I watched 20/20

I couldn't help but notice they all seem to have good teeth
how did they manage things like that going to the dentist




As one reviewer said, "not factually verified."

Children are known for questioning and asking to get their needs/wants met. We see nothing of this within this, happy little puff piece."

And the audience is led to believe once the oldest child finds his way out the controlling father does nothing. Questionable.

Hopefully a journalist will eventually find this story worthy of investigation.


the whole story is fishy/fake. don't buy it.


They probably didn't eat sugar. I didn't go to the dentist till I was 16 and my teeth looked fine at that age. Hippy parents.

You don't need to read this, it's just my sig.


They didn't all have straight teeth.

Although their apartment was tiny, hygiene seemed a priority. The boys were always clean, their hair combed (often brushed on camera), and I would imagine they brushed their teeth regularly.


The one who got a job as a P.A. had his teeth fixed, after the documentary. On the DVD there is an 'extra' interview with the six brothers (two who wear Raybans throughout and claim to want to become musicians and play '80s covers, is that really a career goal?)


Good teeth? Surely!


some people don't need or visit dentists.

some welfare and assistance programs cover dental cleanings.
