MovieChat Forums > The Heat (2013) Discussion > Delete your post The Heat style!

Delete your post The Heat style!

This post was deleted because it couldn't find the captain's little girl balls.


This post has been deleted 'cause I'd kinda like to pet it and stuff.


This post was deleted because it has to drive the school bus tomorrow


$^&%* #$$%^ ^&%$#@@$%$&^ *#@$%& #$%&*^&

Get it? Because of all the cursing????



This post was deleted because it was riding the cotton pony


This post was deleted because I got it on eBay and it was supposed to be bigger and I'm going to bad feedback his ass.

Communism was just a red herring!


This post was deleted because it was 43 years old but looked 58.

This post was deleted because its Spanx didn't hold everything together.

This post was deleted because its head was slammed in a door 157,000 fking times.

This post was deleted because it looked a little pale.

This post was deleted because it was like an old dirty attic, full of broken Christmas lights and like doll shoes and *beep*

This post was deleted because it caught a MRSA infection.

This post was deleted because another one was much more better.

This post was deleted because it was balls deep in boredom.


This post was deleted because of an unnecessary tracheotomy at Denny's.


This post was deleted bc you threw me with a watermellon
