Anyone watch the finale?

What did you think?



So happy with it..... I'm kind of worried though that they may have wrapped it all up a little too nicely and that it wont be renewed.


The same process was used for Series 1. Yet, it was renewed.
I see it more as a safety-net in case it doesn't get renewed.
It's a process more American shows should adopt, to be honest.


It was a roller coaster from start to finish and when it finished I was doing this weird laughing cry sort of thing because my mind just didn't know how to react loll. It was perfection!


Well I guess I'm the only one that was luke-warm about it. I think they changed Rae too fast and too drastically just because they only had one ep to wrap it up. The last scene also pissed me off. She talks about how she can't be with Finn again unless she can face being naked for him. But what about the whole issue of her freaking out about what every single person said or thought or how they looked at the two of them and that insecurity? Was I supposed to assume that because she stood up to Vicky all of her insecurities about what other people thought disappeared, especially since that played such a big role in her break up with Finn. Over all I'm happy because most of the things I wanted to happen happened but I wish they would have given it one more episode to wrap it up properly.


This was probably my favorite episode yet, the ending for sure


I can relate to that. Change unfortunately doesn't happen this fast and I also felt that it would have been more natural development to have some more time. And I'm not sure how * knew how to find her at the hospital. I feel like I missed 2 min of the plot

however apart from that I adore this show. Many time it felt like someone took a look inside of me and decided to write a script.


I loved it. I just finished it and am still crying lol.

It is such a heartfelt and resonating show. I don't think a show has ever felt so relateable to me. It better be picked up for Season 3.

'I never apologize, Lisa. I'm sorry, but that's just the way I am. ' Homer Simpson


I cant watch it in my current location (obviously Im in Narnia) can you please give me some spoilers?


I don't want to spoil too much since it really is worth taking in when you watch it, but I will say this, the ending is a good'un!


thanks for the tip :)


Grrr. I hate being a week behind...


You can download the Hola Better Internet add-on, it tricks your IP into thinking you're in another country. That's what I did so now I can have access to 4OD from Canada!


Its been put on dailymotion if you want


YES thank you


THANKS IT WORKS from Europe :)


I loved the finale.

I would love a series 3... but they need to skip forward in time I think. Maybe a year or two. The university period.


Great finale, went through all the emotions, loved everything about it.


Yes I loved the finale!!!! I really hope and pray that there is a season 3! My Mondays just aren't the same without my mad fat diary!

My sister is old fashioned-she still uses cds!


I sobbed like a baby throughout. I'm a 25 year old male but all these scenes were just so resonating with me, but I won't get that happy ending with the girl I almost forcily pushed away because I would ruin her life.
This episode made me believe I've made the wrong decision but we're miles away now.

I still think it felt a little crammed though, the finale shoudl've lasted twice as long.


Hi, I haven't caught up w/ season 3 yet since I'm from south east asia we have to wait awhile to stream it, so I have a few questions:
1. Does this season consist of only 3 eps?
2. If so, will there be season 4?
Anw, thx before :)
