MovieChat Forums > The Magnificent Seven (2016) Discussion > Be either dumb fun or a drama...Stuck in...

Be either dumb fun or a drama...Stuck in middle with needless deaths

SPOILERS bigtime to follow...

For me, this film was stuck in the middle. Forget the original movie. I can't even remember it to be honest. I judged this incarnation on its own merit.

I've seen discussion calling this film a "Great Summer Popcorn Western Flick" and to a certain degree that was true. For most of the movie it wanted to be dumb popcorn fun. Quippy one-liners and crazy gun battles were the focus. Then, they pretty much ruin the tone that they set by killing off four of the seven brutally. During the movie, the viewer bonds in a fun shallow way with Pratt and D'Onofrio's characters. Seeing them both killed in torturous manners unsettles the popcorn so to speak. By the climax, a dumb shoot um up movie tried to turn in to a serious Clint Eastwood Unforgiven type western instantly. That was a poor choice IMO and part of why some word of mouth may not be stellar. Leave Pratt's character alive and have Ethan Hawke's character take out the Gatling gun. Would it have been less believable and less tragic? Sure but 75% of this movie was shallow cheese BEFORE the ending. Why change?


That said, I would still recommend this movie and could be talked in to rounding up to a 7/10 rating. A fitting number... but the movie isn't good enough to rate anything above that.


That's why I don't expect this movie to have legs. It was OK entertainment with a rather depressing ending. People don't run out and tell their friends to see movies that bum them out. It's as simple as that really.
