Most unrealistic scene

I thought the show was pretty relatable, somewhat taking you out of reality but also having the realism of situations in it but the wedding scene where she confessed to everyone about the mental institution and her fantasizing about all men threw me off. Who would do that? Lol

And also the scene where she "died" and Tinky showed her how much changed because she was gone, no offense but I don't think much would've changed like that drastically. Maybe in her mother's life but she hasn't even known them for that long nor would she affect a whole business


I took the "death" scene to be more of a dream she had while knocked out. It was what her own subconscious thought would happen base of what we all think "what the world would look like without me" scenario would look like. She wasn't really having an outer body experience. That why when Tix tells her to "wake up" because she in a hospital and Finn is there and all her friends, she's disappointed because that wasn't true.

Also the wedding thing was weird but not out of character. She mentioned the boys to sort of confess her feelings for Fin without really doing so. Plus she just wanted to be truthful about everything on her mind.

Thats how I saw it anyway.
