MovieChat Forums > The Bridge (2013) Discussion > FX announced today that "The Bridge" has...

FX announced today that "The Bridge" has been cancelled



That's a shame, it was a great show with wonderful actors, but not surprising. The last episode had the aura of being a series finale as well as a season finale. And yet, the network is allowing Tyrant to live on.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


yea I did like it as well, but never saw the last episode of season 2 so the last episode didn't leave on a massive cliffhanger then?? Haven't seen Tyrant but seen it advertised


Of course it left on a cliffhanger. We don't know what Sonya is going to do with Eleanor. Marco arrested Fausto but we don't know if Fausto is going to run things in prison or get murdered inside or dun-dun-dunnn...released on a technicality by some criminal lawyer and/or judge. Also, will Marco make amends with his wife? Or see his new child? Is Sebastian going to team up with Robles now that Fausto is sort of out of the picture? Will Hank walk away from being a lieutenant or does he feel he still needs to stick around for Sonya? Will Steven and his Mexican gf live happily ever after in the pink house? Is Jack Dobbs coming back? Where did Ray go after showing Sonya and Hank the open house...Alaska?

Definitely didn't feel like a series finale let alone a satisfactory season finale. The Bridge had an exceptional first season and then lost its central focus and heart of the show. Too many dropped storylines and characters from the first season and too many convoluted plots with the DEA, CIA, and FBI in Season 2 that didn't amount to a hill of beans in the end. Just wasted opportunities all around.

Tyrant's okay. I'm curious to see what direction they'll take the show in Season 2. Season 1 was largely predictable but nevertheless entertaining to watch.

Nobody can hear you. Nobody cares about you. Nothing will come of this.


Not really cliffhangers, just unresolved plotlines.
Why not just use your own imagination to satisfy your questions in your own mind? It's all fiction anyway, you might as well have the outcome be whatever you want it to be.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


Sonya/Eleanor might be a cliffhanger, a few of the other things you list would have been interesting things to see in season 3 but dont seem like cliffhangers.


The last episode had the aura of being a series finale as well as a season finale.

This was not seen as a final episode, this left many questions that should be answered in a third season.
I am saddened but not surprised, FX had this series totally ignored. As you may not promote the season finale, if I had not known that was the end of the season I would not have known.
I can not believe that FX will give another season Tyrant.


It is always so disappointing to me that quality shows like "The Bridge" and "Longmire" get cancelled, while shows like "Two and a Half Man" go on and on and on...


I am more upset that stupid shows like Big Brother, Survivor, and all the reality crap get renewals, but an awesome show like The Bridge gets cancelled after just 2 seasons.

Wonder is the seed of knowledge.🐈 


It's all about ratings, more people watch that junk, sadly.


I know. There is no accounting for taste.

Wonder is the seed of knowledge.🐈 


What, Longmire was canceled, too? 

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.



longmire isnt cancelled its going to netflix later this year

spectre can

suck it.


NO!!!!! Im gonna miss it I hate when this happens to shows.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


Bummer. It was on my "must see" list.

My "Kiss of Death" strikes again.

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU ... WILL ... ATONE!


Oh, so it's all YOUR fault, UncleRob! 

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.





sucky news.


Tyrant has more viewers? Hard to believe. I never missed Bridge, not one episode. Not a good move, FX.


do you think another company will take it on to finish off the story, maybe Netflix /Sky Atlantic ?


I somewhat liked the show but it never did live up to its potential. The Danish version was much more entertaining, intriguing.


did the Danish version have a proper ending then Venilaa ?
