived with them and has formed other FAMILY BONDS with others who are NOT BLOOD RELATIVES .

The TIPPLER also has 2 NEPHEWS who were both HOME SCHOOLED. So that also gives xxpo insight into what that situation involves.


Thought maybe you were suggesting one of the brothers might be TRANSGENDER. Because at the BEACH it also looks like he has much larger HIPS than the other boys. And it also doesn't look like his weight is the reason for this. Because his bone structure is completely different. And he may also be the one who SHAVES his eyebrows???

Having grown up near the MASON DIXON line (which divides the NORTH from the SOUTH)
you would be amazed at how much one understands being blamed for something you had nothing to do with. Because certain people (1ST cousins) were also into doing CIVIL WAR re enactments and were fond of other expressions.

So xxpo also sent them something from one of her LIT textbooks (a quote from FAULKNER'S novel called ABSALOM, ABSALOM). And one cousin also had a HISSY FIT about it (because it makes fun of the way people from the south were obsessed with the BULLETS in the dinning room table, and with events that had happened several decades and now a century and a half ago).

In other words, the cousin didn't like the implication being made by way of FAULKNER to GET OVER IT.

Well, what one meant was WHY is the mother in PERU when she MEETS her husband.

And since the HIPPIE MOVEMENT ENDS in the LATE 60'S/EARLY 70'S, that also means when she meets her husband it is 20 YEARS later after the HIPPIE MOVEMENT had DIED OUT.

WOODSTOCK takes place in 1969. They meet in 1989??? They are an ENTIRE GENERATION OLDER than the HIPPIES making it highly unlikely they'd be like them when they NO LONG EXISTED and had not for 20 YEARS.

Mother Susanne had for sure family disagreements.
Of course, it was and still is only father Oscar who's the problem with her family, yeah.
With father Oscar I'm not so sure.
Is his family still alive?
He earned money with guiding tourists.
Don't have a clue, what both did in NY to get money for Scandinavia.
But tourist guide and (homeschooling) mother are honourable jobs.

Hopefully the BPD/NPD article will offer some insight into what their parents must have been like.

We don't have WORK CAMPS. We have colleges and universities and GED programs she can attend. And they also have WORK TRAINING programs or classes that are like taking college courses.

Go ahead with your BPD and NPD.

Already been there and done that in the last message.

Do you have the feeling also, posting works faster now?
Or is it only my system?
Well, I referred to Preview.
You may better estimate Edit...Lalala.

Seems about the same as it was before the maintenance.

๐Ÿ‡ ๎ˆ๐Ÿฐ


xxpo (Sun Dec 20 2015 04:00:15)
Post Edited: Sun Dec 20 2015 04:01:04

You're welcome.

Thanks again for introducing me to the WOLFPACK film.

Hope your HOLIDAYS are HAPPY ones!!!


๐Ÿ‡๎ˆ ๐Ÿฐ

Ok, thanks...I take it.
You're not able to show us where the son said it as you you claimed, because
The son NEVER said he expected to be BEATEN.

And it's of course more fun to make others take their time watching a 90 min documentary again (not "80 MIN") and searching for special scenes, cause your time is more valuable. ๎€”

Talking about fun and cause you like abbreviations so much (still like your NPD...lulz), here's a song what makes fun of abbreviations. Translated it last year for a nice person and give it now to you as a Christmas gift.

"MfG" Die Fantastischen Vier / Fanta 4 ๐Ÿ”†๐Ÿ”†๐Ÿ”†๐Ÿ”†

Nun da sich der Vorhang der Nacht von der Bรผhne hebt,
kann das Spiel beginnen, das uns vom Drama einer Kultur berichtet:

Now the curtain of the night rises from the stage,
the play can begin, what reports to us the Drama of a Culture:

GbR, GmbH - Ihr kรถnnt mich mal! โ†’ CCCL, Ltd. - You can me sometimes! (you can kiss my azz)
RHP, USW, LMAA โ†’ (LMAA = Leck mich am Arsch = Lick my azz)
ADAC, DLRG - Ojemine! โ†’ ADAC, DLRG - Oh, Jesus!
ABS, TรœV und BMW
KMH, ICE und Eschede โ†’ (in Eschede was a very bad ICE train-accident)
PVC, FCKW - ist nicht OK! โ†’ is not OK!

MfG - Mit freundlichen GrรผรŸen! โ†’ WfG - With friendly Greetings!
Die Welt liegt uns zu FรผรŸen, denn wir stehen drauf. โ†’ The world lies to our feet, cause we stand on it.
Wir gehen drauf โ†’ We fall apart
fรผr ein Leben voller Schall und Rauch. โ†’ for a life full of sound and smoke. (smoke and mirror)
Bevor wir fallen, fallen wir lieber auf. โ†’ Before we fall, we rather stand out.

UKW, NDW und Hubert K
BTM, BKA, Hahaha! โ†’ (sound of a laughing person)...guess in English the same
H+M, BSB und FDH
SOS, 110 - tatรผtata โ†’ (sound of a police car)
HSV, VFB, oleole โ†’ (sound of a soccer fan)
TM3, A+O und AEG
THC in OCB ist was ich dreh. โ†’ THC in OCB is what I roll. (OCB = cigarette paper)

MfG - Mit freundlichen GrรผรŸen! โ†’ WfG - With friendly Greetings!
Die Welt liegt uns zu FรผรŸen, denn wir stehen drauf. โ†’ The world lies to our feet, cause we stand on it.
Wir gehen drauf โ†’ We fall apart
fรผr ein Leben voller Schall und Rauch. โ†’ for a life full of sound and smoke. (smoke and mirror)
Bevor wir fallen, fallen wir lieber auf. โ†’ Before we fall, we rather stand out.


A Merry Christmas for You!
And for everybody who's reading and hearing this!

The Trouble with Tribbles

Yahhhhhhh!!!!....Just a goal for Hertha! โšฝ
