
First off love the show but I noticed the kids drink beer at 16. At 16, can u drink beer in England?



It's basically a rite of,passage. It
saying I'm a teenager not a child and
I'm grown up now,I can drink, have sex
and learn to drive a car.Most teenagers
try to do some of these things when they
are 16,so are chancing there luck. The legal
drinking age in UK is 18.


The 90's were a better time. There were less rules and you could get away with more.
I was going to rock clubs at 15. They were also fiver nights where all the drinks were free with your five pound entry. That doesn't happen anymore.


And they do show in the first episode that Izzy was goin to put a 16 button for her birthday and Chop got mad at her saying something about getting them kicked out or along those lines.


In the Uk the drinking age is 18, but at 16 you can drink certain drinks such as ciders and things with a certain alcohol percent.


People in the '90s weren't asked for ID as much as they are now. A few of my friends have to prove how old they are before they're even allowed in certain pubs.

Isn't Chop older than the rest of the gang? He probably got the drinks in.

You keep on reminding me of a darkness only I can see


in croatia, where i'm from it's not legal to drink until 18, but nobody takes this seriously, and people usually start about 14 or 15 when they enter the highschool. everyone knows 90% of teens are breaking a law it's not a big deal. i'm now 25, started drinking at around 16 (my friends started much earlier) and i don't regret it or think it is a big deal. it was the best time to drink or party cause the only thing i had to care about was highschool. now at 25 i don't have so much energy to party, we have to work even during weekends, we got dogs, some got kids etc. so i think it's ok to drink earlier when you are young and free.
