The Goodfellas Scene

Personally I loved the scene where DeNiro's character goes to watch a movie and they end up playing Goodfellas. I'm not quite sure why people have an issue with it, it was a small joke. There's also another scene in the movie earlier where DeNiro's character talks about Al Capone while he's holding a bat. A brilliant reference to his Capone character with the bat in The Untouchables.

It's not the greatest movie ever made, but it was decent and pretty funny.


I thought that was hilarious too! He was playing the role of Henry Hill in this one, sorta, in that he snitched.


Agreed. Most of those that are complaining can take comfort in the fact that they probably illegally downloaded it anyway.


He and Tommy Lee Jones played that quite well I thought. Right on the fine line between winking at the camera, and staying in the movie.

I didn't get the Untouchables reference. Thanks for that.

I choose to believe what I was programmed to believe


I didn't get the Untouchables reference until now either. I pictured the bat scene in the Untouchables when he grabs the bat but for some reason I pictured the real Al Capone doing that. That just solidifies how great deNiro was in that movie. He was Capone.


Indeed! Great goodfellas gag too


Yes those were funny hints and bad jokes: besides the executive Producer here was Martin Scorsese.

I also found the movie entertaining and not that bad, given the subject is from a novel that maybe doesn't excel in originality: a black comedy of sort.

