Casting. No Africans?

So, ok, here we are.
I'm African.

I never really mind that noon-Africans play most rules in most movies except when slaves or gangsta's are involved.

However, here we are, in Africa, with an African sorry annnnnnd no Africans.

If Proyas had cast this with fabulous Black actors and actresses (and there are many) and included one or two of the main white actors he'd have had a hit on his hands.

They'd have brought something to this of pride and meaning.

And flamboyance.

Before you react, think about it.
Outs an African film, in an African country, using African myth and mythology. No Africans.

So what are we watching?


By doesn't Egyptians, and Egypt gods in their mythology, resemble more to tge people from the middle east than they do with the people from the sub-sahara Africa...?


Ah no some are Berbers ( migrants) some are proper indigenous to the DNA highly similar to the Ethiopians ,Somalians etc.


The original Berbers inhabited Northern Algeria and frankly they clearly have heavy white admixture.

They likely descend from the Carthaginians, who descended from the Phoenicians. And if the busts of Hannibal and Hamilcar Barca are anything to go by the Carthaginians were white, at least comparable to the Greeks and Romans.


Stop spitting European nonsense. Real Egyptians themselves tell you they are black/African.

Their depictions in artwork and tombs are all black. Stop trying so hard to claim EVERYTHING on the planet when whites make up the smallest number of people on the planet. Just stop. It's pathetic and makes you look and sound like complete idiots.


Are you high? Actual Egyptians are some of the most racist people on the planet and will spit in your face if you suggest the ancient Egyptians were black.

There are painted murals depicting the Egyptians battling the black Nubians. The Nubians are obviously black and the Egyptians are depicted as multiple shades lighter, comparable to Greeks or Sicilians.


Ancient Egypt was a fractured state until unification same as ancient China. A lot of races/warlords, etc interacted and battle with each other before unification.

Black n I guess fair/white skin Pharaoh's reigned in Egypt. But it didn't matter in the end the Romans conquered them and from then on roman generals ran Egypt, Cleopatra was a daughter of a former Macedonian Greek general if I'm not mistaken. After the Egyptian kingdom basically abdicated their pharaoh lineage to the Greeks after Alexandria the great conquered them.

Of all the ancient world no nation-state survived without being defeated the Chinese were crushed by the mongols led by Genghis Khan. Who also defeated early Russia and parts of Europe.

This idealism that many blacks, whites and Asians today have of themselves in the ancient past is horribly mistaking.


A hit with black actors? Not a chance; nothing could have made this a good movie.


Where were you? The God of Knowledge -- not too convincing, was African. So, what are you complaining about?


He DID have his brain removed, though. A sad moment.


Despite all those black people in the film, and anyone who knows their sht will know that Blacks weren't/aren't exactly treated very well in Egypt.

-Join us-


Thats not is just a colour ..there are plenty of Egyptians of various hues .Their DNA is akin to the Ethiopians,Somalians etc.


Bored of the African cast discussion, no idea where this retardation came from.


Oh please. Even that eejit, Bonita Tindle, the black girl who wanted to cut off the Jewish kid's dreads hadn't even heard of Egypt and herself such a proud black woman. Seriously, you're a bore.


Now when you say you are African, are you African American? Because there ain't no such thing. Why would there be Africans in an Egypt film, especially one titled Gods of Egypt. When was the last time you saw a black Egyptian God and yes I'm busting your nuts. I like the way they go crack.


Oh *beep* off, im egyptian and i can tell you that the egyptians were. Not. Black. Nubians were, and sure you had a bunch in northern egypt, but egyptians were a lot more middle eastern, as in the sinai. So stop bitching about casting, whats wrong with having gerard butler? Nothing because hes a great actor! Same with nikolaj coster-waldau. Just go watch egyptian films, egypt has a thriving film industry you know. If you dont like hollywood casting, dont watch hollywood films


↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ this comment has win the day ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ i totally agreed, its a fantasy movie maded to entertained not to document any historical events nor there to share equality to blacks just because they cant get a decent roles in movies. I enjoy the movie very much, sure its not the best but surely its not racist nor its trying to be accurate on anything but fiction and entertainment.



Persian conquered Egypt as did the Arabs later on. Bringing in new inhabitants..

But this was much later...the only early known if not first foreign population in Egypt was Greek not middle eastern ppl who had a colony on the Nile in 700bc.

But Egypt itself has been conquered over and over so many times that everyone claims they were the original inhabitants.

One thing is certain the land of Nubia in 600ad and before was largely Christian. During the Arab-Byzantine wars Egypt was part of the eastern roman empire which the Arabs conquered then went on to invade Nubia and the rest of north Africa.

History gets murky when you have religious animosity clouding events.

But even ancient Egyptians lost control of their nation in 1800bc when the Hyksos settled in the Nile (immigrants from western asia) who eventually invaded and conquered the Canaanites (phenoecians,Israelites etc) settlement/realm within Egypt and the early Egyptian 13th dynasty so who knows...
