The baby sister

I'm wondering why the baby sister is not in the cast? Is she in the movie? Is she even mentioned in the movie?


From what I've heard she's developmentally challenged

Bite me, fanboy! -- Lobo


They don't have a baby sister although they do have an older sister who is disabled.


She is seen in the movie and mentioned and has a small role in the final film one of the brothers made at the end of the documentary. She is now 25 and she has Turner Syndrome, which you can read about here:


She is actually the first born and has a disability.


I saw the film two days ago, and it seemed very odd that the brothers never interacted with her on-camera. She only seemed to relate to the parents (of course, there may be footage featuring her that was deleted)

May I bone your kipper, Mademoiselle?


He mentions that she just seems to be inside her own head. Then not much else is said about her.



At around 22 minutes into the documentary, when Mukunda explains that they have about 5000 movies, Visnu is sitting next to him on the couch and playfully leaning against him.

And when the boys were about to leave the house and go to the cinema together, we can hear Visnu say "See you!" to her brothers.

She also participated in the Halloween celebration dance (she was dressed as a cute clown), and that sequence ended with her and "Mr. Pumpkin" (Mukunda, I think) walking down the hallway together.

So I think the brothers do interact with their sister (albeit to a much lesser extent), but it wasn't included by the director (Moselle) because it doesn't fit the "wolfpack" narrative.

By the way, as far as I could tell the eldest brother (Bhagavan) didn't interact much with his brothers either in the documentary. It's mostly Mukunda (the "middle" brother) who seems to connect the most with the others, because he is the "glue" in their movie reenactments. (But Mukunda is also the one who didn't dare to go into the water with the others, and kept his clothes on on the beach.)

From what I saw, the two youngest brothers (Krisna and Jagadisa) are probably the ones who interact the most with each other, outside the movie reenactments.

Joe Satriani - "Always With Me, Always With You"

