So no arrests? Ha!

The dad was so vicious, one of these little ingrates kicked him and told him to get out of his room and that vicious father just turned around without saying a word and left.

That father is taking the fall for Crystal, the mom and these 5 boys (the 6th won't partake) straight up lies.

Where are the arrests for locking 7 children away for 14 years? Oh wait, there are none...that sounds legit. However, a bunch of boys copying movies in an apartment because they were homeschooled by their hippy mother and have an illegal immigrant father who can't get work, isn't as exciting for a documentary now is it? Nope, but if you throw in that they were abused, locked away, frightened and one had to escape to save them all and then they were discovered by a filmmaker who decided to follow them, sure why not, then it becomes interesting and newsworthy. Yet still not enough for arrest warrants....

If the father was such a monster, why did he let Crystal into the apartment that day and welcome her with open arms, her words not mine. In one of her interviews she stated he was very sweet to her when she met him that day, welcomed her with a smile just like the mom did that day. A stranger even!

Also on 20/20 Elizabeth Vargas stated that the father was never seen on camera and wouldn't come out of his room, so I just had to see this very sad, very tragic "documentary" with this monster of a father! Watched it the next day, not only was it vague and boring, thankfully I saw 20/20 or I wouldn't have known what the premise was supposed to be, but the father was on camera many many times, once stating "Even Jesus was forgiven" and dare I say he was the only one by the end of that so called documentary that I felt bad for.

These boys put their mother, who also "locked them away", on a pedestal. If you ask me, it was more her than the father. Not once did the boys say that the father beat them, or mistreated them. They just danced around their story about being "locked away" and why. She however collected welfare, SSD and homeschooling money for keeping them in that apartment. She stated something about her family causing trouble for her before and hopes they don't do it again, that resonated with me. It made me think it was her choice, not the dad's, to not speak to her family. She shut her kids off from society if they were...but wait, they weren't. They've slipped in some of their interviews. Some of them had been to California, Virginia and other did that happen, was the dad dead drunk for weeks or something, or did he lose headcount?

For the record, I did some research and their stories, including the mom and the filmmaker Crystal, keep changing, none of them can keep their stories straight. I am going out on a limb and stating this is why the 6th brother won't partake anymore, he just can't live the lie anymore because they're being given the star treatment with free trips and meeting celebrities etc. and he feels guilty for shaming his father for something he didn't do.

By the way, I thought Borat was more believable.

Joon: "you're out of your tree" Sam: "it's not my tree" 
