is it for real?

it looks fake


It IS fake. Or at the very least a major exaggeration.

These kids have lived other places, visited other places, and HAVE been on the outside before. They didn't even live in the current apartment until their teens.

It's complete nonsense.

Even the filmmaker's BS story about how she found her subjects, is nonsense.


Totally agree. And it's so poorly put together and boring! Nothing is really explained.


Elizabeth Vargas of 20/20 did a story on the Wolfpack. It was excellent. It was much better than the movie. I saw the 20/20 interviews, before I actually saw the movie. Perhaps, that is why I had no trouble understanding it?

But, you are right! Crystal Moselle is not a very good story teller.


I did see the 20/20 story(which I thought was much better), but I was coming from the perspective if you came in cold, and knew nothing about the story. I must admit,that even while I was watching the 20/20 story, I thought this seemed pretty far fetched. In my opinion, there is only a kernel of truth to this story.


I would be very disappointed if this WAS fake. I have met people like these kids before: soft-spoken, well-mannered, super bright yet adorably nerdy, living in a fantasy world in one way or another, and- surprise! They all came from abusive parents whom also blocked them off from the world around them, adding to their own adulthood agoraphobia. I felt tor these kids, especially the one that narrated most of the storyline and made it as a production assistant. I hope someday he can become successful at whatever he's good at and move ALL of his siblings away from the proverbial cuckoo's nest, because they deserve so much better in life.

However, if it WAS fake, I'd probably be happier to know those poor kids didn't have such a caustic childhood with such *beep* parents afterall!

ATTN: Please check out 4chan for the most intelligent conversations on cinema, TV, & thespians!


Lots of reasons to believe it's fake have already been posted. But, no one has come forward to say that they saw the kids going in and out of the apartment or the building. And no one has said they've seen them anywhere away from the building. And it seems like ABC would have done a thorough investigation before committing itself. Yet, it still seems fake.


The people who believe that the film is fake must go to make companion with the father who believe in conspirances.


Yes, it's a real documentary that documents a true story. Here's a New York Times' article about the Angulo brothers and the documentary...

NY Times article:

I could post other articles from other publications, but I'm sure you already get the point here. I can find nothing that suggests this documentary has been fabricated.

I hope that helps!



it doesn't look fake. the only thing that doesn't seem real is the IQ of the mouth-breathing doubting Thomases on this board.


I don't believe it's fake. They say themselves in docu they've been out of apartment maybe twice a year. Nowhere does it say they were locked-in constantly for years.
